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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. That was baaad. I don't remember any snakes at pki though.. I remember the time I told some blonde girl that she needs to see more movies since she said Tomb Raider was her favorite movie and she got all mad at me... I wonder whatever happened to her...
  2. I remember this time when I rode TR and there were these punk kids throwing something at the canopy over the queue trying to knock down a stuffed animal that was up there. Finally the kid's friend helped him and he climbed on top of the whole thing, collected change and grabbed the stuffed animal, and climbed back down. This old guy in a security uniform came up to them and started yelling at them.. they got all apologetic thinking that they were going to get thrown out, but as it turns out, it wasn't a security guard at all, but just some crazy old guy in a security uniform. I'm surprised the real PKI security didn't come and throw those kids out.. they could have caused some real damage.
  3. Thanks for the shameless plug. It's on the front page on the other side of the fence and people are still on our forums arguing about it. Listen: It's CD's Boomerang Bay!!
  4. oh come one.. anyone can buy a Delirium shirt... we're shooting for at least somewhat rare stuff!
  5. The only ride I can think of with a weight limit is Launch Pad, in which the limit is 200lbs. Very disappointing because I think it looks fun and I am just over that weight.
  6. A few months ago, PKIC gave away an authentic FoF uniform shirt (won by Fusiondude). We considered this to be pretty successful and want to do it more. So tell us, what do you guys want? T-shirts, park memoribilia, cool photos we've taken... what?? Ryan
  7. Onride videos are nearly impossible.. that has to be cleared with the park long beforehand to be able to even think about it. Now a simulation.... Check out pki.com for onride videos. Ryan
  8. Click here to go to PKIC's new section on our LATEST BB update! (Just in case you guys didn't see it on the front page) It's from 3-3-2004.
  9. PKIC proudly brings you our latest Boomerang Bay construction Update from 3-3-03! This includes pictures of the final touches being put on Tazmanian Typhoon, the Coolangate Racers have been completed so we brought you more pics of those. Also they have put in the foundations and set in the footers for Kookubarra Bay and Jackeroo Landing. Also, we have the FIRST pics of the NEW PARKING signs saying “Crocodile Dundee’s Boomerang Bayâ€, and a “vintage†Waterworks sign. We are also bringing you pics of the tubing that will be installed to supply water to PKI’s newest attractions!! Click here to check them out!
  10. The magic shop sells small items like card tricks and stuff like that.
  11. ^ Ah, first of all, welcome to PKIC! Second of all, that is an excellent photo collection there. If you guys haven't checked it out yet, I recommend that you do so!
  12. lol... this is a good thread You might be a coaster freak if you can point yourself out in a coaster show on the Discovery Channel. You might be a coaster freak if you tell the people who are around you in line all the stats of the ride that you're waiting for... even if they didn't ask, don't care, or ask you to stop talking. You might be a coaster freak if you teach a new ride op how to check the restraints... and you're just a guest! You might be a coaster freak if you have a terrifying dream of falling through a Vortex and immediately wake up and try to recreate it on No Limits. You might be a coaster freak if you own No Limits. You might be a coaster freak if you can even THINK about a new waterpark when it's 15 degrees outside. You might be a coaster freak if the people who take pictures at the front of the park know better than to even ask you... You might be a coaster freak if you have a John Allen t-shirt. You might be a coaster freak if you check EVERY DAY to see if the PKI web cam is back up. You might be a coaster freak if you got physically angry in a debate over which rides need to get a new paint job. You might be a coaster freak if you're on CoasterBuzz so much the everyone thinks your a moderator... even the staff. You might be a coaster freak if you actually read all of this.
  13. For that, I sent a letter bomb to Dane's house... Oh yeah, Dane, don't open the letter I sent you!!!!
  14. lol.. yeah, that's Dane's camera. It scans from top to bottom so if Dane shakes at all, it creates an effect like that. I think it's funny looking.
  15. It was horrible.. we had to evacuate everyone to the saucer section.
  16. lol.. ok ok ok, we're sorry.. it won't happen again... ever!!
  17. Our server went down for about an hour tonight around 9. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
  18. For those of you who didn't see it on the main page, we had six awesome Boomerang Bay construction pics donated by PKIC's good friend Todd Bills. These are the FIRST pics of Taz's slide going vertical! Click here to check them out! Ryan
  19. PKIC proudly brings you the FIRST pics of Tazmanian Typhoon going VERTICAL! Most of the slide sections are in place! These six pictures, including two of the newly completed Coolangata Racers have been donated by PKIC's good friend Todd Bills. Thank you Todd! Click here to check them out! Ryan
  20. I see all of the resteraunts as being equally mediocre... I must admit that I am partial towards Mandarin Cuisine and LaRosa's though.. I also hear that Bubba Gump's is really good, but for some reason being that the park doesn't really make me want to eat sea food...
  21. lol.. yeah because we all know what kind of a flop Delirium was.
  22. Sorry, gotta disagree with you. Paramount owns numerous movie studios, so why build more that they don't necessarily need? Since a lot of filming is Hollywood based, they are able to do things a little cheaper by having their equipment and crew in a specific area. They'd have to relocate people in order to get Paramount-quailty work. Not worth it.
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