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Everything posted by johnjniehaus

  1. The one and only ride at the park I can never seem to get on is Snoopy's Space Buggies. Only credit in the entire park I don't have now (excluding Soak City). The one time I had a kid (my little sister) they still turned me away because she "didn't need a supervising adult" despite us being the only people in line for the ride.
  2. Actually a scream n swing would look great in that spot. Could totally swing out and over the gift shop. I do wonder if it's too close to Delirium to have another swinging type ride though
  3. Interesting I checked it earlier today and it was still on there.
  4. I personally agree that Top Thrill Dragster was better than Kingda Ka however it's still hurts to see it go and even more so that great adventure has lost so many other rides the past two seasons
  5. For presidents day weekend I made a trip out to Vegas with my partner to get a couple rollercoaster credits during the rather frigid winter months. The Circus Circus hotel/casino is currently for sale so who knows if it's days are numbered considering that sometimes they completely renovate a hotel and sometimes they just knock it down and start over. Regardless it seemed like a good time to visit Vegas and we had a pretty good time. So first up was the Big Apple Coaster at New York New York. The only Togo left in the USA, this one runs premier trains similar to full throttle at Magic Mountain. The cost is $25 and $10 for a reride. You get a 20% if you buy a monorail ticket so we got to ride twice for $30. Still a rip off but hey cheaper than flying to Japan to ride a Togo. So seeming as king cobra closed before I was born, this was my first Togo and I had mixed feelings about it. In the back it definitely had some jarring transitions but the front rode much smoother. The first half of the ride with the three big drops, the loop, and the dive loop was amazing but the mid course and the rest of the ride becomes quite boring. Overall it's a cool ride but they shouldn't be charging that much money for it. However, it had a 30 min line so apparently it's still pretty popular. It's also worth noting that you must put all of your lose articles in a locker for this ride and the lockers cost an additional fee of $1 Adventuredome at Circus Circus was home to two coasters. The S&S El Loco was alot more fun than I was expecting it to be but unfortunately it was having constant downtime meaning we only go one ride in on it because it broke down 3 other times we tried to get a reride. Of course canyon blaster is the star of the show with its 4 inversions and helix through the mountain. Like most arrows it's smoother in the back rows but also gave me a prolonged grey out existing the first loop, through the second loop, and into the turnaround. Very good ride. Of course we rode some of the flats which aren't worth writing home about with the exception of the chance inverter which I believe is a pretty rare flat these days. I personally haven't seen one anywhere else so it was great to finally get to ride one. Adventuredome was priced at $60 which also seemed high for what it was however that must be a trend in Las Vegas.
  6. I have no source so I'm not calling it a done deal however we saw plenty of rides and coasters removed at the end of 2024 without a source so it wouldn't surprise me especially considering that paid attractions seem less and less popular with guests and the age of the sky coaster model can't be in its favor
  7. In my experience with Six Flags Great America, the park can be really packed! If you do not want to purchase a fast pass, you will need to arrive before the park opens to rope drop maxXforce otherwise forget it. Then immediately head to the left as most people go up the right side of the park towards raging bull and whizzer. As for Indiana Beach, I don't have any advice except for have fun! Some rides won't open right away but give them time and they will probably open later in the afternoon.
  8. Yes. I've asked ops for lights on for the last ride and they sometimes do it and sometimes don't. Actually the winterfest ops did it twice for me. During the normal season my experience is they say no or just ignore you. Yes I was able to go in during the ACE Spring Conference last year. Actually if you get a lights on ride, you can see some of the marked supports while you are stopped on the mid course break run. I believe they are on the left side of the train.
  9. Marineland needs so much work it's just insane. However if someone was going to actually invest in that park selling some of that expensive unused property is a good move. Marineland as it is now is one of the WORST parks I've ever been to with the exception of dragon Mountain and it's dedicated crew - they are too good for that park. I would hate to lose dragon Mountain but Marieland needs to tear down all those old aquariums that are awful living quarters for their animals. I don't profess to be any sort of animals rights activist but the exhibits those animals live in at that park is beyond sad. I'm shocked the Canadian government has just shut the entire place down
  10. Kings Island has posted pictures of FoF trains being prepared for the next season and also of The Bat trains being prepared too. I personally don't see Flight of Fear going anywhere. If you have ever gone into the bowl with the lights on, you can see the have replaced various supports and have them marked as to what still needs done vs what has already been replaced. Seems to be that it runs a bit rougher than it once did but I think they are trying to keep it around. I worry about The Bat more especially with it's more remote location - I think it would be missed less by the GP than FoF would be. However, every time The Bat seems to have an issue KI is always on it and gets it running again so I've been surprised before.
