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Everything posted by Oldiesmann

  1. http://www.eagleswingszipline.com/ Has anyone here ever done this? I'm starting to plan for my trip to Holiwood Nights in May already, and am thinking about squeezing that in on Friday before the event since I should have a few hours to kill before the event (I will be leaving mid-day Friday so I don't want to spend an extra $21 for a few extra hours in the park on Friday when I can spend $26 to spend all day Sunday in the park instead). It's a tad bit pricey ($45 or $69 depending on the option you choose), but it sounds like a lot of fun and I've never done ziplines before. Also, on a related note, if anyone would be interested in splitting the cost of a cabin at Lake Rudolph for the event, let me know. I know the event isn't until May, but I'd like to get lodging booked soon so I can get something close to the park.
  2. You state they own many luxury apartments and condos Then state the closest to KI, runs about $895/month. I don't know much about rental rates in Cincinnati, but that hardly sounds like a "luxury" rate. Being unfamiliar with the area you quoted, I don't know how far away from KI it is, or if it's location is less desirable. It's about a mile from the park. The website for the property calls them "resort style" apartments, so I assumed it was luxury. Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk
  3. Towne Properties is a fairly well known company in this area. They do own many luxury apartment and condo developments, the closest to KI being the Falls at Landen subdivision off Columbia south of Socialville-Foster. Plans there start at $895 a month for 890 square feet. Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk
  4. I really hope someone finds a better use for that property. There's already plenty of housing in the area, and adding it there would only create more traffic headaches.
  5. As far as the configuration goes - from looking at the pictures, it would appear that the lanes at Beach Mountain are shorter and less steep than the ones at Perfect North. I haven't been to Beach Mountain yet, and haven't been to Perfect North in a few years. Perfect North also boasts that they have 23 tubing lanes, and you can start from two locations (halfway up or all the way up depending on your thrill level). I'm not sure what the deal is as far as ticketing goes. Your best bet there would be to contact them at the number listed on the bottom of the ticket page.
  6. Wait, you mean there's still a MySpace out there? Interesting... It does still exist, but not in its original form. It's now owned by Specific Media, LLC and Justin Timberlake, and has a strong emphasis on music (it was relaunched as the "new" Myspace several years ago). Not really all that interesting in my opinion though.
  7. Committee to examine all aspects of state fair: http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2014/11/23/kentucky-state-fair-evaluated/19463223/ Attendance was at its lowest in 30 years Net loss of around $200,000 for the fair Fair board president/CEO calls attendance drop "anomaly" This could get interesting...
  8. Hornets? On a cold night in October? Really?
  9. To my knowledge, they haven't released any details about media day yet. However, knowing HW, I would be a bit surprised if coaster clubs weren't invited.
  10. At Perfect North they put the expiration time on the tubing ticket as I recall, though I've only been during the week when it's unlimited tubing so I don't know how they actually verify that you're within your time limit.
  11. I haven't been in a few years, but will try to make it this year, especially after discovering that you can get discount coupons at Skyline (though it's only good Monday through Wednesday).
  12. Perfect North is quite fun, though I haven't been there in a few years. Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk
  13. I'm still a be skeptical as to how well this will work, especially given that during the week, Perfect North gives you unlimited tubing for about the same price. The Beach does have a couple of advantages - they're open earlier on many days (Perfect North doesn't start up until 1pm on non-holidays during the week) and they're a lot closer than Perfect North for many people. Hopefully they'll do well.
  14. Marion Knott, the youngest daughter of Knott's Berry Farm's founders, has died at the age of 92. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/knott-642582-park-marion.html
  15. Despite what was said recently, the new trailer was "leaked" today instead of being released next week...
  16. A new trailer is due out in 10 days as well (just in time for the annual Peanuts Thanksgiving special of course).
  17. And Ouimet continues to impress... A new family flat ride, a new kiddy flat ride and a bunch of other small improvements even in an off season. Not sure how I feel about Starbucks. Whatever brings more money to the park I guess. Thrill Seekers was kind of pointless after the renovated gift shop near Banshee (although TS likely had more merch). The petting zoo is an interesting idea. The only other park I've been to that has one is Beech Bend, but it makes a bit more sense at a small park in a more rural area (even though Bowling Green itself isn't exactly rural). Hard to describe. This video should help (long but well worth watching).
  18. From what I've read/heard, Saturday was a very busy day for amusement parks in general. There were reports of large crowds and long lines at many parks - Kings Dominion, Kings Island, Cedar Point, Six Flags Great America, Canada's Wonderland... I'm guessing a large part of that is due to the fact that it was the last Saturday before Halloween.
  19. I'm still wondering what effect this has had on attendance at Six Flags Great America. Knowing how many people already think various rides closed because people died, I wouldn't be too surprised if some of the general public got "Six Flags America" and "Six Flags Great America" mixed up as well.
  20. This is great. Could also be the beginnings of a fun mobile app/website...
  21. I think the best thing the park can do at this point is to drop their counter-suit, quietly settle the pending lawsuit and hire a new PR firm - preferably one that specializes in damage control and knows how to properly handle social media. Even if it was a scam, the actions from the park and those associated with them have only hurt the situation for KK. I'm sure the victims' lawyer is having a field day with this.
  22. Electric Rainbow is at Stricker's Grove now, albeit without its colorful inserts (they've been sitting in a stack on a piece of wood underneath the ride for as long as I've been going to Stricker's - probably 6 or 7 years).
  23. "Safety is our number one concern.". And yet Fright Fest continues, albeit with supposedly increased security. The fact that this happened in the first place means that several people clearly didn't take security at the park seriously.
  24. It's possible that selfie was uploaded by accident and/or meant for a personal account (non-work-associated) account. It's located in Bessemer, Alabama, which is about 15 miles southwest of Birmingham.
  25. Yes there are. Like the Creation Museum, the park will be run as its own separate entity, but will still be fully owned by Answers In Genesis. It's a bit confusing as far as the legal stuff goes, but that's why there are lawyers who are good at figuring that stuff out.
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