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Gordon Bombay

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Everything posted by Gordon Bombay

  1. Despite that song being absolutely awful, that video is pretty well edited. I liked the part with "Ride shut down...stuntmans free fall.....awwww". Whats with the orange vests on employees going up the rolling thunder lift? That 4 line across sky ride looks awesome! Do they operate both sides consistently?
  2. ^I gotta admit, that made me laugh.
  3. Sure thing, go ahead and PM it to me. I'll go through my train stuff when I get back from NJ if I have time before I head back to school. I should be able to.
  4. Even with just one train, no matter how "accurate" it looks, I think it is absolutely awesome what you are doing and can't wait to see the finished product. I have a bunch of left over figures and scenery that I no longer use from when I had a model railroad set. Could I mail you some stuff to contribute to the preserve?
  5. ^That is awesome! I also didn't know that imageshack hosted videos which is cool to know. Train Driver do you plan to detail the trains in any way to make them resemble the KI trains? Also, how many trains will you run?
  6. It is deceiving, the thing doesn't look that good, but it really is quite a fun ride.
  7. Krazy City definitely exceeds expectations. Don't be fooled by neighboring Cincinnati Mills' Wonderpark, which i s geared more towards younger kids as a chuck e cheese rip off and not very entertaining. We had fun. The go karts are a blast, you can drift in them, and skyscraper is more fun than Tomb Raider, imho. The place even has a nice sit down full service restauraunt Although, I'm sure Dane will agree, the excellent smoothies almost rival the fun at Krazy City.
  8. www.youtube.com is the best way, you can create a free acount, then as long as your video is under 100mb and under 10 minutes long then it can be uploaded to there for free. I can host it on my server if its bigger than those and you dont want to reduce quality.
  9. Locker rooms are still available, or atleast they were these past few seasons, you get charged to use the lockers though and they were available upon request from the HR department. Not sure if things have changed since I last heard about it.
  10. Went there last night with Boddah1994, Dane, CoastersRZ, and Captain Nemo. (Expect the photo tr soon). Much to our surprise (we figured we would get bored and end up walking around the mall) we really enjoyed it. The Krazy City indoor amusement park was a blast! It's under good leadership too! The head of operations is a stand up guy and former manager from Kings Island. I can see this place lasting longer than 3 years, prices were reasonable, there was lots of entertainment, I'm sure kids will love it. Don't knock it till you've tried it, we set the bar low and were really surprised. -Gordon Bombay, who is sitting in Columbus International Airport waiting for a flight to Philly, browsing KIC and filling out a TSA customer service review.
  11. With the extensive amount of maintenance done on the PTC trains each off season, I highly doubt The Beast would be open for a new years party. Carowinds ran their B&M invert; Top Gun: The Jet Coaster during their winterfest. Was Carowinds planning to bring back Winterfest in 06 as KI was before CF canned it?
  12. With the extensive amount of maintenance done on the PTC trains each off season, I highly doubt The Beast would be open for a new years party. Carowinds ran their B&M invert; Top Gun: The Jet Coaster during their winterfest. Was Carowinds planning to bring back Winterfest in 06 as KI was before CF canned it?
  13. There weren't. Yes, it did. It was black and white.
  14. I get free work clothes, the only thing I've bought are my boots. Every company I have worked has provided atleast 2 free uniform shirts and you had the option of buying your own pants or company sold ones, your personal ones had to be within uniform parameters though. This year Cedar Fair I'm sure made a killing charging KI workers for their uniform shirts, and uniform shorts then not having the correct amount of sizes in or distributing the wrong ones. Failed to turn in your shorts when you left....that came out of your pay check too. KI needs an HR department and uniform overhaul park wide.
  15. Fan of Beast, awesome pictures and report, I'm very glad you posted it. You were right, it is a very photogenic place, about how much does a plane ticket cost to get there? (And that girl looking for a husband, got a picture? ) I've always been fascinated by the former soviet block nations and see all the remnants left over from the former communist regimes. I'd really love to visit Pripyat, Ukraine (the town that used to have 50,000 occupants but was abandoned after the Chernobyl Disaster (yes tours are legal, and yes they are safe)). Fan of Beast, what exactly is your company building there and will you be back in time for summer at Kings Island?
  16. Not to mention all the extra security you'd have to pull in.
  17. What roller coaster in your opinion had its best year ever? -Firehawk, ran much more reliable and efficently than it ever did at Geauga Lake. What thrill ride in your opinion had its best year ever? -Delirium, absolutely awesome ride and always reliable. What restaurant had the best food? -Panda Express, although too pricey, its atleast worth paying for, unlike other KI food. What crew/area was best?[/b -The Beast Crew Did Son of Beast have its Best Year Ever? explain why or why not. -Definitely, the ride is actually somewhat enjoyable now. What new show in 2007 was the best in your opinion? -While none of them were that good, I'd day endless summer on ice due to it being something different. What was the best thing that happened this year at Kings Island? -The installation of Firehawk What change from 2006 to 2007 was the best?[/b -New uniforms on some employees. Did Kings Island Central have its best year ever? -Without a doubt.
  18. And the new thread is up... http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?...mp;#entry190911
  19. This topic is to allow everyone to see the progress KICentral user; TrainDriver is making on his HO scale recreation of the former Kings Island Wild Animal Habitat/Preserve and Lion Country Safari Monorail. For those of you who don't know about the former attraction heres a little bit of info... In 1974 the park opened it's Lion Country Safari monorail which brought park guests up close with real wild animals in a one of a kind experience. KICentral user TrainDriver is a minister from Illinois who used to work at the park as a monorail train driver at the wildlife preserve. I'll let him introduce himself and bring you more up to speed on who he is, what he's doing, and about this history of the former attraction. ------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by TrainDriver on 12/26/07 at 10:18 A.M. OK, First things first. My basement was a mess. I was planning on cleaning it earlier, but work got the better of my time. So late Christmas eve I began working... and working... simply cleaning the basement! The first thing to arrive was te monorail itself: This is the 1988 Von Roll set that was sold in 1988 at the opening of the Sydney Monorail - not quite like the Kings Island version - so some modifications will need to be made. Next we need construction workers - so I hired a few: I'll post more later... Posted by TrainDriver on 12/26/07 at 5:18 P.M. Hi there! I'm back. Well, the construction workers got right at it and put up the "future site of sign..." So it's official - we're putting up a preserve. Currently the surface is 1/4" fiberglass sheeting sitting on three 2x2's on top of a table - I have instructed the workers to create a modular design, just in case this whole setup will need to be moved in the future. Here are the guys getting at it: Posted by TrainDriver on 12/26/07 at 5:33 P.M. What project doesn't have its setbacks? I started having a little trouble with the construction crew. I don't know if you've ever noticed how sometimes there is only one worker actually working at any given time - but I am noticing it about this crew. One of the workers is drinking, one is playing with a pick-axe, and another is lying down on the job! I'm spending big money for this!! We're about to have a little talk! Train Driver -------------------------------------------------------
  20. Good idea, Avatar, if you'd like Train Driver I could copy and paste your stuff for you and set you up a brand new topic.
  21. an excellent coaster deserves an excellent picture! Glad to see your back from Slovakia! Hope you had a good holiday!
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