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Everything posted by kjkjkj

  1. So for the people who went through last night, what were your favorite scares, and what time did you go through?
  2. Can anyone who's been through Trail of Terror this year, give me a review of the attraction. What time did you go through, what were your favorite parts, which section of the trail you thought did the best. How much you liked it, how well the scareactors were trying. Any posts will be appreciated! Thanks
  3. Well I assumed since Cut Throat Cove is on the patio of outer hanks, this is just going to be a new temporary name for Outer Hanks during Haunt. It will probably have the same menu and prices...just pirate themed....
  4. I think a starlight experience would be a great addition to Kings Island. If they put it into "Tower Gardens" then it would bring in some atmosphere and people into an area that is now almost always completely empty. I haven't been to Cedar Point's Starlight Experience, but I did watch a few videos of it, and it does look very nice.
  5. Most of the Trail of Terror theming stays there all year. I am sure if they tried to remove some of the items, they would completely fall apart lol. Not to mention, there are props EVERYWHERE back there.
  6. I'll be there, working in Trail of Terror. I'll be 1 of 40 something hillbilly cannibals!
  7. In my opinion Son of Beast was running better than ever the last time it was fixed. And who gave you the power to decide for Cedar Fair what is realistic as far as fixing Son of Beast? Taking out the rosebowl and putting in an out and back in it's place is plenty realistic if Cedar Fair wanted it to be.
  8. I definately didn't think Urgent Scare was a failure. It is definately one of the most detailed haunts at KI (IMO). It's storylines is the most complete out of all the Haunts. It was just a really fun Haunt with a lot of good scares.
  9. Longest I waited this season was about 45-50 minutes, and it wasn't even for the front seat. Most other days I rode, it still had a good 35-40min line.
  10. I think a lot of people of people go through Tombstone on bad days. It really is an excellent haunt if you go through on a Friday really early in the season!
  11. Urgent Scare and Trail of Terror are the scariest Haunts to go through. Tombstone Terror-tory is also very good and scary, but only if you go through it at the very beginning of the season, when there is no line, and make sure your group is one of the very last groups to go through out of the trainload. It will make it even better! Trust me on Tombstone! When I went through last season it went something like this: Time A: Went through early in the season on a Friday. Hardly a line, super foggy, tons of good scares, and tons of fun! The scareacters were great! Time B: Went through much later in the season on a Saturday. Line was HUGE and it wasn't even scary. Half the scareacters weren't trying, the fog wasn't thick, some of the scareacters were just standing there talking and drinking coffee. It was like two different attractions! I didn't find Club Blood scary, but it was still fun to go through PS. I am in Trail of Terror, so make sure you come through!
  12. Disaster Transport IS a darkride. Whether or not you like how well themed it is, it's still a darkride.
  13. Why would we need new equipment for Side A though? All we need is a new movie...
  14. Yeah but why would they? They just got rid of Side B not that long ago, they removed it for a reason, and that reason is Urgent Scare!
  15. I am pretty nervous about going to my first rehearsal this Monday, the 14th. Fairie Wench told me I had nothing to worry about, but I am still nervous. It's like the first day of school! lol. Speaking of school, apparently my teachers don't like me, and decided to pile projects and tests during the two weeks I have rehearsals. That's going to be fun getting home at 11pm then starting my homework! Then getting back up at 6:30am the next morning! It will all be worth it though!
  16. One of the best Labor Day Weekends EVER! I had so much fun! We (mostly Rachel) did a great job planning Ashley's birhtday Surprise! I can't wait to hang out again (hopefully very very soon ) Thanks for making this such a fun weekend everyone who came!
  17. last year at haunt i took a real close look at those animatronics and looked like they just cut the wires when they removed them from the ride. not entending to use them again...also i would assume all those props and animatronics were hooked up to a main computer (brain) to operate their movements. i am sure all that was removed aswell. Actually a few years ago for Haunt (probably Fearfest back then) they had a few of the PT animatronics set up outside the front gate, and they had them on and moving. I believe it was one of the furnace guys, and maybe the Usher. Then even father back that that, they had the "stagehand" guys, where one is tangled up in the ropes, set up in the line for action theater, and those were working....
  18. They have tons of old props from the ride, and I'm sure they still have all the animatronics, so why not? I would love if they did this!
  19. Angie (gigacoaster) said she hated Son of Beast until me and Ashley (Ashers) got her drunk enough to give it another chance in the front seat because she had never tried it in that row with the new trains. She came back into the station and said she liked it! Maybe that's why I'm in the minority on this site about the issue of Son of Beast becasue almost every time I rode it, I rode in the best row (row #1) Which seems to be the most enjoyable row on the ride, smoothness wise and view wise!
  20. I normally rode in the front row (red or blue). That was my favorite seat on SoB because the first drop is so awesome in that seat. I could still ride it comfortably in any row, but the front was my favorite. I would love if they added tunnels to Son of Beast!(if it ever reopens).
  21. LOL I did this a while ago, I was kicking me feet, then my flip flop flew off and went under the station, only mine didn't land safely on the spine of the track, it flew down all the way into the net below the track iinside the station. A ride-op went down underneath the station to get it, it was hilarious.
  22. Have you been on Phantom Theater? It was amazing! I LOVE Phantom Theater. It used to be one of my favorite rides (and probably still would be if they hadn't taken it out). It was so much fun, and very detailed. They used some cool visual effects too, like the Pepper Ghost effect. When they remove Scooby this offseason, they should bring in the same company that did Phantom Theater te first time, and make "Phantom's Revenge: The Dusty Denizens of the Theater are angrier than ever!"lol I really miss Phantom Theater though....
  23. lol Now if only we could find the one that plays the creepy music under it and the other loud static section things. haha
  24. Yeah, worksite was VERY lame. I just didn't care for it that much.
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