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Everything posted by westcoaster

  1. this was tough, overall park i had to pick knotts, yes Kings Island has so many plus;s but this was tough....I mean we could go into a lot of polls comparing, the Cedar Fair parks: Best shade: Kings Dominion: Most Coasters: Cedar Point; Best funnel cake hands down Knotts berry: Best log Flume: Knotts berry farm: Best wooden coaster: Beast; tallest fastest coaster: Cedar Point: Best combo park's water park: Kings Island: Best View of a park: Cedar Point: this original poll was too hard to vote but Knots if it had The Beast: wow:!!! that would be cool: but all Cedar Fair parks have plus minus's: for sure;
  2. it would be a great addition indeed, WoW!!!!!!! Kings Island needs 2 family flat's one ferriswheel and something else,,,,,,Too expensive but but rebuild lake como somewhere with the ferris wheel in the middle, wow!!!!!!! But i would love to see this,,,,
  3. me and the family was there last night it was great, the log flume was running, ( i sure hope they never take it out) . The park was great,,,, and not to overly busy,,,, We rode rides the kids had a great time,, and When can we call The Beasty The Beasty again!!! but hints in the nick shop almost all nick 50 percent off and new kids stuff is just Kings Island no characters???????? What is in store in 2010,,, but for my tr the weather perfect! and great times, then went to the bob evans, general store, at the beach great food, Kings Island will have a great year
  4. do you really need to endorse it came from the neverland,,,wow how many extra people will flock to bowling green now for a pirate ship??? should we set up an official island central trip???
  5. hello scooby land 2010 and reopening of the fantastic voyage,,,we wish but i could see scooby land 2010????
  6. new land would be nice doubtful,,, no way on the garage, or they would have done it at knotts berry farm,,,they hav'ent Cost,,,,knotts needs it bad... there so boxed in: and ki has lots of areas to add flats, and expand between beat, etc. and really how long will sob make it??????
  7. its great video find,,,,wish someone had some footage of lost river Was there stuff inside?????etc. also coney was groomed much better than, ki is it seemed a cleaner park;
  8. I love wood coasters so much Isn't Kings Island the wood capital of the world now for coasters???? was just wondering hope many other folks put pics out there,,,,that would be great!!!!
  9. Something very similar to the Cylcone, in the coney island part of the park,,, would be great!!!!!!!I think it would rock and look great,
  10. seeing earlier post, yes flooding always an issue through there. There is one sure fire bet to save riverdowns casino Casino Casino.....and that would put to much pressure on ky tracks,,,,,for sure:
  11. its looking great, what an addition and they could add some more water slides with the open areas if they wanted tooo:
  12. they wanted out but they could have done better, and tried harder and had lots of parks now???????? Oh well wish them the best , but really Paramount?
  13. its a great ride great addition to the park,,,,hope they get the hiccups fixed. Love the feeling of the ride......and the name.
  14. 77- screamin deamon,,,and on a sad note last year for the canoe ride:
  15. Great pics imagine a nice enclosed ride like this with theming, animatronics then the elevator up and the drop!!! butHoliday world for being a small family park really has put itself on the map!!!!! Way to go
  16. wow manta theming but thats the difference between a theme and a amusement park... Kings Island is a amusement park......and we hav e agreat new coaster of our own... really how many coasters nation wide was built new?? not transplanted 3 or 4 a max.... we are lucky but wow manta looks great
  17. Forget it About theming, put in some rides, do some paint jobs, and make coney mall a great area of the park, as for ki to be themed not a chance, I do feel another nice indoor, dark ride would be great but the park is not going to theme any more, and its an amusment park,,,,
  18. Touchdown, I could'nt agree more, a flume for the whole family or a family dard ride,,,,with lots of a/c gets hot up there,,, but its got to happen soon!!!
  19. First this past saturday was it packed? enough for this? and i like the single ride line... its great!!!
  20. at least you got free passes!! yes it happens i hope i never have to walk off a ride:
  21. first on lesourdsville we might as well kiss screechin eagle good bye!! its gone, its everyone's falt for not going to the park I feel Ki will not improve on x base anytime soon, way past 40th anniversary... we in the next 2 years may only see 1 flat i feel in rivertown...... That end of coney mall is dead,,,and heck who knows what will happen What we'll see is a few additions to water park if were lucky: Kings Island is not the only interest of Cedar Fair: I wish ki would just add something new every year,, period:
  22. i was there 7 times on Diamond Back, Its so cool and 3 on beast I was thrilled. I wish there was a season pass gold/platinum entrance to get u down before 4:30 I wish they could do that but it was cool!!!!! Diamond back I floated,,, Noticed ki did some wood work on beast greatest and longest wooden it is. I was dissapointed, with The Beast entrance,,, Love The Beast sign in the middle, but maybe they could cram a screamin swing in between beast and crypt off to the right of beast new canyon drinks entrance..... But overall the park is returning to its former glory, and maybe Cedair Fair will keep this momentum going!!!
  23. It just depends i was there Friday, and it seems some seats have more lee-way,,, All was good though, i worry too, but these restraints are hard on thighs and legs for sure. As i do have big thighs and legs, I just kind of crammed, in , and it worked. But weird restraints in deed, I felt more room on Cedar Point coasters.
  24. great video wow what a find, love this video we should put it to some music, ,,,,
  25. its such a cool sign,,,,,,can't wait to ride the coaster!!!!!!! and rivertown will be great!!! !!!
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