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Gordon Bombay

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Everything posted by Gordon Bombay

  1. Anytime, im just trying to spread the truth. People should be praising those trains rather than ragging on them.
  2. Those trains do more harm than good, you can feel that same bumpiness when the trains leave the station on The Beast and when they run through the brake shed, just be glad those Premeir trains are holding you in so tightly. No they cant use FOF's trains as those are for a smaller gauge of track, once again the problem with SOB is the track not the trains, if the track was fine and the trains were the big problem something wouldve been done and thousands of dollars spent on re-tracking wouldnt have had to be done. Think about it.
  3. ^You could stop being so stupid and rude. You do have to for the most part use proper grammar on here, read the TOS. I dont know what your problem is, but you keep making these boards look like a joke.
  4. Very well put CoastersRZ its good to see someone else is still in the right state of mind. Everyone complains that PKI's theming sucks. Well look at Universal and Disney......theyre theming deteriorates too......they just have more money to put into it then paramount parks do. Everyone complained about IJ's effects not working when it first opened........when Revenge of the Mummy opened there were entire rooms and scenes not working.
  5. Yeah it is rough, hence the 5 rating for it and the audio warnings about its rough turbulance. But seem people just cant make time to listen or look. Im not flaming on anyone, but if anyone ever gets on that ride and comes off feeling like crap, its their own fault, they were warned.
  6. Check your history books. Every major theme park adds new attractions or they die. This was done under Taft Attractions, Kings Entertainment and under American Financial. At one time there was no need for trucks to be brought in to do cleaning as there were high pressure watter connections throughout the park. Ecology has always come in each morning to squeegy off the puddles. I can tell you about the cleanliness at that time because I know what was expected. I remember Mr. Hooper (former CEO for the park) walking around and if he saw something on a patio he would clean it himself. That is the dedication that was shown. As far as running like crap. The honest situation is that the parks (all of them) lost money when Paramount took over. How I know this? Supervisor bonuses used to be based upon park profitability. A percentage was used based upon what your bonus rate was, what the parks profits were and what your two reviews were. The first time I ever remember supervisors not making bonus was the two years after Paramount took over. The water trucks do more than the pressure hoses and get the job done quicker. Just cause you didnt get a bonus the first two years paramount took over doesnt mean they made less money than KECO. They just bought 5 amusement parks, thats gonna set them back a bit so bonuses may be the last thing on their minds. Paramount has done more for the park than any past company ever has.
  7. Exactly opposite. As soon as Paramount took over the park started to take a nose dive. They had little understanding of what it took to run a park. Cleanliness and maintenance meant nothing to them. The Ecology workers were on top of everything and keeping it clean. The streets would be pressure washed every night or morning. You can accuse KECO of many things, but not running a clean park is not one of them. Bull Crap, KECO kept the park looking like garbage and Paramount puts more money into cleaning the park than any previous owner. Every night trucks filled with water are brought in and every section of path is sprayed thouroughly then every morning when Im just coming in for work Ecology sups are already working on drying off the pathways and picking up what was missed. KECO made the park look like crap and ran it like crap. What did they do for the park? The Bat? Yeah that worked out well and accuse Arrow all you want, but the park rushed for The Bat to be built. Atleast with Paramount we get somethinge very year and int he past 3 years we've had two park expansions.
  8. Exactly. Back when the park was originally sold, we thought that it was stupid and sounded terrible to call it "Paramounts" anything. LOL, then the Paramount execs showed up and we realized just how stupid they were. What are you people talking about? Paramount buying the park was the best thing to happen to it. When it was owned by KECO it looked like GARBAGE! There was gum and trash everywhere. Kings Island is much better off under a giant corporation then being independently owned.
  9. Ahhh, my apoligies, I thought he said Wild Thorneberries would suck.
  10. Wow I love how you jsut assume you know what teh best to work when you dont know any of the people you work with or how the ride is worked compared to other rides. You say the Wild Thornberries ride would not be cool to work, yet its a very good ride to work with an awesome crew.
  11. Read this once again, statements from a former ride op at LL telling about how they are NAD cars with PTC electronics, "clown"!
  12. CHANGE!!! CHANGE!!!111 ???? I dont think I cant handle that! I hate that PKI is changing for the better to increase business, make more profit, and make the park generally better. Why cant they bring back the Eagles and make the park the way it was back in 1984? Waaahhh Wahhhhh Waaaahhh!
  13. Yet still a NAD chasi and a NAD car. You can have a ford chasi decorated to look like a pontiac, yet its still a Ford, and the cars on the eagle are not the common PTC rolling stock you said they were. Pwned.
  14. Looks like the NAD cars to me. I get to spend hours staring at PTC trains each weekend, and those featured in that picture are much different from the PTC's I've seen featured on The Beast, Racer, Raven, and Legend. Plus theres this The cars featured on the Screeching Eagle are actually Nad chasis retrofitted with PTC lap bars and electronics, as mentioned in the previous link.
  15. Show the picture them and comparing Beast fans to Nazis is pretty stupid, your fanatic about Voayage and Holiday World just as Hitler was a fanatic fan of Germany. Sieg Voyage! Sieg Legend Rider! Sieg Internet coaster nerds!
  16. First off, if there was some type of accident that was serious enough for PKI to be forced to close the ride, the state would be launching an investigation and you would know about it. The ride would not be running if it was safe for people to ride and not get hurt. Yeah its rough, but its not even close enough to be able to break your neck! Yes, people have come off with broken necks, i remember reading about that, they also had previous neck injuries and were not supposed to be riding and lost their suit against Kings Island.
  17. From what past articles have said, it will still be Paramount's Kings Island. Now that they are advertising CSI and other CBS shows on Qtv throughout the park maybe they will be put in some attractions dealing with CBS shows. Like that stupid attack of the bugs made for tv movie CBS put out. Maybe a CSI attraction.
  18. they were / are maintained by PTC now, Gah! Freaking pay attention!! Maintained by PTC, but are NAD vehicles none the less and Klockster you are correct, they still have the single lap bar and the site claims plans for 2006 are pending. And Legend, you really need to chill out, Voyage may be good, but Beast pwns Raven and Legend any day.
  19. ::Throws a guiness book of world records at Legend rider::
  20. Good find. FOF/z, ive heard so many different things, its nice to get the truth.
  21. That was quoted from the website Ryan provided, in that picture and caption the guy claims that the final bunny hill of The Racer was removed. Is tht true? The Racer looks the same to me and the same to pictures on RCDB.
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