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Everything posted by Coasterteam

  1. I'm all for that last one... where do I sign that petition?
  2. Most are new cabanas according to the permits, if that's what you're referring too.
  3. I have fully archived this post as well, in case any site admins are pushed by Kings Island leadership to delete it. You can find it on various archiving sites like archive.org or by reaching out to me on other platforms (same username) where I can provide a link. If what you say is indeed true, then I feel terribly sorry that you had to go through that. Something tragic like that should not be kept hidden and quiet, it is a major event that requires transparency to show that the park even cares a little. Sure it's not fun to deal with but it's not something that you should be required to lie about when you know the actual truth.
  4. Can't help but notice... (assuming at least someone has it on their phone, can't really tweet on a computer with no power obviously, but someones gotta have it on mobile right??)
  5. Using Canada's Wonderland as an example, they sent out a coaster survey in 2023 with a few concepts. Most are speculating that it is a new launched roller coaster, unconfirmed of course. There is major construction at Wonder Mountain, with footers popping up recently so they are building something big. Given the timeline these projects take, like with Orion where it started in 2018, they take time. Seeing how Kings Island sent out their own surveys this year, they are very likely still in the planning stage. Who knows what the merger will do to progress, but there is at least something on the table after all.
  6. If you mean the new kids stuff, to the left of Mondo Monsoon (if you're looking towards it from the path)
  7. It even lists the additions price on that publicly-accessible city-governed web site, very interesting how much it costs! Lot of money for sure, don't always realize how expensive this stuff is. Update: The construction files are listed publicly alongside it too. Look at your own risk. Went through them, gonna be a great addition, very excited
  8. Some more close up photos too: (taken yesterday by a friend)
  9. I've heard some rumors, but nothing confirmed from the park. Rumors are still rumors, not saying them here. Hope everything is alright.
  10. May she get better soon! Today is an unfortunately terrible day for the park, so many big-ticket rides down. Hope anyone who went today is finding other things to do!
  11. :fingers_crossed: vekoma madhouse vekoma madhouse vekoma madhouse :fingers_crossed: (if you say it three times in the mirror it helps)
  12. KI Decoding 2025 beginning soon maybe...? Let's hope! My take on it though is it's less what coaster guests might want and more what elements those contain... Giga dive? Height. Tower coaster? Intensity. Family thrill? Themed but tame/fun coaster, i.e. Hagrids, Indoor/Outdoor? Another dark ride...
  13. Photo for those curious. Also, Hi KIC. (credit to Mario909 above)
  14. My initial concerns: - Dorney may be a Geauga Lake part 2 - Six Flags Kings Island / Six Flags Ohio / Six Flags Cedar Point… (don’t think they’d do this) - CF now will own another CGA… - Drop in quality across chain (already seeing this at Knotts to be honest) Some good things though: - Better FastLane system (FlashPass is pretty cool imo) - CF cleaning standards and maintenance upkeep across more parks There’s more but I’m not gonna write a block of text. Cheerio.
  15. I feel like parks are going to be more stagnant in changes. Who knows though? I just want KI to keep on chugging, that’s why I love it so much. Wild to wake up to this.
  16. Thanks for clearing it up! Wish you all the best in migrating everything.
  17. Photos in parts of the photo gallery on the main KICentral site have recently gone missing. Don't see any mention of this currently so going to make a post here so at least one other person can confirm it's not showing for them either. Attempting to view the individual files results in a 404. Just as a precaution I have attempted to access these through other devices, different networks, and different browsers. Steps to reproduce: Visit https://KICentral.com/photos/ Search for "Maps" or "Haunt 2018" or any of the other categories listed below (some more are impacted too) Open the photo gallery Try to see if the photos within them load properly Some categories have some photos, but most are inaccessible/missing. I do not know when this started occurring or if it is the result of some backend work, but better safe than sorry. Please correct me if this is just some temporary work! Nonetheless hope this can be fixed, don't want to lose some of this history.
  18. don't mean to fart on your pizza or anything but the park is only open evenings on Fridays going forward til end of Haunt. I don't recall them doing ERT for passholders on evening opens before?
  19. This looks so cute! Hopefully they can operate it fully jokes aside I love this coaster, kids are gonna love it! Glad to see CF working with Vekoma!!!
  20. Coming back from my grave to post this, so here's some fun stories of mine I've dealt with over the past couple of years. Sorry for the wordbomb, it's a lot. Incident #1: Middleman (representing a park official, don't know who specifically) reached out to me regarding a project of mine I had made public. No shade to the middleman if you know who you are, you're a cool person. Incident #2: Guess this one is more oriented towards the forum but it has relevance to the park too. When Coasterstock 2023 details were posted on the website, it was past knowledge to me that since it's on the website it's an "official source", so I thought posting it would've been fine. Nope! Alright, guess not then. Please update the KIC ToS as it's a little confusing. maybe it falls under the "Posting information that is not public record" rule? Define public record please. Got striked, won't elaborate on that, but very shortly after I was blocked on KI socials. I was unblocked a few days later, but that still stuck with me. I know I can be handful sometimes when I get excited over things but I only want to help and have a good time. It pains me, but that's that. I would love to interact with their socials and this site more but I'd rather watch from a distance. Shoutout to the two girls who took Kyles position after he moved to KD, they're doing a great job Haven't seen much mention of them here yet. Make sure to follow zpop7 (Elizabeth) on twitter, she's been doing a lot with the parks socials lately. I regretfully don't know the name of the other girl, sorry if you see this but you're doing great! Elizabeth was doing interviews with news stations over Grand Carnival if you didn't know. I have a lot of respect for Don, without him I don't know where the park would be. Sorry if this post comes across wrong, not my intention to spread hate or anything. Thanks for coming to my TED talk I guess. :wave:
  21. What if Tom & Chee moves to the now empty Chick-Fil-A building... that'd be neat.
  22. Glad you got a ticket this year, Indy! I will be attending Coasterstock for my second year, really excited!
  23. Tickets acquired, looking forward to it!
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