If you mean this, it's a radio tower:
Lots more info at http://www.necrat.us/wlw.html if interested.
Oh, no. But I've always loved seeing the lights of the ol' Blaw-Knox Blaster, letting me know that I was just a few miles from my beloved hometown! (My dad moved us to suburban Detroit (yes, there is a SUB-urban Detroit XD) for a few years when I was a kid, and all of the special road trips down to see the relatives included a day at KI!) We'd stay at my uncle's house, which was on E. Circle, which meant this beauty was right past his back yard. The first time I realized how monstrously huge it was, I was like this:
Anyway, back before all the sprawl and development, you could see the WLW tower, the VOA towers, and off in the distance, the sparkling little green jewel that was (and is) the Eiffel Tower from I-75. It was like a grand gateway to home.
The "Imposter" I'm referring to is a gray cell tower that is to the direct south-west of the park, and it's about 250' tall with a white flashing beacon on top. It kind of blends in visually with the colorful attractions of BB, and almost looks like a 'Parachute' ride tower (like the ones in classic 'boardwalk' pictures).