I know I've mentioned this before, but I wish I'd seen this, or at least paid close attention to the people in the video before the day I ran media for a business meeting at the Garfield Suites a couple years ago! By chance I stopped for a moment in between setting up the meeting rooms to look at a picture of the Island Queen, which was on the wall outside this gentleman's office on the second floor.
He came out and struck up a conversation about it with me. In my narcissistic, "know-it-all" way I spent about 20 minutes of the gentleman's time spewing how much I knew about that boat, and Coney Island, and even about Cincinnati. I don't think I said a word about my freakin' favorite place on the planet, Kings Island. Oh, no, not once did I say anything about it. I just had to try and sound like a Coney historian to this guy, who was all the while smiling in a way that seemed to conceal something.
Turns out he was the second man you see in the video. Gary Wachs. THE flippin' CREATOR of Kings Island . Oh, the conversation I coulda had! Oy.