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Gordon Bombay

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Everything posted by Gordon Bombay

  1. Do people not remember to search before starting topics anymore? Geeze come on people!
  2. The answer to the equation is 7 *rolls eyes sarcastically* and no matter how you look at it, a 600 ft gyro drop is not going to be put in no matter how the math is performed. Whether your a dictionary throwing ACER or a starfleet captain.
  3. I agree with the restauraunt closure, but if its not making money, then there wasting money running it, and amusement parks take a good deal amount of money to run, so if you look at it from a business standpoint they needed to do that in their eyes to save money. They had just aqquired 5 parks and thats not cheap. Eliminating Beer sales, lost money, but should happen at a 'family' park or be enforced better, ive seen way too many fights and drunken idiots at the park in my time of service there. Live entertainment decline? Nick charecters still roam the park, Paramount Theatre has had fantastic shows since Paramoutn took over that showed about 4-5 times daily depending on the show and day during the regular season. Death of Landscaping, PKI still has a ton of natural trees all over the park shading the midways, and won atleast two awards for landscaping this year that I noticed the ceremonies for on my way to work. Theming gone to s**t.......that was never a strong point any ways but the organization and lack of communication and not one designated "theme" department to organize upkeep contributes to that. Themed uniforms missing? Well, it was found in surveys that guests didnt like the themed uniforms because it made it harder to find employess and many workers claimed they werent very comfortable in the heat with them, especially women who had to wear the Top Gun jumpsuits or the FOF government uniforms. So why keep themed uniforms when that arent doing anything for anybody when you can dress your entire workforce in a code of uniform and make them look decent. Removal of Wild Animal Habitat.....popular yes......yet has huge liability and insurance costs and took up a lot of room, plus the local governemnet wasnt happy about it being there with the expansion of suburbs in the surrounding area. Slow moderate rides being removed? Taxi and eagles to name.......two. Rising gas prices and high upkeep for the taxis and the eagles......well thats just a bunch of crap especially since IJ didnt touch that spot (I was in the newspaper complaining about their removal) Yet, did Paramount throw them in the scrap pile? Nope, they continues to use them, although at a different park. Timberwold used 3 or 4 times this season? Try about 15-20 times, with concerts ( a few of them all day concert events), cheerleading competitions, and other events throughout the summer. WInterfest? Wasnt making enough profit, paramount had to make business decisions to spread money throughout the park elsewhere and now its coming back. Point: Paramount has done more for the park than any past owner and made it for profitable and well known. Its turned out to be a darn good park.
  4. Wanna make a bet?! ...You are correct however Amblin Entertainment holds the rights to War of The Worlds and Amblin often gives the rights to Universal before any other movie studio. Sadly I dont foresee any attractions being themed to The Core or SkyCaptain. But yeah I dont think Avatar is gonna be a Disk-O sad but true. Not that Im calling you a liar, cause I know you know a good deal of info, but, there arent any articles and all I was referring to was that how some people think that just becuase there was a concept for an AF restauraunt in a recent survey that, that means theres going to be an AF coaster next year.
  5. Are you sure the Hannah Barbera carousel is going to be open?
  6. The food in Wings (besides montgomery inn) is the same food served throughout the other park locations at the same price.
  7. ^thats a good question. Was it supposed to be called vampire or vampire bat and changed because it sounded to sinister?
  8. I also heard the name "Swoop!" mentioned as a rumored name for the coaster-that -became-Top Gun... The whole "bird of prey" theme would have fit in nicely in the whole "safari" themed area. (It certainly made a lot more sense than "Top Gun" did in the safari theme ) Actually it was going to be called "Thunder Run" and thats a fact.
  9. Stop breaking the rules @$$HOLE!!! Just kidding, glad to see that despite the horrendous lines you had a good day......Beast and Top Gun........darn good rides!
  10. ^ I agree as well, i hate seeing that all they sell is the fast food i can get outside the park, one exit up, for much cheaper and thats more filling. The only signature thing PKI has is potato works and skyline, but if your from around here......skylines a regular thing. A sit down restaurunt is needed, there will probably be one in the new hotel next year, but it wont be open to all park guests.
  11. I said he was whining because constantly, on almost eveyr post he makes he criticizes paramount for the way they run the park, im not defending paramount just because i work at the park, but he has no reason to back up his claims. Paramount, while they have done a lot of crap to the park, theyve done more good, and not only that theyve done more than ANY past owner. The park is cleaner than it has been in the past, the money put into it has gone way up, and the treatment of employees has gotten better. Paramount isnt this evil company he keeps making it out to be.
  12. ^Yeah I know, and I was agreeing with you that a majority of themeable movies suck the big one.
  13. yeah it was meant to be sarcastic lolz. hey, you and ryan better say hi to me tommorow
  14. ^Not all their movies are terrible.....just the ones you can theme movies too. Garden State and We Were Soldiers are two of my favorite movies.....and did great at the box office.....yet you cant make them into rides. Although.....a AE re-theme to WWS would be quite cool although depressing.
  15. I done mean to sound like a Dick-o-lodeon but the other three Top Gun coasters also have their station themed to an aircraft carrier lol. But I agree with you on the crappy movie point. Waterworld........awful movie......kick ass stunt show. All those paramount movies you named pretty much bombed at the box office........but could be made into interesting rides. I could really see AE becoming a Sahara theme. Thats a good idea!
