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Everything posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. Glad the elephant will make a full recovery. Had the elephant been armed, of course, the shooter might have thought twice.... Clip clop clip clop clip clop ker-slam...
  2. There was once a rumor that Tom Hanks appeared on Cincinnati television news, in his "Forrest Gump" character, to announce Bubba Gump Shrimp Shack ten years ago. (Turns out to be only partially true; there was such a "Gump" appearance, but it was not Tom Hanks.)
  3. You saw two flat rides in the grassy area? Was there a shadowy figure in a coat and hat, standing on a concrete platform, using an 8mm home movie camera, too?
  4. Excellent sky video! Jeez It looks like a tornado went through there!
  5. Be on the lookout for a darkly-tanned man in a cheap hoodie, last seen carrying a container full of biscuits and gravy.....
  6. My father took my mom and her friends to a special, summertime event there in the late 50's or early 60's, to see Dick Clark, who was travelling that year with the American Idol of the day, one Edd "Kookie" Byrnes from a television show called "77 Sunset Strip." I can only imagine a parking lot full of DeSotos, Chevies and Studebakers packed onto that parking lot as throngs of beehived teen girls in bling-encrusted, horn-rimmed glasses gleefully descend upon that storied park during its hayday. It's just as much an echo as any 1980s trip I can remember. Long live Lesordsville!~
  7. Gandalf, the White? Seriously, though, I was away during the years Lesourdsville/Americana faded away. I remember two trips back in the 80s, when they had "Hercules, the World's Largest Pinball Game" in the arcade, and riding the Electric Rainbow many, many times. When I hear the Queen song "It's a Kind of Magic," which was a big hit that summer, it takes me back to that park and its very-much alive self. There were radio commercials that sang ♫The Rage of the Summer is Raging Thunder at America-naaaaa!♫ for the fun little log flume they acquired that year (1986). I might have said this already on here a few hundred posts ago...I dunno. but still, it's sad to see it gone.
  8. Your Cincinnati shots remind me of classic "Sim City!" Great pictures!
  9. ...or was that a pastry shop? Yes, that's it. It was a KIC pastry shop.
  10. Confused a bit. Sorry. I meant it would be cool to see a KIC Souvenir Shop, with your logo on a sign hanging over the door.
  11. Just a thought, and I'm no expert in what it would take to bring it together and all, but I can vividly imagine your logo as a sign, hanging over a small "storefront" on International Street or Coney Mall... again, just a thought.
  12. Great point! When Kings Island was first opened, and for a couple years thereafter it kinda wasn't. [cue banjos] "It was about a 3-mile country drive from the good ol' Mason Township line, on out past the Sohio gas station a piece, through the Gene Tucker bean farm and across "Freeway 71," unless o'course you took the hilly, shoulderless Western Row, which was a roller coaster in its own right depending on how fast you was a goin'. Then it was just a hop, skip and a jump." -Tb, fifth-generation Masonian
  13. It slimed me. Literally, the LIM launch knocked the wind out of me in an embarrassing fashion that made me glad the ride is 1. enclosed and 2. dark!
  14. They days are gettin' longer it won't be long, won't be long 'til summer comes...

  15. I love your awesome design! It has an almost "Nike" quality to it (as in, world-class). I'd love to see it on a gray XLT tee.
  16. Why do I keep getting a 404 error?

  17. Ugh. More taxes, eh? You know, there aren't enough asterisks to mask how I feel about just about every American politican right now.
  18. You'd have to be a TV star, or a "family" of TV stars to pull that off. At least in the 1970s, methinks.
  19. As a kid, I really thought that it was neat. (I also, for a little bit, believed that the HB cartoons somehow really came from that building (they used to play the theme songs from the Jetsons, Flintstones, Scooby Doo, etc. over loudspeakers attached to the exterior of the building.) I asked my mom if it was true, and she said "No, honey, they're made way out in California." Still loved the illusion, though! )
  20. You're right! I was like "Paramount, really? You couldn't find a prop from your 1,300 other films to put there? C'mon!"
  21. I'm only playing around with the "Diversion" thing... I know nothing!

  22. I had a dream once, after watching "Johnny Dangerously," that BLSC was themed 1930's Chicago, with Capone-era cars (including the police cars), and the ride ops decked out in pin stripes and Fedoras. ...too much?
  23. At least it seems he contemplated jumping onto the car. The counterweight is not your friend.
  24. When the webcam is up and running, someone is. (and, sometimes, maybe more than just one...) [cue eerie Theremin music]
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