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Everything posted by Hank

  1. Just wait - there will be more stuff added back there and then the long walk will not just be for one attraction.
  2. I've asked before, and I'd still like to know.....how do they inspect the integrity of the steel track on steel coasters? There is no walk way on those machines like there is on most of a wooden coaster, and I would be hard pressed to believe that the entire circuit is x-rayed each day. If anyone out there KNOWS FOR SURE how these inspections are done, please post a reply.
  3. I call your attention to the following.... http://rcdb.com/r.htm?ot=2&cs=278
  4. TOS on this site wouldn't let me type "cat's ass"!!!!!
  5. I'm totally disabled. I have a Golden Buckeye card. This year I can't ride on anything rougher than the Eiffel Tower. I can't even go in the wave pool. I'd like to go to the park, walk around, and see the shows - maybe even meet up with other KIC members. I really shouldn't have to pay full price for admission. Plus, I will either use my walker (which has a seat) or bring my own motor cart. However...... When I am able to ride everything, having the walker or motor cart gets me in through the exits - and before you think "Oh gee, that's cool" you'd be surprised and the looks I get from people because I didn't have to wait in the queue - especially when the ride ops go to seat us and the other guests have been shuffling through their lines to make sure their entire party rides at the same time. Those looks can and do haunt you!
  6. Back on topic.... I think this Mystic Manor attraction is just the cat's pajamas. The effects are stunning - and that's just from what I saw on the video. I'd love to actually go there - but then, Cedar Point is only an hour away and I can't afford that, so a Hong Kong trip is out of the question. I wonder.....did Mr. Q. have anything to do with this ride or was he strictly working in Florida?
  7. Nice job with the report & pictures! I should hire you to be our personal guide & photographer next time we go down there.
  8. I always liked Shirley Jones because of her roles in Oklahoma, Carousel, and The Music Man. As for who's the cooler mom - they're both such plastic characters that if either of them ever got hot, they'd melt.
  9. Stuff on the far right side of the map - the water park - has been jiggled around too!
  10. You mean they moved Flight Deck? WOW! I thought they were gonna use that space for future expansion. (lol)
  11. Hank


    I have extremely sensitive hearing (and perfect pitch, if I may add) and I can't take much of that blaring music being played throughout the park. None of that music seems to fit with any kind of "theme" and none of it, except the ads, has anything to do with King's Island. Workers in the game booths shouting over the mic, trying to attract customers, bothers me too.
  12. Do you just want to go with a silk-screened 3xL or would you like me to do a digital print on a 3xL-Tall? The 3X will be fine - I also need a large.
  13. I vote for a wooden coaster - it's about time we get a new one, even if it's a plug 'n play, or a wood/steel combo. However - if we're strictly talking about filling the space of SOB, I truly believe that area should be used to enlarge the park with several rides, concession stands, maybe even an enclosed/dark wild mouse (the air conditioning would be a welcomed relief on those scorching hot days). You see - a coaster takes up a lot of space, but most of that space is wasted - only the track and supports are using valuable ground. So, a new coaster could really go just about anywhere as it's customized to the park.
  14. Welcome. Terms of Endearment should be looked at - they will help with editing your posts so no one complains! DB is a good coaster - I do find it a bit rough in the back seats. That other ride you speak of.....I always bring a brown paper bag with me when I ride it for use when I get off of it. My mind loves it, my tummy doesn't. Enjoy your time here - lots of super folks!
  15. Hank

    May 3rd

    Have "we met" before? Just kidding! Welcome and enjoy - there's lots of wonderful, good, caring, and true friends here.
  16. That is correct - but someday, some company will design a racing coaster with one side going backwards, and they'll brag like it's totally new concept that they thought of - forgetting poor King's Island and the coaster that re-ignited the interest in coasters, and the times once side of it traveled in reverse.
  17. I need a 3XL - Tall, if possible. I like white, but the other colors are fine.
  18. Hank


    I would love to see some Q-met (Quimet) technology!
  19. Hank


    Now that Mr. Quimet is on board, and given his time at Disney, do any of you feel that there will be more theming at KI... 1) As a park 2) On individual rides ? I am hopeful that some of the strategies that will emanate from this man will help to make the park a little less helter skelter.
  20. Disney "imagineers" should invent a ride called "Fast Pass" - and then every other theme park will copy the idea. Oh - wait! This has been done already! darn!
  21. http://news.yahoo.com/6-rejected-disney-theme-park-rides-201500770.html
  22. This was in out local newspaper today.... http://www.toledoblade.com/business/2013/04/06/New-roller-coaster-on-fast-track-for-Sandusky-bound-thrill-seekers.html
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