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Captain Nemo

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Everything posted by Captain Nemo

  1. I'm sure the park will give us a set date on SOB's opening. I am just as excited to ride it again! The Camera: I myself have and own 3 ORP's of me on SOB. I can see why a different location would be justifiable. But I don't think an ORP at any point after that would be a pleasant photo.
  2. While the news that happened at Six Flags was tragic, I remember and you should to that... You have a million times more of a chance getting hurt driving to an amusement park than getting hurt in one.
  3. You obviously never rode TRTR when I was working!
  4. He should take a trip to Holiday World. I for one LOVE Panda Express food, I find it very delicious, just don't eat that kind of food before a coaster... bad news.
  5. To add on to what Marcia said... like all parks, cups of water is free. I also learned from BoddaH1994 that drinking Carbonated drinks do not hydrate the body, "They are diuretics and actually dry out the body by depleting cells of water"
  6. That a very cool new feature. Just goes to show that Google is taking over the internet! I can look for new angles now to help me when taking my Aerials.
  7. You really cant tell, it will not be as long as it would be on a weekend so don't expect a line over 3 hours. Don't take my word though because things can change. When I worked at the park there was a day when there was a downpour we hit capacity.
  8. Only downside about Maverick were the restraints, they really rough up the shoulders.
  9. Cant agree more Dane, the queue music is the greatest I have heard! But the first part of the video is just Maverick... IMHO I love Dragster and Maverick... I don't play favorites, unless the coaster is really bad.
  10. Well, like most new rides, everyone flocks to the new ride. I call it "The running of the bulls". The day it opened I along with Zoso and RZ got to the park at 9:15 and still had to wait a good hour to get on the ride once it opened. The best time to get to the ride is in the morning. Either way I think Firehawk is worth any wait time. Have fun!
  11. Uncle Henry lets not be mean, I'm doing sit ups in my ORP! BTW here is the picture you were asking for Hendrick.
  12. This belongs is "rumors". Moved.
  13. Gabriel (Captain Nemo) Bill (ZosoBeast) Robby (CoastersRZ) Brad (Uncle Henry) Oh, and look at Bill Demonic eyes!
  14. Thanks for putting me in the vid, everyone has to know how that worker walked
  15. I arrived at FH line at 10:00 this morning and waited a good 4-5 hours before getting on. I was like all the rest who got off the ride, I said "It was worth it!"
  16. Well it is good that they took every shot of the loop out. We as coaster people may not find SOB as a major coaster everyone flocks to but we are very wrong. They can't advertise a coaster with an element missing.
  17. The way I do it is upload them to my Facebook, save them to my computer then host them on the net.
  18. It was a great day to get in the park. I joined a friend at 7PM in the park. We had only two hours before it closed. We rode Face/Off, Drop Zone, Adventure Express, Vortex, Flight of Fear, watched them cycle Firehawk once (That thing is fast!), Vortex, Tomb Raider, and Beast at least 5 times. Also some good news, the FoF sign under racer is gone and is now... Yeah, this is from a phone camera, a better resolution will be up sometime.
  19. Maybe they will sell the track at next winter soar! I have no fear Maverick will still have some sidewinding!
  20. As a friend of mine said to me on AIM today... I have no doubt it will still be a great ride. While the heartline roll added much hype, Maverick still has plenty of other great surprises.
  21. You are one very lucky guy, and at the same time I pity you. Why would I pity you... because I can see the line for Firehawk just like how the FoF line was 10 years ago. By the end of this summer your going to be beat, but hey I was going to pick Firehawk as my first choice anyway if I was able to return.
  22. These polls are the ones I like... they make me really think! I would have to say the Tower, that way I could refect on all the rides.
  23. Holiday World is the one place I keep talking about, but the one place I have not gone to. The Concept art is pretty cool, the slide looks huge, and tall! I am happy with what Holiday Would has done with the Waterpark.
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