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Everything posted by kjkjkj

  1. Wow, the Crypt is turning into a joke (even more than it already was)
  2. I really don't care about small things, or when people slip up and it's a "once in a while" kind of thing. But come on! It's a little out of hand when you have to decipher a post, to know what they are talking about! And it's not like this is the first time either...
  3. First of all, HOW IS THIS A PTR when there are NO PHOTOS! Photo Trip Report!!! Second, you had alot of spelling mistakes. Third, sounds like you had a good time.
  4. Sounds like you guys got a good amount of things done in such a short amount of time! Sounds like you had a great time! I can't believe The Crypt was open! Did it have any of it's props taken out to use for HH? Since many members thought that those skeletons and spiders in rivertown could have been the exact ones from the crypt.
  5. If RBR was anything like it was last year, then I can agree with your rating pkiruler! It SUCKED last year!
  6. KI 1. The Beast 2. Flight of Fear 3. Son of Beast 4. Tomb Raider The Ride!!!!! 5.Racer either side front seat CP 1. Maverick tied with Millenium 2. Magnum 3. Dragster 4. Gemini 5. Chaos
  7. Here is a video from wlwt, showing parts of Urgent Scare, and various stuff throughout the park! http://www.wlwt.com/video/17542209/ LINK FIXED! Added YouTube link - Dane
  8. LOL I guess MeanStreak was horrible from the start! It's a shame that that space had to be used for such a junky ride! I hope it gets torn down soon!
  9. lol n00bs. Well to be honest thats a pretty dumb idea. Not to mention the wasted space to build a COLLEGE on KI's property! I'd much rather have a new ride than a college!
  10. Thats weird, that they would close it NOW for construction, when it was open when they were cutting that thing of concrete out of the old queue? Maybe they are adding more scenery, and making a better ride program Where was that "Son of Beast Estimated Wait Time"? I don't remember it ever having one of those... Maybe all the rides will get those next season. Those things were awesome at CP, you didn't have to go up to every employee at an entrance to a ride and say "how long is the wait?" It was all on a sign!
  11. LOL! Those skeletons on The Beast sign look EXACTLY like the ones from the Crypt! Was The Crypt open?
  12. Awesome PTR! Did you ride the Crypt? The last 3 times I went to Kings Island before it closed through september, it was closed, so I am wondering if maybe they were working on it or something. Was it even open? Oh yeah, are there any of the Phantom Theater props out this year?
  13. I remember one VERY large python that was along the ceiling, and wall it was HUGE, it was like half the lengthe of that tunnel. This snake has been removed for quite few seasons. This may be the snake your friend was talking about, only they may be mistaken about it moving. But there were snake noises in that tunnel at one time.
  14. wow! awesome stage! I wasn't expecting this detailed of a stage, I expected them to just take out the props from the county line, and just replace those! I guess I was wrong!
  15. Thank you! Thank you! Thatbandguy, I understand what you mean about people screaming on lift hills. Normally when we scream on rides like AE or The Racers, or whatever...We at least wait until we go down a hill (most of the time ) We never do it to get on people's nerves. We just do it to joke around have fun!
  16. I'm not so sure it's just the light. I doubt they are painting it, but they may be cutting something causing that cloud of dust, to "coat" the track with that dust, making it appear white.
  17. it almost looks as if they're painting the splashdown track white?....
  18. My cousins, my sister, and I ALWAYS scream on Viking Fury and Adventure Express as loud as we can. We're just joking around, and sometimes we can get the whole train screaming like that, others, we're the only ones I don't really see a problem with people screaming on rides like that to have FUN! If you want peace and quiet, go read a book in a library, you're in an AMUSEMENT PARK!!!!!! The most hilarious comment I've ever heard someone say when we got off Adventure Express was, this stupid girl say in a snobby way "I'd hate to see them on the big rides!" It was hilarious! How can you be so stupid not to realise we were joking!
  19. When she was describing that tunnel in Trail of Terror, was it there for FearFest 06? Because I didn't get a chance to go on ToT last year, and I was wandering if they just added it last year... I definatley need to try and get to HH on a Friday! I've always gone on a saturday, and we normally wait for 45 minutes per house, and only get on maybe 2 or 3. And the park is PACKED! I was wandering if you guys think it's better on Fridays. Due to the houses being less crowded, do the scareactors do a better job of "getting" people than on Saturdays?
  20. Awesome PTR, sounds, and looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I cab't believe it was that empty! I just might have to skip school at this time next year to go, and get on EVERYTHING! Sadly, Raptor was closed when me and Ashers went But I'm looking forward to riding it next year!
  21. Every year you will have different/new SCAREactors in different mazes. So in a way, an attraction that sucked one year might be scary, and awesome the next! I'm not going to judge how scary they will be until I go through them for the current year. Just because they layout of the mazes don't change, doesn't mean the scareactors/ positions won't!
  22. Now the supports by the Crypt/Train look tan, not yellow!?
  23. [Directed to Joe]--- Well I am sure the park still has all the theming... Just look at Kings Dominion's Crypt, they still have their music, effects, monkey warriors, all they had to do to their ride is just remove a fountain with the traingle of light on it! I hope that they do SOMETHING to the ride. I would be ECSTATIC if they brought back all the stuff from TRTR excluding the Preshow video! I can hope can't I? [Directed to lamberman]---Why did you delete it? Most of the stuff he stated is TRUE? He said that there have been changes to the ride since opening this season, that have mae it more like Tomb Raider: The Ride was. The only thing that is "made up" is that everything from TRTR is returning, and how do you know it isn't true!? I am not saying in any way that it is true, but how do you know it isn't?
  24. See, stuff like that, to me isn't scary at all. It's cheap, and fake IMO. Well, if this is going to be a Haunted Hopital, I'll be glad to know everyone is wasting their time in line for that while I'm in line for better attractions!
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