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Everything posted by Coasterteam

  1. That or it'll show up in Dons collection of KI artifacts
  2. Diamondback webcam just got a lot more interesting this off-season! Looking forward to see if it's the same paint job as the original or a different one. Curious if we're going to get a Beast re-paint with that red stained wood.
  3. Knowing Kings Island they likely lowered the original sign down gently and it’s being repainted or something behind closed doors. They wouldn’t just toss that…
  4. I mean I don’t really pay attention to the season passes page that often, it may have been for a bit, but when they first dropped and when I renewed in mid August, they were split up. I can’t confirm unless someone archived the page through way back machine.
  5. Pretty sure always? I don’t recall it ever being on the main season pass menu rather it’s own section. Five columns of text in one tab is a little crazy as well.
  6. Is anyone at the park tonight able to confirm if any construction on Adventure Port has started? Any walls up? Might be best to start a new thread to cover it up through opening day.
  7. I'd be very curious if they ever considered somehow "extending" the ride after the final lift hill, like going above and around the new area. Not likely at all but would be neat. Would likely mean they need to put the third train on the track because often the train leaves the station before the one on the course hits the brake run for a few seconds.
  8. It's really cool! I like watching the rides run when they do run. It's a fun way to pass time in the summer.
  9. I have some photos from night too, ' The park already looks so good too! So excited to see it with all the lights up! (these were from last night when the cams had just come back online)
  10. Was watching these for a while after they had gone down for a few hours yesterday before they came back online at night. Banshee linked cam is showing Planet Snoopy/Rivertown. Diamondback cam is showing more of Coney Mall. Forgot that Ohio is actually upside down! Silly Ohio... These cams also seem to be running either new software or are new cams because they seem visually better in some sense. Here's a comparison of the cams. Old Diamondback : New Diamondback: (image was flipped 180 degrees) Old Coney Mall: New Coney Mall: shift the coney mall camera to the left about 30 degrees... Fun little comparisons! Old photos were from a few days ago I had luckily saved for some reason.
  11. https://www.kingsdominion.com/blog/2022/the-rebirth-of-the-grizzly---part-2 Still no confirmation from the park on the people behind the refurbishment
  12. I went to Kentucky Kingdom and Kings Island this past season a few times. At KK they rarely ever use a ride mic to give a spiel or announce anything. I only heard a mic at Kentucky Flyers but it was rather disappointing. It's crazy how much the baseline interaction over the microphone to guests can liven up a ride platform. For my favorite crew though, it'd be between Beast, Diamondback, and Racer. I love the fun "trash-talk" blue/red racer ops give to the other side sometimes and the overall hyping "We're too fast for blue that we gotta wait on them AGAIN!" etc. I found nearly all ops would make jokes about other rides "Enjoy your ride on Orion!" when on Diamondback or something.
  13. I listened to this one last night when it dropped. It was a really cool perspective on the amusement industry! Would recommend giving it a listen! Matthews energy feels so contagious just listening to him!
  14. We might see Beast be painted this off-season. Hoping to see that red tinted wood come back
  15. If I'm not mistaken, blue side had one more additional hill retracked over Racer (either it was before the turnaround or the one after, can't exactly recall atm) but wonder if they're going to do that on the red side too. Really interested in all this work! So glad to see it. Looking forward to the additional intensity on the return run!
  16. Mapped it out a bit. (sourced from google maps, lightshot for editor) Green: Possible work (toss-up [unconfirmed]) Red: Known work (currently only one side thanks to the photo from the park) edit: shift red line forward a hill; the hill alongside KMAA is unknown atm
  17. Maybe next season unless we see/the park tells us otherwise. My guess is the helix would be fully redone if they did more work on Beast.
  18. Kings Island taunting us by not releasing a BLSC pin...
  19. https://www.kingsdominion.com/blog/2022/the-rebirth-of-the-grizzly---part-1 No confirmation on the group doing the work, so could be in-house as well mixed in.
  20. I think it did? I'm not positive.
  21. I've got a few. "International Restaurant Placemats" Before they began designing Beast they tried to "bribe" John Allen with a lot of alcohol. They hope was he would get super drunk and agree to the project. John did decline in the end, so clearly not enough alcohol, but he wrote down some equations on a placemat which they used while designing. "Sycamore Hollow" The area where The Beast has the second drop & the brake shed before the midcourse is called Sycamore Hollow [if I'm not mistaken!]. Spooky!!
  22. Not entirely related to AE; but KI apparently owns 4 FoF trains. Does anyone know if they just refurb 2 at a time and swap every so often or are 2 just used for parts for the other 2?
  23. Watching the video now, yeah darn that’s a lot of moving parts. Would be so cool.
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