  11. I personally would not be opposed to a straddle coaster like the one at BGW. I thought was a really fun family ride. However, I would rather see it go into the tomb raider building and possibly reuse some of those sets. Imagine whizzing past the goddess on a straddle coaster? Sounds pretty good and the que theming is still solid in there too.
  12. Sounds like a bad deal all the way around. First Lakemont, then marineland and now Playland?! Hopefully they can resolve whatever the issue is and get the park back open
  13. Wasn't Orion marketed as a family giga coaster? Mystic Timbers was a family woodie. I think the last addition we received that wasn't marketed to families was Banshee and that was over 10 years ago. Just slap family on it and they will come I think is the new marketing moto
  14. I don't think it was meant to be cloned but if done properly I would not mind to see it cloned at other parks. However, parks like KD or Carowinds won't have the memories or nostalgia that KI fans have of the ride
  15. https://www.coaster101.com/2025/01/22/mightier-canadian-minebuster-canadas-wonderland/ I'm happy to see Minebuster getting some much needed love and attention during the off season. I rode it in 2023 and it was definitely riding rough but the layout was great! I'd love to see them restore the original set of hills that was removed supposedly to make room for the water park. I'm not holding my breath though. Regardless it should be smoother and more enjoyable when they finish with it.
  16. That's the issue/trick with innovation is you have to find a park to buy the ride ...
  17. To me personally, X-Flight at Six Flags Great America has the worst vibration of any B&M coaster I've ridden provided I haven't ridden iron menace. Firebird at Six Flags America beats the crap out of your ears so I wouldn't even call that a rattle but rather an ear basher. By far the worst B&M I've ridden.
  18. B&M - they are a great manufacturer but at what point do they fall into the trap arrow did where every park already has one? 10 years ago I was excited about B&M but these days, their rides are still good and reliable but they are not pushing the boundaries in the unique experience department. The trend of these B&M family coasters, reminds me of when arrow decided they wanted to build wild mice....
  19. It would be a shame to remove the rapids ride because it was one of the best of it's kind in my opinion. Rode that more than some of the coasters during my visits. I understand rides must be removed for the future expansion of the park but announcements beforehand is always appreciated.
  20. I started a thread last year titled "2024 Bucket List Parks" and we had some fun discussing our various trip plans and different parks we want to try to travel to. So here's a new forum for 2025 Bucket List Parks. Where does everyone want to go? What rides do you want to ride? Has the merger affected your travel plans due to having more parks included with all park passport? Have the recent ride closures across the chain affected your plans to visit certain parks? I'm just interested what everyone else is anticipating for this year My current trip plans: Feb: Las Vegas (Bucket List: Big Apple Coaster) Mar: Orlando - Sea World, Fun Spots, & BGT (Bucket List: Iron Gwazi seeing as it was closed during my 2023 visit) April: Carowinds, SFOG, Fun Spot Atlanta (Bucket List: Arieaforce One) May: ACE Spring Conference Virginia (Bucket List: Rapterra) June: Holiday World/KY Kingdom (no bucket list rides just wanna get back to those parks) July: Missouri Parks - SFSL, WoF, SDC (Silver Dollar City has been a bucket list park for me for 3 years now and I never seem to get out there) Aug: Six Flags Over TX (might not make it down there but I wanna ride shockwave again. I have heard the swirling rumors about it's end being near and I also spoke to someone who said ACE might be presenting it with a Landmark plaque this year however we know that doesn't always mean a Park still won't close the ride) Sept: California Great America/SFDK (Bucket List CGA - Berserker, Orbit, and Centrifuge - gimme those classic Schwarzkopf flats!) Oct: Universal Trip (Bucket List: Epic Universe) Nov: Magic Mountain/Knott's (Bucket List: Montezuma's Revenge - which will hopefully be open by then.... hopefully)
  21. Hey that's a cool piece of information. Thanks for sharing
  22. WindSeeker will be removed in the next 5 years Our next major coaster will be manufactured by Vekoma
  23. I might try and go to coasterstock however after the ACE Spring Conference, I'm not sure if there's much at the park I haven't seen in terms of BTS tours they offer Now if it's trimless night rides on The Beast? Count me in!!
  24. Actually now that I think about it, has Kings Dominion made a formal announcement yet about anaconda or have all the news articles just been going off of the public knowledge of demo permits? Does anyone know if KD has made a formal statement concerning their closures like Carowinds did or have they been waiting until after winterfest ends to announce anaconda and berserker closures?
  25. At this point nothing this chain does makes sense to me. You just announced anaconda closure so why didn't you announce the berserker closure at the same time if that is the current plan? Seems like they are purposely not allowing anyone to have final rides now.
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