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Everything posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. They could, but that would be the dumbest lawsuit ever filed Have you read the one about the guy who sued (Paramount's) Kings Island because they didn't warn him that lightning could strike in the parking lot? http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/9389-lightening-strike-law-suit/
  2. The Eiffel Tower as an observation platform. I feel like it's getting close to retiring to the status of "scenery," which if it happened, it would kill much of the depth of the park for me. I don't think it will happen, at least anytime soon, so I'll enjoy it as much as I can while it lasts (as I did the Flyers, 'Tiques, SDATHC, Action Theater, Festhaus Clock, The Grand Carousel Band Organ, Tumblebug, Skylab, Tomb Raider, HBL, Bayern Kurve, Skyride, Backwards Racer,................
  3. I think it will take a really huge Bat to knock Flight Deck out of the park.
  4. The more I've thought about it, the funnier it gets... Don: Ladies and Gentlemen, Kings Island is proud to announce our new attraction for 2014, "The [loud thunder interrupts]..." .... "Well, how 'bout that?... Once again, ladies and gentlemen, announcing the new [[[boom! Crackle crackle!]]]..." .... "Ah-ha. Yes. Okay. One more time. Let's give it up for our new ride, the b-[[[Crack-ack-ack-ack Rumble,rumble rumble!]]] .... "Ladiesandgentlenournewrideiscalledtheba-[[[Crackle-kaboom!]]]..."Oh, come on!"
  5. Perhaps a little thunder and lightning will add to the ambiance of the event....
  6. Ooh! Do we get star-spangled stockings?
  7. Brilliant, RailRider! That makes so much sense it's not even funny! The only thing that could replace The Bat would be.......... Flight Deck. Now I understand 'Diversion."
  8. Oh, it's not hard to come up with convincing fakes. It doesn't really take that long, either, if you know where to get the right materials. EDIT: Sorry for the double post; 1 out of 3,000 isn't too bad
  9. Only 460 feet longer than Firehawk, eh? Well, I guess FastLane'll have to be an option next year
  10. If that's really the artwork for the new attraction, then I'll be a Banshee's uncle!
  11. that's because those drawings are not meant to show the coaster or any of the supports, its mearly for the footers. The coaster is drawin in lightly as a single line as a point of reference, its intended to blend into the background so it doesn't clutter up the footers that the plan is intending. That is a fairly common practice in construction. Show heavily the stuff that you are responsible, lighten up everything else so people know what they are responsible for. Drawing even states that its shown for reference only. That makes sense. Thank you.
  12. It's hard not to notice that the new ride is drawn really thin, like just a single line, while the other coasters seem to have more "meat" to their drawings. Just sayin'.
  13. Someone ought to bring a portable stereo, with 2 MP3s ready to play out loud. 1. "Celebration" by Kool And The Gang; or 2. That tuba-heavy, descending "You Lose!" fanfare from "The Price is Right." "♫ Dun-dun-da-dun, BLLLaaaaaiiiiirrrrrr! ♫"
  14. I've only ever ridden the best coasters, so this qualifies as the "worst of the best" in my opinion: Flight of Fear. I mean it's a cool concept, and the launch is fun (to watch), but not being able to see where I'm going is something I'm not much of a fan of, so I've never been able to enjoy the experience. It's one I've ridden so that I could say I rode it. One time. 2004. That is all.
  15. The Beast, forever. When in Maine, it's Excalibur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excalibur_(Funtown_Splashtown_USA)
  16. I think it's all tongue-in-cheek. It's kind of fun to see how long different people have been on here, etc., but what's in a name? In the air force, some friends and I wondered why different ranks were called what they were called (we'd eventually learn, but it was fun coming up with our own names for ranks)... Starry Dude, Really Starry Dude, Starry Dude Supreme, Bird Man, etc. Of course, my lack of kitchen experience proves that we never said any of those out loud...
  17. Who's this Hume Adborough everyone keeps talking about? Anyways, I haven't seen this much attention paid to one object at one location since Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into Jupiter! I might stop off for some popcorn on my way over to Action Zone that night.
  18. Cool! Will you try and get the exact settings each time, so we can see an amazing, progressive time-lapse?
  19. I actually did a double-take when I read the post title. I'm like "What did Americana do to ruin a video?"
  20. The plot thickens. I wonder what "Kings Island" being sideways on the blueprint means... hmmmmm? Some interesting occurrances happening here.
  21. I think "The Flintstones" was well out of first run by the time KI opened; at least the "Honeymooners"-style, prime-time shows.
  22. [Yawn... stretch...] What's this? Sacrifices? Virgins? Man, you fall asleep for a few hours, dreaming of blue prints and tv exposure, and wake up to tombstones and rituals? Oy!
  23. I've woken from my light slumber to say I just had a dream the ride is revealed as "Zombeast!" But that's how the sleepy brain works. Ima sip some jasmine tea now. Ahhhh. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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