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Outdoor Man

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Everything posted by Outdoor Man

  1. I agree, in part, to some of the detraction from this point.... BUT construction project can be engineered around "marketing." In this instance there's no small reason why the coaster was announced oddly around the time 2014 Season Passes went on sale. exposure to the anticipating public is great exposure.
  2. And forgive my last comment for being a day old. It didn't send yesterday for some reason
  3. The pond indent is pretty intriguing to the coaster and had a bit of geometry, physics, etc... Involved. Next time you go to ki go up in the Eiffel Tower and watch the splashdown. The spray comes up and seems to contour to the pond. The pond shape, in my opinion, was 100% planned to be as is.
  4. hmmmm; terp. nope, no survey. Just doing a random score-through during a working lunch... didn't study details of the "list." Might I amend the post to read- "Kings Island on random Halloween festival list... twice." I stand corrected.
  5. they made a nationwide list.... twice in the same survey. Checking in at #6 & 14 (but #1 in your hearts). If I read correctly, only Disney World and Universal Studios and Sea World Entertainment made the list twice. That's pretty elite company! #1- Sesame Place (a Sea World Entertainment park) #2- Idlewood (PA) #3- Wild Adventures (Valdosta, GA) #4- Disney World #5- Disney World #6- Howl-o-Fest (Kings Island) #14- Haunt (Kings Island) Knotts in CA is the only of the CF park in the list. http://www.foxnews.com/travel/2013/10/14/spooktacular-halloween-fun-at-theme-parks/
  6. I had no idea that kill kill kill her her her was the noise. Does that come up the closed captioning?
  7. KI-ORIG-EMP... you're old enough to know better. Friday the 13th... is Jason, Hockey Masks, and hatchets.
  8. I disagree whole heartedly. If you remember the haunted house at forest fair mall (before it moved to Dent School House, yes look it up kiddos), my parents took my 6 year old self and 5 year old sister to haunts. My sister loved it. I was sort of terrified. However, its some of the best memories I have as a kid. My parents knew what was going to happen. My parents learned that I could sit out a haunt (with the mom) while my dad and sister walked through the haunt. So if a haunt said, no shes too young, my sister never would have enjoyed the things she did. it, of course, is a matter of perspective. The 16 year old comment is more along the lines of a lot of those under that age gives the park to being a baby sitting service. And for what it's worth, I don't have any idea what the FFM Haunted House was like, nor the Dent School House- but Haunted Houses back in those days, if memory serves me right, weren't as "demented" as some are today. I had been to many a haunted house, trail, etc... Even participated in the SS Nightmare, and tried to through the Haunted Hospital in Blue Ash before it was converted back to a real hospital. Those were great back in the day- scared the ^$*&( out of you. Conversely, some of the things I've seen at Haunt aren't really as scary as they are gross. Kings Island, to their credit, does warn people though. You don't have to go through the shows, and if you can handle the random person coming up to you screaming or yelling "BOO" it's just another night at the park.
  9. To be fair to the post-kiddies... the prospect of being/getting scared likely raises the adrenaline level giving those persons unused energy to exert.
  10. Speaking of arrests... what was the reason two lanes of parking were blocked by Police tape today (Sunday)?
  11. I think at a minimum kids should be at least 16 to go to Haunt without a parent. Parents, on the other hand , who have their elementary aged kids with them should be shown the exit. You need a license for just about anything in life... but any idiot can be a parent.
  12. And I believe it is the Peters Cartridge Company
  13. banks wouldn't be loaning on the full faith and credit of Kentucky Kingdom, new amusement park. They would be lending on the track record of successful local business person, Ed Hart. Even so, there is a limit to what the total liability they'll loan on one person/business. Mr. Hart has the success and enterprise to succeed in this- but even so, any time a bank elects to loan out in excess of 7 figures,, it is a risk. I don't think the success of Kentucky Kingdom for 2014 is in question. There is enough pent-up demand to span across an operating season. The sustainability will gauge itself in 2015 and beyond. I would look for increased innovation and "pomp and circumstance" after '14. If you want to attract a crowd, just light yourself on fire and people will come to watch you burn. If you don't have anything else for them to do, after the flames die down, they'll find something else to do. 2014 is their "fireworks" display- keep an eye on 2015.
  14. from where i sit, it's the same lazy thinking that puts Panda Express in a German themed Festhaus. (last year)- a show called "British Invasion" in Festhaus Mexican Food in Oktoberfest Roller Coasters on top of each other in X-Base nothing international on International Street Reds Hall of fame Grill (which i do like, by the way)- but in Rivertown... theme-wise, doesn't that seem more like a Coney Mall thing? Its seems they turn a blind eye to the theming that already exists in the park. And what theming is put in is forgotten in a few years. The park could do away with all of the "themed" areas and just become one large "Action Zone." This being said, KI is a great park. Have had a pass for 18 of the last ____ years of my life. To me, its like a home builder that decides to put a 1-story wood exterior house in a development of otherwise all 2-story brick homes. (actual instance where I live)- nothing specifically wrong with the house.... it just seems "out of place."
