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Everything posted by ldhudsonjr

  1. That sounds like it could be kind of futuristic
  2. This has got to be one of the most popular words to throw around of this entire decade. I really do think it's weird when someone applies it to something like this. It's not that serious man, we're a bunch of eager enthusiasts desperately wanting someone to put up a goofy sign on a fence or something, it's gonna be ok. lol
  3. It was me, I was hoping they were trying to tell us something with these but according to @KIghostguy they've stocked those for a couple years now.
  4. I haven't been on it, nor did I claim to have been or make any comments on it's quality. You implied people don't complain about how short it is, and I'm saying that's not true.
  5. I have absolutely heard people complain about Leviathans length. It's notoriously short.
  6. @Maverick44 whats wrong with this thread? The way I see it this forum is verging on dead activity wise, why not allow threads to blossom and fail on their own? Personally I do think The Beast is a bit too rough. That ride needs some love. I've had some pretty good rides on it but I've also had some abysmal rides as well. When I go to the park with my wife we avoid it like the plague because it's almost always a day ender for her. I've been on it maybe 5 times this season and had one ride that was so terrible I almost swore it off completely. The thing is trimmed to hell, and the tracks really need some attention. After leaving the second lift hill and heading towards that shed it always feels to me like I'm about to be in a terrible accident, the thang needs work. Just my two cents.
  7. I mean honestly the Paramount days were probably worse than you remember. It was all cracked asphalt and broken theming. There's still work to be done but I feel like CF has really cleaned the place up.
  8. Honestly I feel like the park looks better than it has in a long time.
  9. Lol relax dude, you're at KI not on assignment LMAO
  10. I really do like the idea, but I hope they don't follow up a B&M Giga with another B&M model directly after. That park needs some variety in manufacturers.
  11. I'll definitely give that a shot next time I'm at the park.
  12. What nonsense...there's no way a computer that old could run Windows 10!
  13. Interesting answer. Why second to last?
  14. Oh nice! Good luck man, hope you get it!
  15. Again? Didn't that happen a few days ago as well?
  16. They are doing a great job maintaining all the potholes. I think they even went the extra mile and added a few new ones this year.
  17. I am curious though, what would we be hoping to learn from additional blue prints that we don't already know?
  18. I've been saying for days that they suck at teasing stuff and everyone's been dog piling me lol
  19. A couple of people went to get them the first time. One of them I know was @RuthlessAirtime, the other one will have to forgive me because I don't remember lol.
  20. LOL! That was really it? Just that sign on the fence that was there opening day?
  21. Eh, I don't know..I think it's a bit underrated personally.
  22. It valleyed the other day, probably related to that.
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