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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. lol... oops, sorry about my total and utter inability to do math
  2. Tomb Raider: The Ride is an dark flat ride which is more or less an indoor Huss Top Spin. It is extremely well themed and is of course based off of the Tomb Raider movie. Next time you visit the park, I'd recommend checking it out if you're not afraid to be flipped around a few times. Regards, Ryan
  3. Yeah, I'll be there. Todd, I'll give you a call beforehand so we can meet. If anyone else wants to meet, it's all good.
  4. I've heard they have as many employees as 4000 x 4 tickets each = 12,000. In addition to this is radio/TV contenst winners. I have no idea if my numbers are off, but 12000 in the park is not very busy at all.
  5. Here's the rundown: PKI has a signature structure: the Eiffel Tower, but not a signature coaster, so you can debate as to whether or not they need one. Of course they have The Beast, but most people can't see The Beast and be able to recognize it unless you live in the area. Secondly, stocks go up and down.. I'm sure that unless it is truely significant on the part of Viacom, it won't affect any future additions to the park. They have this stuff planned way ahead of time and know what they're doing. It's not like they don't have the money Thirdly, I have to bring this up again about once a month. Just because they haven't added a coaster in a few years doesn't mean that their attendance is going to suddenly drop off. It sure seems that way, but look who you are talking to... a bunch of enthusiasts. PKI attempts to attract families, and families in general are not concerned with coasters. They want family rides and attractions. Now, everyone start watching your mouths in this thread or it will be closed. We won't tolerate that kind of garbage on here. Take it outside. Ryan PKIC Staff
  6. lol...you'd think.. Of course, I'm sure that most of the people who were watching a show about amusement parks were less concerned with the fact that Charles wrote a book on a park and more concerned about his personal life and occupation.
  7. Our official answer is "sure! what the hell? why not?". We'll get back to you with official times and places soon. Ryan
  8. For those of you who didn't see it, the show aired just a few minutes ago. It was fun to see everyone from the forums on there that I have come to know and recognize. The little Italian dude that they interveiwed was Italian Chef, and the tall guy walking into the entrance right at the beginng of the segment was good 'ol Dan. You could see me on the ride when the blond girl in the front row's hair wasn't in the way.
  9. Ah, does this bring back memories... how many of you guys were there? I met a bunch of people from the forums for the fist time that day, but didn't know who any of you were since I had only been on for a week or so. I remember that day particularly because it was the first time that I met Italian Chef, who I have come to be good friends with and it was the first time that I ever ****ed off DanielRadsGrl, which I try to do on a weekly basis now. Who was there? Off the top of my head, I can think of the following people... BoddaH1994 DanielRadsgrl Italian Chef Dragon Lord Delirium Guy Dan ...Jeff Siebert even stopped in and said hi.
  10. As time has passed and the two major water slide attractions have more or less been completed, we see more progress on Kookaburra Bay and Jackeroo Landing. Right now, they're not much more than a skeletal structures, but they're going to look great when they are finished! We also have new pictures of the competed Tazmanian Typhoon and Coolangate Racers with a dusting of snow over them. Many of the Kookaburra Bay and Jackeroo Landing pieces are constructed, but laying on the foot path waiting to be attached. Click here to check them out! Ryan
  11. For those of you who have been patiently waiting so long to see yourselves on TV from the Tomb Raider filmings, it is finally set to air this Friday at 6:00pm. Click here to check out Discovery Channel's page.
  12. How many times do you intend to visit the park this year?
  13. Eh... this isn't in the poll, but I'd have to say that the part between the last magnetic brake run and the 2nd lift hill is the best. I mean, there's not much to it, but the seclusion is awesome especially at night. You just can't beat a terrain coaster that goes through the woods.
  14. I'm pretty sure that Jeff said that there simply would be a March announcement and it was the ethusiasts' overzealous posts that turned it into a BIG BIG BIG March annoucement that will be the end of PKI as you know it... Jeeze people, isn't gutting, redoing, and rethemeing the entire waterpark good enough for you people??
  15. AIM: BoddaH1994... easy enough
  16. We've had pretty successful meeting days for PKIC in the past, and are allowing our members decide if we're having a meeting day on opening day currently. One thing that we've done (and it was mentioned by someone in this thread) has been to have two meeting times, which was pretty successful. We met at 10am and noon since people were complaining that they didn't want to get up early enough to be there at 10. Since opening day is a Friday, I would recommend meeting at noon (for those of you without school or work) as well as around 4:00, which will give everyone an hour and a half or so to get ready after they get off school. Anyway, good luck with the meeting day, and if PKIC decides to roll with it, maybe we can have a joint effort... Ryan
  17. PKIC has always been a fan of the DAFE website. If we had known that you guys hadn't seen it, we would have linked it a long time ago.
  18. I caught the early morning news this morning and they talked about how Boomerang Bay was scheduled to open this summer. They mentioned that the construction is going as scheduled and that the park intends to use Paul Hogan to endorse the park via TV commercials, but no mention of him making an appearance at the park itself. Ryan
  19. Click here to read the article. It talks about how PKI will be more Hollywood-oriented and how The Beast will get sound effects for it's 25th. Nothing that we couldn't have derived other than that, but this probably either is, or is greatly associated with the March Announcement.
  20. Chef Chef Chef.. must I do everything for you?? Click here to vote as to whether or not Chef should come with us or stay at home with his wife? **Note that the poll is for fun.
  21. Should Italian Chef come with us to PKI's opening day desipite the fact that he has a very pregnant wife?? Please note that this pole is just for fun, and Charles will do whatever is in his best judgement on that day.
  22. That would be interesting. I'd love to see them winch a train through all of The Beast's track.
  23. Oh, I can tell you stories. My brother and I are the self-proclaimed champions of getting those black fiberglass tubs to spin like you wouldn't belive. Not only does it get the attention of everyone on the ride (it tends to shake the ride if you get going as fast as we do) but the entire que line and this one time we saw people stopping on the midway . I was rather proud of myself and my bro but after we got off, the fun stopped. Long story short, I laid on the ground next to Subway for about 15 minutes, but its a ride I will never forget. :cowboy: lol... great story How do you get them to spin? Do you just shift your body weight?
  24. If you guys can't make it, don't sweat it.. there will be PLENTY of PKIC days this year.
  25. I can see where you're coming from. Timberwolf is in a pretty busy part of the park, so I'm sure that the traffic that it brings really doesn't help out AZ at all. Although I highly doubt that it would ever be located, it would be better being on the outskirts of the park, so guests can enjoy both the park and the concerts without a rush through the more crowded areas of the park before and after the concerts.
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