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Gordon Bombay

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Everything posted by Gordon Bombay

  1. Does that Snoopy still have the table and umbrella near it? The one clearly grabbed from International Street Pizza just before the ride was re-themed.
  2. I'm going to assume that part of the plan is to build a new fence with actual lockout points, right? Great photos, thanks for sharing!
  3. Just to be clear, the article at the start of this topic didn't involve trespassing. I had permission to be there.
  4. Now that's a website I haven't been to in a long while. Time to go down memory lane.
  5. True, but only to a certain extent. One just gets you a citation, while the other gets you thrown in jail. But both are still illegal. For the record, I always obey the speed limit. Let's ease up there, moral police. By that rationale you could also say one crime has the potential to kill people and does so several times a year, one's just trespassing. HarvestMan, I'd listen to Goble. Don't go trespassing. He knows about being where he's not supposed to. Remember, you can't Coast with the Kids unless you pay to.
  6. Heard from some folks that the original development efforts have stalled hence why demolition has stopped and nothing has been announced. Looks like the abandoned resort may be there for awhile....what's left of it at least. If you obtain permission it isn't really trespassing isn't it? And If we're going to go into legal details, I'd expect you, nor anyone else here to share copyrighted material without the expressed, written consent of the copyright holder. Be careful what images you link and what article quotes you copy.... upstanding citizens you know.
  7. Walked through it a few times. Couple of actors jumped out from corners, slightly startling me and they said variations of "boo," "what are you doing here," and "get out."
  8. I'd hate to see the crowd that KK would bring in for a halloween event with their already cheap tickets. Kings Island is bad enough.
  9. I believe some sort of mid course brake has always been in operation at that point. Weighted "skid brakes" we're once used (you can still find the buckets underneath the ride) before the transition to the magnetic variety. Terp, maybe you can shed some light on this: I've seen video and heard about how the mid course brake shed once had "kicker wheels" at its far end. We're pinch brakes once used there that would allow the train to come to a complete stop, essentially creating another block?
  10. I don't know if that's necessarily the sole reason for why AE's first tunnel smells so bad, but there is in fact some drainage behind the ice cream stand in Action Zone that flares up with the stench of rancid dairy on hot summer days. The back road to Delirium was always an adventure.
  11. For Kings Island so loved the world, it gave its only "Son."
  12. In a way, I'd say they did. Paramount always had a habit of installing attractions with awesome effects. Providing a budget and resources to maintain those effects however... Boddah1994 and I used to know a guy who kind of worked in the department responsible for maintaining some of those effects. He always had an elaborate story as to why it couldn't be done. He had a good nickname for Technifex, a longtime provider of Paramount Park's special effects. Use your imagination, he called them Technif.... Truth be told, Technifex makes some incredible stuff all around the world. I don't think it was always their fault. Boddah and I have heard it all. We'll often joke that if you want to change a lightbulb at KI, someone will tell you about how the electrical wiring is strung through cement and a den of scorpions.
  13. I'm gonna page TombRaiderTy on Twitter and get him in here to answer this, because he's the AUTHORITY on that ride, but I can tell you this from personal experience as a guest and not as a guest: Fog was once heavily used on AE. In the mid 90's you'd exit the station and there'd be fog on the winding course before you hit the first tunnel. I believe you can still see some of the lights beneath the track that gave the fog a green and red hue at night. You'd hit that first tunnel where a railroad bell was ringing (complete with flashing lights) and that tunnel was illuminated to show all the fake snakes hanging on the wall. You'd continue the course, hitting the first lift and that's where those awesome spears were. Believe it or not kids, before there were a million excuses as to why they couldn't be fixed - those spears used to move in and out of the wall like booby traps seen in a popular movie franchise. You'd ascend the lift and hear the "creaking" and "whooshing" sounds then hit the hill, do some turns and then you're in another tunnel. That's the "lava" tunnel. It used to have red lights underneath the track kind of like in that scene from Temple of Doom. Huh, that's weird. Then there's the end, with the drummers and the "now you will pay" guy. TL:DR - You can theme a ride to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom without saying the words Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Oh, and as for that smell - I always heard it was raccoons. They'd try to nest in that tunnel. Your home has a bathroom, why not theirs? Fun Fact: In 2010/11 fog was returned to that ride (and several others) by someone with a creative vision on a shoestring budget. He was a helluvaguy to work for and is still doing awesome things for amusement parks today.
  14. The Beast's "Brake Shed" can accommodate two stopped trains with its block system. So if you have one train stopped in the station, one can be waiting in the pneumatic pinch brakes directly behind it, while the third is directly behind that. Two trains on that "shed" are the maximum. The shed does have a magnetic "trim" brake on it as well as sets of pneumatic pinch brakes. Crews performing well while properly staffed and benefiting from agreeable guests can typically roll a train out of the station well before the following train is in the "shed." Additionally, while I've heard it from several good sources, but never confirmed it - The Beast was "supposedly" designed with two stations in mind. One for loading, another for unloading and would've potentially accommodated four trains. I've also heard of a similar plan for Son of Beast that was nixed early on.
  15. Any animals sharing water with BP platforms and Exxon tankers may disagree with that...
  16. Ha, would you really want to admit that pizza is your own? I'm surprised Larosa's does.
  17. Amen. I never found LaRosa's Pizza to be particularly good. And I never found the pizza at Kings Island to be anything like actual LaRosa's.
  18. If your favorite part of the day is "eating pizza," then maybe that explains why you're not enjoying roller coasters like you used to.
  19. http://kingsislandinsider.blogspot.com
  20. Thanks so much for the clarity! It'll be interesting indeed if KK really comes into the political arena. Living in Northern Kentucky (and having grown up in Cincinnati), I pretty much identify as a Cincinnatian. The only time I'm even really aware of the Commonwealth's politics is tax season and when I have to renew my vehicle. Given from what I've seen, and what appears to be of concern to the populace - I don't think state money tied up at the park in Louisville is going to rattle many people's cages so long as both candidates are pro guns.
  21. Just looking for some clarification and I may have missed something, but is the park actually being directly funded in any amount by the Commonwealth of Kentucky? I followed this thread a lot more closely during the Bluegrass Boardwalk breakdown and the initial return of Hart, but from what I've seen (and the quick searching I've done tonight) it seems that the park was offered incentives/tax breaks not necessarily a direct subsidy. I did find one article making mention that the city of Louisville itself had put forward around $200,000, but not a mention of the state directing cash into the park. Again, maybe I missed something? If that's the case - that's probably why you haven't seen more of a "commotion." KK always has and will continue to fall into a political arena given who owns the land and its relationship with the State Fair. Nevertheless, if "tax breaks" at the state level are the only thing on the back of Kentucky taxpayers, that's a hell of a lot better than a direct subsidy and not much different than the tax breaks the state gives to film studios and other corporations to attract business (see: Toyota and the battle with Texas as well as when Kentucky squared off with Cincinnati for who could offer Omnicare the best tax breaks). I also believe the state offered similar tax breaks to the Creation Museum's latest amusement park endeavor. Not saying it's right, but just pointing out it's not as if the government is directly funding this operation. If I've missed something though, please point me in the right direction! Signed, A taxpayer in the Commonwealth of Kentucky (a state where you never see much of a tax return and pay quite a bit for a license plate sticker, but hey: the cigarettes are cheaper here than across the river).
  22. No doubt, they're reading it. That's probably why they responded in the way they did on their Facebook.
  23. Homestar92, this is an absolutely wonderful piece of satire. I really, really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for putting it together!
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