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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Not necessarily. When they add a ride, usually the technology is new and not perfected. In this case, it's the same technology but simply with a different program. I highly doubt that if they change the themeing, it would go down too often, and even if it did, I doubt they'd close the ride.
  2. Sure, why not? I mean, it's not unheard of... Kennywood is conisdered the Dark Ride Capital of the world.
  3. This was more of a test run than anything. Don't worry, we'll have a whole BB construction history flash when it's done!
  4. We didn't get inside. You can reach your camera in between where the different sections of fence meet and get awesome pics.
  5. Thinking that you were going to get friction on here is an understandable beleif, but it simply doesn't happen here. We are a NICE community who actually like eachother. Flaming wasts our bandwidth, and makes PKIC less fun, so we don't tolerate it at all!! So, welcome back to PKIC, feel free to post, and thanks for giving us a chance! Ryan
  6. It's different with TTD, that's a launch, not gravity driven.
  7. I'd say that due to wind resistance and friction on the wheels, hitting the terminal velocity would talke a lot more than 500ft. The G force is a problem, though. Military pilots as well as astranauts have unbelieveable G forces on them. Of course, they have a medical check done before each experience. A ride that tall would probably cause heart attacks in a lot of people, so the likeleyness isn't that great... then again, two years ago, I probably would have said the same thing about 420 ft...
  8. To my understanding, they hire as young as 15.
  9. Mine was the Miller coaster at Americana, followed by the Serpent, Beastie, and The Racers.
  10. Oh, come on! You worked the FoF crew! There can't be anything more thrilling than launching people 0-60 with the touch of a button!
  11. Sorry about that, this was my first attempt at HTML. The link at the bottom should be fixed. Boomerang Bay Pics 1-7-04
  12. PKI.com has just updated a few events that are taking place between now and the end of the season. Most of which are employment related: <b>SPECIAL INTERVIEW DAY 01/24 2004 OPENING DAY! 04/09 PKI MUSIC FESTIVAL - BAND 04/17-04/18 PKI MUSIC FESTIVAL - CHORAL 04/24-04/25 MUSIC SHOWCASE FESTIVAL 05/01, 05/08, 05/15, 05/22 </b> Source: pki.com I'm not sure about the shows, as in who's going to be preforming or whatever, so if you have any info, fill us in!
  13. I wish they'd just open the park on weekends through the beginning of November... no Fear Fest. It was cool in the past few years, but it's almost like they didn't even try this year.
  14. Every time I go up there with Italian Chef, he brings a bookbag. They usually take a look inside, but they had never tried to stop him from bringing it again as far as I know.
  15. Does the flag system work for all of the rides, or just the major ones?
  16. Back on topic: I doubt any rides will be removed at all. At that, if any ride is removed (major ones, I'm talking about) it will be because of reasons similar to why KC was removed... it would cost more money to repair than it's worth. Like you guys have said, they have plenty of prime real estate for expansion, and they realize that every ride is a handful of people's "favorite ride in the world" so removing a ride is a last resort more than likely. Plus, I'm sure it's actually cheaper to simply pave a walkway to a new ride rather than going through the trouble of removing an old one and attempting to build there.
  17. I actually formatted the picture layout of this particular update since Dane's on the DL for a while. I'd like to thank PKIU's Aaron for giving me pointers and coaching a few days ago since it was my first time using html. Thanks, Aaron!
  18. I'd say a SFKK-esque park.. as in, it's not that big, but it can get money when it wants.
  19. Yeah, I'm going to sacrifice a day of my education to bring you guys BB pics... and I guess this means that I have to do the BB pics update. I was considering otherwise since it's so freaking cold!
  20. Very true. From what I remember, they tried started SOB before an official announcement, and it's hard to "ignore" footers being installed when you could clearly see them from Top Gun. what footers, i do see them but i dont know what they are to lol.. no no no... the footers from when they built SOB
  21. Very true. From what I remember, they tried starting SOB before an official announcement, and it's hard to "ignore" footers being installed when you could clearly see them from Top Gun.
  22. Don't go blindly into this e-commerce concept. It's not all perfect. One of my responsibilities at work is to run BestBuy.com. Ever since they launched v.2, things have been screwed up immensely. There have been countless times when customer service has called me asking for an order when the customer is standing right there with their confirmation letter for an order that hasn't been sent to me yet, so I couldn't have confirmed it. We have the ability to cancel orders, so it's not like there's money lost, but a lot of times, the web page gets confused as to who should be sent an e-mail and who shouldn't, so sometimes customers will go all the way to the store to pick up a product that we dont' have.
  23. I loved (in the earlier season) how the crowds would react to seeing Delirium for the first time. I remember waiting for the parking lot to open on Season Pass night in April. People were pressed against their windshields... pointing at the ride, all the while with their jaws dropped in awe. Again, reactions were quite entertaining while waiting for the 10:00 rope to drop. Hundreds of people audibly sucking in air at the same time, as if seeing a spaceship landing before them. lol.. I remember the first time I got my girlfriend (no ex girlfriend to ride it). We got in line right as the park opened and were in the first queue. When the first group got to go, the frisbee started moving and her jaw dropped, she went pale, and said quietly, "Oh my God! It almost goes vertical!".
  24. Wow, you're really bad at making these polls. My vote goes for Rivertown since The Beast is always fast and Tomb Raider seems to run rather well despite its low capacity. I'll actually cast the vote once the poll is fixed.
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