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The Interpreter

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Everything posted by The Interpreter

  1. The Meadville paper, which charges for access, claims the new Hotel Conneaut will honor reservations/deposits made with Park Restoration, the former operator. A. The park had said they would not. B. Depending on the bankruptcy resolution, there may not even be a Hotel Conneaut. I'd not be reserving there. For dozens of reasons in addition to those above. Caveat Emptor Maximus!
  2. Wouldn't P T Barnum or better yet D or B Kinzel be more appropriate?
  3. There's much here. Some real, some balderdash...soon to be very relevant--again, soon.
  4. ...not that I'm aware of. The park would rather sell Fast Lane....
  5. Carowinds? Terp, who likes to ask questions.
  6. They hope you wait and then cave. The longer you wait, the more you pay.
  7. But what faces off to Invertigo is color coordinated. Imagine that.
  8. Did the rezoning ever happen? This would seem to indicate yes: http://raycomgroup.worldnow.com/story/28401803/kings-island-resort-and-conference-center-being-torn-down?config=H264 Terp, who likes to ask questions.
  9. Park Restoration Seeks Stay On Release of Any Beach Club Insurance Proceeds Funds to Taxing Authorities: http://www.goerie.com/article/20160122/NEWS02/301229904/stay-sought-in-conneaut-lake-bankruptcy
  10. Safe? Since when? That's NOT what my physicians advise. And I've seen the physical reactions it causes many. The S is sodium...and the Government and medical community both strongly advise you limit your intake of same.
  11. Cole Slaw is gone. Instead: http://www.businessinsider.com/chick-fil-a-kale-salad-review-2016-1
  12. It can take 20 minutes to drive a mile around here. Or to walk. And chain restaurants are few and far between...for the most part.
  13. In DC, the proposed Chick-FIL-As are a mile apart--barely... Also, the breaded Chick-FIL-A chicken contains MSG. This was quite a shock to me. I will not be eating it again. McDonald's and Burger King are rare in the District--particularly the latter. Wendy's even more so.
  14. ...except Universal: films, screens, simulators.
  15. Given the scheduled mediation next Tuesday on the Conneaut Lake Park bankruptcy matter...
  16. Someone not very good with due diligence. After all, Natalie Koch & part of the Koch family bowed out due to the difficulties of dealing with only leased property and The Kentucky State Fair Board. Among what would turn out to be other reasons. Not to mention the total number of interested bidders excluding Hart & Co. this last time was...zero.
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