  15. disclaimer alert: I've never met Don personally. I've brushed past him while at the park and know through the channels that he is very approachable and one of the hardest working people presenting the face of the park. Though I have no proof of it personally, he probably puts in more hours than most know. That being said, if you were able to meet the people behind the decisions Don presents, say one of several "Matt's" or a Marissa... then you have your intimidation
  16. thanks for the TR. We were there as well to take in (our) final day of the season for Soak City. If anyone from KI is reading... can I give a suggestion for Dollar Days in the future. At least in Soak City, the lines for food were over 30 minutes- with the kiosk staffed by usually 1 person. For next year, do Dollar Days on some random Tuesday-Thursday during the summer when the bulk of your help hasn't gone back to college. We tried to wait out the rain in the parking lot... once it become immanent, it took forever to finally rain. We gave up and left around 6:30.
  17. So blue supports will morph to pink by next season? I might have misread the original post, I meant the red "rails" would be sun washed pink over a summer "or two"...
  18. Let those supports be sun-washed for a summer or two... they'll be pink.
  19. I searched the forums and couldn't find this- so if it is here, please lock and close- but as the first comment after the video says, this is "The Holy Grail of vintage coaster POV"
  20. I saw coaster track on a flat-bed on Montgomery Rd. at Kemper (looking out the Starbucks at Harper's Point)- assumedly heading north to Columbia Rd... Time to go vertical!
  21. I'm sure no one cares, but I'll post it anyway. I have been a KIC member since 2005. In January I took what, for the most part, was a dream job working with the State Tourism- I made the decision voluntarily to stop posting to KIC because of random bits of info I would come across and posting opinions to fan sites that could be construed as proprietary seemed a bit too risky even if I wasn't completely in the know. Then in the end of April I ruptured a disk in my back reaching for something on the floor of my car. Yep... that's all it was. 5-day hospital stay, surgery, loss of feeling in my leg, nerve injury/pain, etc... because of the nature of the job- road warrior day travel with constant leg pain (from my back) and climbing in and out of vehicles caused me to resign from that job. I have since landed in an even better job situation in a curiously similar industry and enjoying it! I'm ecstatic to say that through going back to zero, prayers of myself and others on my behalf- in May Doctors were about 75% certain I would require a series of surgeries. I had one procedure at the beginning of May that was supposed to have been 1 of 3-5. I had one. feeling returned to my leg mid-June. my sciatic nerve healed over at the beginning of July. AND- relevant to this site- I rode my FIRST roller coaster of the year yesterday- it's its name was Diamondback! Very blessed and humbled. while far from "back to normal"- it will likely take year(s) if I ever ride The Beast again. I love The Beast, but it may be too bumpy for me to risk a 4-minute ride. There's a handful on this site that were aware of the struggle I went through a few months ago, and to them I say a very heartfelt "thank you!" God heard the prayers and chose to bless me with the results I've seen and witnessed!
  22. I didn't go to the reveal, but from everything I saw on the local TV stations, heard on the radio, and saw on the YouTube channel- this reveal was executed pretty close to world class. From the images posted, it appears this will be pretty well themed too.... hoping that they have the fog element for the coaster. This doesn't fit too well with an "Action Zone" theme or "October Fest"... so maybe "The Bat" persona will travel to the sister coaster to the north and retheme flight deck and birth a whole new area of the park. I know the KI staff read these forums, so a well-deserved congratulations on a marketing campaign pretty well thought to this point.
  23. with the addition of Banshee... and a retheme of Flight Deck to The Bat (I mean, really, how many fighter jets go cruising through a forest?)- I could see Action Zone rethemed to something else. looking forward to it!- of course, if it happens that way.
  24. skeptical about the whole "Bat" winged coaster. Me thinks it was meant to be found. First of all, The Bat logo doesn't have the "TM" for it and when building website, new pages are generally built on a "test" site before publishing. I think the marketing staff generated those pages to be found. HOWEVER, in the transformation from Nick Universe to Planet Snoopy- they did have those pages in plain view. Don's a good PR front (and hard working... every time I'm there with my family we see him. at ALL hours- he may live there), but I'm betting their team (Marissa (KI) and Matt (CF)) have got the goods on this.
  25. I like the Action Zone retheme post someone had earlier- ie rename Flight Deck to a nostalgic "The Bat"- fits better. Not too many fighter jets go cruising through a forest.
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