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Everything posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. Oy! No one should ever have to apologize for being bold... underlined maybe but not bold.
  2. Trust your instincts. If someone creeps you out, shields up! It's okay to inform authorities about someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. They'll use their professional training and skill to observe and, if necessary, engage the individual appropriately.
  3. Dang! For real, I just threw away a 2008 map while cleaning the house yesterday (not kidding). It had a lot of Nickelodeon imagery, as well as a dude wearing old-school, fluorescent pink-and-yellow flower shorts and a lime-green speedo (?) shirt, I dunno, surfing I guess? Anyway, I literally thought, "Why keep this, I can just print one out if I want to be nostalgic..." True story I swear.
  4. Well, if you're wearing a certain bracelet, they're pretty darn inaccurate!
  5. Ding Ding... Jus' sayin' Parody: used as visual expression of opinion. No harm intended.
  6. Very good and vivid trip report! Sounds like you had a great time!
  7. Diamondback has been well worth the anticipation and speculation, even some of the the way-overblown expectations here and there. I'd do something with the color of the splashdown, though, but still, here 5 years later, DB lives up to the hype.
  8. Have an awesome time! Beware, though, that Chariots of Fire theme might clash with Maroon 5 as you get closer to the gate here
  9. Still too much dirt, too little steel.
  10. Well, of course it closed down... look at those lousy food prices at 5:00 Very creepy and addictive to watch. May I never live to see KI this way.
  11. Awesome report! You seem to have discovered both of Eiffel Tower's great benefits - the ability to scope the layout, and that amazing breeze! Welcome!
  12. Some off-the-wall decoding. I ran "Snickers Bar" through an online anagram generator. Here are some results, and some fun speculation surrounding them... Cranes Brisk Will it be during the brisk, autumn days, when the cranes are in place, that we'll get the announcement? Races Brinks An armored-car, racing steel coaster? Or will the new ride come to the brink of "touching" The Racer? Acres Brinks Will the ride cover so much land, that it would take a Brinks truck full of money to pay for the construction? Scares Brink Maybe the ride brings you to the brink of a huge drop, and holds you there while the building anticipation scares riders? I'd go on, but the dang thing came up with a lot more, and most of them are even more of a stretch.
  13. That's one of the chief reasons I left Facebook altogether. I can't quite articulate why, but I think there's something insideous about global social media. I'll stick with the few sites like this one, where a relative few people come to discuss common interests in a well-moderated, focused forum.
  14. It's still a great country! One is free to say whatever they want, and everyone else is free to ignore them.
  15. Well, whatever it is, I hope it's enough to finally stop this scenario from ever happening again: ME (I SOUND LIKE SETH ROGEN): "I like going to Kings Island; it's my favorite park." TYPICAL OTHER PERSON: "You haven't been to Cedar Point, have you?... [Other person's voice suddenly begins to slow down and become echoey to me]: "It's it's it's way way way better better better than than than Kings Kings Kings Island Island Island!" Sigh. I hope whatever they're building can help make it stop.
  16. What about some of the mysterious names that pop up in the "X users reading this topic" gadget at the bottom everytime I start a new topic. They are the same names always, and they appear for about 10 minutes, and I never see them again until I create another post. I wonder if these people are admins and/or mods? Thoughts, Pedro? Anyone?
  17. EDIT - Man, you gotta be quick on this thread...
  18. I've noticed that, especially at value chains like Aldi or Save a Lot. Cheerios boxes are a good example of this. I'm sure there are strict, carefully-worded agreements in place that benefit all parties fairly to allow these products to look so much like the "national" brands.
  19. There have been times where I think I see spam, but it turns out to be an ambiguous phrase for a title. Case in point: Once there was a thread called "Mirth Mobile." I thought it was spam for another startup cell phone company. Turned out to be about the "Waynes World" car being on display. Still, we have a lot of good, watchful people on this site who know what to watch out for.
  20. You're right, Terpy. Upon further review: I was wrong... neither "fair use" nor "parody" can be applied to this case, because the smaller company is obviously, actively profiting from its product, and it appears to have almost an identical trade dress to the plaintiff's. "Estoppel" is out the window because the alleged infringement is happening presently. I guess the only thing left would be "who has the burden of proof" that the infringement was intentional; that is, unless the nature of infringement is one that requires no proof of "intent." -Tb, who is not a lawyer, nor plays one on tv...
  21. Well, depending on the affirmative defenses in UDF's answer, especially whether Wendy's has sufficiently mitigated its damages over the last 8 years, I, for one, Sense a dismissal...
  22. Well, it beats "Void Filler."
  23. Have you walked through Nightmare Alley/Freak Street? I prefer to call it Lasik Alley, what with all those lasers pointed at my face. So, yeah. I do think they're a bit "ho-hum" . . . possibly even dangerous in this context. I haven't. I suppose you're right. I was thinking more along the lines of projecting the images/patterns away from the crowds, onto the trees, etc., but at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter. LMFAO @ "Lasik Alley," though.
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