  16. ^ Actually, Universal has rights to the War of the Worlds franchise, although Paramount was the one who actually made the movie (stupid Paramount for selling WOTW rights to Universal ). With this Disko ride rumored for PGA next year as a Survivor-themed ride, it sounds as if both PGA and PKI will be "taking guests on a whirlwind ride" with the Avatar coaster as a new Zamperla Disko. Not unless Paramount is still thinking of using the idea of an indoor/outdoor spinning coaster like Disney Studios Paris's Finding Nemo coaster (Codename: Crash's Turtle Twist). This Mack powered coaster idea sounds perfect for Crash Course Boating School (if it ever gets made) as guests would probably speed up and slow down through several highly-themed scenes in Bikini Bottom. It just feels like a SpongeBob attraction will be the main draw of NU instead of Avatar; they just haven't announced it yet. (Anyone else think that Avatar isn't that good of a show? Or is it just me?) BTW, what happened to the Plankton free-fall ride and Danny Phantom flying-type ride? Aren't those supposed to be all-new rides being built for next year with Nick Universe? Actually, both you and StXsteven are wrong! Stephen Speildberg is the one with the rights, as to what will happen with the rights is still up in the air. Paramount never sold the rights to UNiversal, it has not been confirmed which park franchise will recieve the rights to make an amusement ride. Paramount distributed and produced Indiana Jones yet......Speildberg gave the rights to Disney.......more dollar signs in that direction for him. But dont fret, according to Jeff Seibert there could still be hope for a WOTW ride at a paramount park(s). WHen asked about the possibility Jeff spoke about how both park chains were supposed to get the tour that StXsteven is talking about, yet PKI did not get to have the tour of how the movie was made (which debuted months before the movie was in theatres) because PKI was not yet open for the season. Also... Both PGA and PKI will not get the same coaster if PGA is getting a coaster as well, Avtar will be one of a kind, so no copy or else it wouldnt be so special.
  17. Yeah Paramount has other great themes they could use like Addams Family,Mission Impossible,War of The Worlds, just to name a few. War of the Worlds and Addams Family rights to make an amusement ride have not been secured.
  18. But I thought Deli and SOB were down for the rest of the season!? They are but those arent the two best, and Klockster doesnt work at Beast or Flight of Fear.
  19. Its becoming Nick Universe because the nicktoons are morepopular with kids these days, WAY more popular than HB charecters. Yeah, that sucks, as I would much rather watch HB cartoons than garbage like Rocket Power, but its what kids want these days. Out with the old, in with the new. First HB, then Scooby. Then it will all be Nickelodeon......and it will be darn good too. Out with the old, in with the new...
  20. Yeah, I know. But when I saw that Winterfest was coming back, I just had the thought "Maybe Paramount Hired Someone that really understands what running a theme park means." But then it actually is probably a learning curve item. Granted, Taft Broadcasting did not know everything when they opened Kings Island or Kings Dominion. They had to learn through trial and error. The thing that I had found sad with when Paramount took over was that they attempted to reinvent the wheel. I never have understood why companies have felt that they need to not learn from the lessons that their predeccesor had already learned. Your always complaining and whinging about how Paramount Parks is such an awful company and cant run theme parks, yet obviously theyre doing pretty darn good for themselves. Paramount has put more into the park than any past company.
  21. Those trains do more harm than good, you can feel that same bumpiness when the trains leave the station on The Beast and when they run through the brake shed, just be glad those Premeir trains are holding you in so tightly. No they cant use FOF's trains as those are for a smaller gauge of track, once again the problem with SOB is the track not the trains, if the track was fine and the trains were the big problem something wouldve been done and thousands of dollars spent on re-tracking wouldnt have had to be done. Think about it. What are you guys talking about, Its that we're trying to make a normal wood coaster go 80mph. If you tried to make the first hill on any of our other wood coasters 218 and have the coaster go 80 it would be just as bad. And what do people mean by suspension. There are no shocks, no struts, no rubber tires on these trains or any other trains. BTW heads up, fof runs on tubular steel rails with nylon/polyurethane wheels. Oh and cobra didnt have problems, it was just old and togo was no longer in business. Plus they needed to spice up AZ some so they took it out. I never had a ride on Cobra that I didnt absoultely love. RIP Cobra, Maybe I'll find love in Skyrider because everyone knows that we're not gonna finde it in Shockwave. Thats not necesarily true I love how you assume any high speed wooden coaster would be bumpy, yet you dont know that, SOB is just due to its design, not the trains. And, if you read correctly, you wouldve seen that I didnt say FOF trains could run on SOB.
  22. Shaggy, thats the best darn post on this whole message board ever! Great job, compiling all that information, i really enjoyed reading that, plese share any more random facts you have ! Great Job! Only one grammar error too!
  23. Because it's darn good thats why. Ive ridden tons of wooden coasters as well as Legend and Raven, none have come close to The Beast. Theres just something about the tunnels, the woods, the drops, and the speed.
  24. I thought you posted a TR, this is your only trip this year!?
  25. NOOOOOOOO! Your kids enjoy a ride with *GASP* HB Characters! Erhmm..Hanna-Barbera is still around most 8-17 year olds know about the Jetsons and Flintstones so dont act so surprised. If that were true, and HB was as popular as it says it is, then it would be HB universe next year, not Nick UNiverse.
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