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Everything posted by tycoonrebel7188

  1. See other than Cedar Point's and Hershey's Storm Runner, I have no other Intamins to compare but I sure do like the ones I have been on, except Wicked Twister That one still makes me dizzy.
  2. As much as love B&M's, and I can not wait to ride Diamondback, I had to vote for Intamin. This was an extremely hard vote for me haha, but seeing as I love Millie, TTD, and Maverick I had to go that route.
  3. Small boulders, haha. They aren't huge. but I could be wrong. After all I am looking at a tiny webcam picture.
  4. So looking at the webcam it seems as if a majority of the concrete from the Crypt's queue house has been removed. Also looks like they are building the fence around Diamondback's queue.
  5. ^^Agreed. Im excited to see how the Diamondback entrance turns out. Also The Beast entrance, I really wish Don would do an update on the Insider Blog about The Beast Entrance. Rivertown is going to look great this season.
  6. I see them maybe planting a few trees around the queue as landscaping but I highly doubt any trees will be planted around the ride past Crypt. :/ And congrats on becoming a KIC Junky Indyguy!
  7. ^ Well goofy you have to think, when Beast first opened, the area around it resembled the area now around Diamondback. Give it time, the trees will slowly grow back.
  8. I was just looking at the webcam and noticed back in the area between the hammerhead and the MCBR that the ground looks rather green. That may sound like a silly statement but with really no grass growing in around the station at this point, it seems to me that the park has begun laying down grass seed with the green fertilizer. I actually hope that the grass has grown in well enough by opening day so the surrounding area around Diamondback isn't just dirt and mud.
  9. ^Do you ever proof read your posts before you post?? Just asking. Anyway. Wind could be the issue, but I think the temperature has more to do with it today than anything. Sorry you didn't get to see any test runs today. I was up there today but I was just up there to process.
  10. It's not moving slow, the webcam isn't refreshing at all. It keeps freezing. The time is now 2:33 PM and the webcam is frozen at 2:26 PM.
  11. Anyone else notice the roof work they are doing on the Diamondback Trading Post? That building used to have cedar shingles. Looks as if the are placing sheet metal on the roof to match the roof on the station.
  12. Sorry for the double post, but there are boxes and a large pile of dirt in the midway in front of The Beast plaza now. Could have something to do with the new plaza.
  13. ^ Actually you beat me to it haha. I edited my post with that, then later saw that you had posted it already. I think that could be the reason. I dont think it will happen today, but if we are lucky, sometime before the end of the week. (crosses fingers)
  14. Looking at the webcam, it looks like the third train is being put in the garage. It could just be a shadow I'm seeing, but it kinda looks like the third train is now present.
  15. I just noticed on the webcam, could be just my eyes playing a trick on me, but it looks like they are installing the railings on the exit ramp.
  16. I agree with you Gator. I want my first ride to be in an outside seat. I really don't care where on the train though.
  17. http://www.kiDiamondback.com/public/latest...ge&chip=493 If you look at the very end of the train on the left you can see an orange object. Looks like this is where the water scoops are going to be attached.
  18. ^^If you look carefully at the pictures just posted, you can see that the first train was in fact the green train. The train that is being put on at the moment is the red train.
  19. Is it possible that they are already done putting the second train together?? I imagine it is possible, I guess the question i'm really trying to ask is, Is it probable that they are done with the second train?
  20. ^Well from the renderings, only a few accents and the covers over the wheels are supposed to be different colors. Not the entire front car. We will find out for sure when Don finally posts pictures.
  21. The best thing I've found to do is click on the webcam link at the top of kiDiamondback.com and just let the window sit. I did that and after a while the webcam started showing again.
  22. ^^ I think that is the most likely culpit for the difference in the colors of the lead cars.
  23. Looks like there is a flatbed truck sitting behind the storage track. I would venture to say they are already beginning to put another train on.
  24. Yeah, I agree with you. Each view seems to stay just a little longer than usual.
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