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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I've seen a lot of negative stuff about X-Flight on Coasterbuzz and was wondering how those of you who have ridden the ride felt about the ride experience itself. Ryan
  2. I agree with Ronny. X Flight was an amazing ride. It was the only one we bothered to ride more than once at Geauga (Except Dominator because Bill insisted). I'd have to agree with Don and say that the Voyage was darn near perfect. It really just didn't stop until you hit the end. Element after element....
  3. I'd say there are two good possiblities about this incident: a) The kids were old enough to make their own decisions and he's just using that to stir up trouble. The kids weren't with the father anyway at the time of the incident so they were left unsupervised regardless.
  4. Troll, I don't care if you want to tell people it's going to be called Firehawk or not, but you will NOT post things about season pass sales because A) you probably really have no idea and remarks like that are degrading to the park from a business standpoint. Please refer to this site's terms of service before posting again.
  5. Thank you for your interest in Gabriel's Bi-Plane-o-rama photos. He will be flying over the park as soon as he gets the next opportunity and you guys will be the first to know about it. We're just not sure when that will be.
  6. My guess, and yes, this is simply a guess is that CF is holding Premeir to fixing the design flaws in the ride, which would explain why they're being shipped off-site (perhaps to Premeir themselves). Who knows, really? Excellent observation, nonetheless.
  7. UncleHenry isn't being serious in his post. He's actually a pretty smart guy... despite the fact that he goes to UC.
  8. I think they should make it all sky blue so no one can see it, then as the train roars by you can't help but stop and laugh because.... what is that?
  9. None of what you said has been confirmed, the park said they "hope" not "will". Keep the faith my friend. If you build it, they will come.
  10. I think it has to do with the decision making process. If you recall, SOB was making circuits with dummies by August of last year.
  11. Joe, I think both you and I know that the lines will be long for this thing... maybe even very long. For anyone out there less familiar with PKI, please read our Trip Planner under the Park Info section to determine when is the best time to visit the park. That is of course IF it's coming to KI...
  12. The restaurant thing can happen anywhere... short staffing and hungry people is always a means for an altercation. Did you get to see the ultri-mini toilet in the cub club room? The lady there was generous enough to let us jokingly take about 3 different people back there to see the landmark. Did you notice the greatness of the proximity of the waterpark? You could go from slide A to slide B in a matter of seconds, rather than walking accross hot pavement for a quarter mile. If anything shoots that waterpark up on the list, that's it. Watercoaster is amazing. Isn't that buffet great? I met the guy who designed the arcade... I promised him I'd send him some photos... I guess I should get on that..
  13. Heck, I'm one of those people who hates everyone and everything and I still rode X Flight over and over at Geauga.
  14. I think they'll try to scale down the current trains before anything... it's cheaper that way...
  15. Welcome to PKIC! Take your coat off, kick your shoes off and stay a while!
  16. Can't argue with your main point. At Winter SOAR last year people were climing into and out of The Vortex cars even though they were specifically told not to.
  17. I love it when people with hundreds of posts act like everyone else is a "fanboy". Plus, you know you would...
  18. Want proof that it's all a lie? "My son did nothing and the man clocked him in the face." Watch the video. It was an open hand. Even if Tigger did something unprovoked, the father is clearly making it out to be more than it really is.
  19. Please leave the moderation to the moderators... Remember -- we're here to have fun, not to pick at what others have to say. That's missing the point. Geeze... everyone's a freakin' English teacher around here... ;-)
  20. If anything this will hurt the parks. One thing that's a real building block of a great park is a quality crew. If they're offering less than minimum wage, then their turnover is going to be amazing. I'm sure people will want to work there just becuase it's KI, but the novelty will wear off quickly.
  21. They almost always repaint rides after they move them.
  22. No, I'm not sure it's not from 1980. '79 is what I was told. Excellent observation.
  23. Geauga Lake Today has just updated with more photos of the removal of X-Flight. Hmmm... I wonder if this topic will be in this particular forum forever. Ryan
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