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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. It's not so much the 1.1 million, but the major rehab that the ride needs too.
  2. Anything 3d rocked in the FX Theater, so that's the one upperhand that Sponge Bob had. If 007 were 3d, it would have been the best ever!!
  3. The camel didn't look happy.. I didn't want to go into full detail about this in the editorial because that wasn't the point, but it kept rubbing its head against the fence for some reason. And you're right -- camels are fine in the cold. About a thosand years ago, they became extinct in North America, but it was more or less the same breed. Like I said in the editorial, if your an adult or a little kid, you may have fun there, but it doesn't exactly match well with the 18-25 demographic.
  4. I've heard from both PKI fan sites about this announcement. I'm not sure if it's a big rumor or not, but if it's true, my money is on a coaster!
  5. I've never ridden a flyer, but from what I hear, once the novelty wears off, it's really not that great of a ride. Personally, I'm a fan of the classic looper, but since you guys are all looking for something special, I think my vote would be for either an Intamin (simply because they're not afraid of height and their tracks look cool) and a B&M floorless.
  6. 1. What do you mean haven't had your lapbar checked? 2. Ride ops are people, not robots. We need human interaction, and not the kind where a person hands you something then ignores you the rest of the time. Yeah we talk, but I try to talk only when people are getting into their seats still, or we have a hold up where we can't launch the train or continue checking restraints (ie. restraints have been unlocked for someone to get out). 3. Yes, I know, the "3, 2, 1, goodbye!" thing does get annoying. There was only one person that did that every train that launched. When I was driving, I would try to space out the times I did it, so the people in the station would only hear it once. There are also sometimes where a person would ask me to say it, like a little girl who had never ridden before. OK, I think I am done with defending my crew, lol. 1. Not having my lap bar checked means that I didn't have my lap bar checked. 2. I totally realize that people need interaction. It just seemed to really slow the lines down a lot when they were standing around BSing. Granted, I work at Best Buy and there have been times when I've been talking to another employee and walked right past a customer that tried to get my attention. It just seemed to be done way too often. 3. There was a girl who had glasses, and a guy (who I assume wasn't you) that would do it every time. Don't take my observations personally. That was just what I noticed. I could have just been at the wrong place at the wrong time often last season. I didn't intend to offend you or your crew personally. I don't know you guys, so I have no grounds to attack you. How about we just drop this debate so they can possibly keep this thread opened. Thanks, Ryan
  7. Just don't spill anything while you're there, it's not covered by our insurance.
  8. I bet that fund is pretty freakin' big!! Does anyone know what the normal perse is on that?
  9. 10. Praying every night that 2004 will finally bring an efficient crew to FoF. 9. Sending "Get Well Soon" cards to the rides as they go through rehab. 8. Seeing the Eiffel Tower from Paris, France in a movie and wondering if the people on it are watching the Boomerang Bay construction. 7. Yelling "ARROW!!" while driving down hills. 6. Getting in your car and reaching for an OTSR. 5. Going to the Beach's Holiday Fest just for the sake of driving past PKI. 4. Referring to Holiday Fest as "Winterfest" accidentally. (You're all guilty of that) 3. Asking a girl out by offering to take her to PKI, so your first date can't be for over 3 months. 2. Driving off into the middle of nowhere and referring to the paved roads as the "steel roads" and the gravel roads as the "wooden roads". 1. Ordering LaRosa's pizza and refusing to acknowledge that there are any other options than plain and peperoni.
  10. Excellent question! The rollercoasters do rust. If you notice where the paint is scratched off of the tracks (where the wheels meet the track), you'll noticed that those areas are rusted. The paint is a protectant from the rust. I lot of the other things involve looking at the mechanics and deciding what needs to be rehabed. Parts are replaced, joints are lubricated.. things like that. Oh, and of course, every once and a while a ride will get a paint job.
  11. Yeah and we still would have got the best crew award on here. Seriously though, if your referring to the loudness of the spiel given to riders while in line, don't blame us b/c the volume is so high. We have no control over that. Trust me, I could deal with the loudness of the speakers. It was the crew acting like nerds that annoyed me. The thought that came to my head when they were making voices on the load speaker was "Wow, they have no lives." In Delirium's defense, I always found the line to go quickly, and the crew efficient. Also, you can't tell me that you don't get bored at your job and do dorky things to. Oh, come on!
  12. lol.. you guys really need to defuse. Don't let this get blown out of proportion. We're all friends here! The train ride themeing was probably taken out because of the fact that WW was built and it took up a lot of the land. Also, since most people do in fact use the train simply as transportation, they probably chose to put their money elsewhere. I'm sure the impressions of cowboys and indians weren't exactly PC anymore as well. The rest of the themeing was probably left up just so the train ride isn't blatantly bland. I realize that it hasn't been kept up, but that's probably on the park's long list of needed improvements. I don't see anything necessarily new going in there because it would be hard to advertise that as a new attraction.
  13. Although I'm sure the HBL expansion did help a lot, look at the other factors involved: The economy was in much better shape then it was in 99-present, and that was pre-9/11.
  14. I really hope so. I assume that PKI would have a lot more to offer and be able to offer it to a better demographic.
  15. Well, I didn't go anywhere besides PKI this year, so I'm going to pick and choose to save some time. Best steel coaster: Flight of Fear Best wooden: The Beast Best crew: Delirium I've got to hand it to that crew, with that set up, it could either go really good, or REALLY bad, but every time I rode it (which was quite often) the line ran smoothly. So hats off to them! Worst crew: Flight of Fear er... where do I start? I haven't had my lap bar checked countless times.. I saw the crew members standing around and talking while they should have been collecting people's loose article and whatnot, thus making the line even slower. "3,2,1 Goodbye!" <--That got really old really quickly... Get a freaking life people!! Then again, I'd probably get really frusterated with all the people that seat belt was too lofty of a concept for them. Best memory: When they kept pushing back Nights of Fire on July 5th, and finally we were told that it wasn't going on until 11. Then the storm was delayed, so an employee ran frantically into the Festhaus to tell everyone that it was starting in 5 mins. Worst memory: Sign falling. Need I say more? Thing that scared the poo out of me: When my OTSR popped up completely on the 2nd lift on Face/Off. The seat belt part was the only thing that kept me in. Most improved coaster: SoB, still rough, but really getting there. Favorite employee: The guy who was sitting there one morning at the tram station near the front entrance. He was on the mic begging people to ask him questions because he was so bored. I remember him specifically saying, "Come on! Ask me something. I probably know the answer... even if I don't, then we can find out together." Best new eatery: Manderine Cuisine. If you haven't tried it, give it a shot. I give a close honorable mention to Bubba Gump's. Great food, even better themeing. Memories of the weather: Specifically, I remember The Beast getting struck by lightning. I'll always remember this season as being the season that it rained just about every day in the early part of the season and due to that, everything was a walk-on! ~~A special honorable mention goes out to PKI's Guest Relations for returning my cell phone in a safe in timely manor!!
  16. On the contrary, PKI has a pretty good idea. Remember the survey that most of us took in 03?
  17. Speaking for the staff of PKIC, I issue you an official "eh, maybe".
  18. BoddaH's Excellent Adventure to Holiday Fest Check out my latest editorial about the Beach's Holiday Fest. Trust me, reading the article is a lot less painful than actually going. Thanks, Ryan
  19. Believe it or not, all photos were taken from outside of the general park area. "Yeah dude, Dan rocks!"
  20. ...and who manufactured POTC in Disneyland? Arrow!!
  21. I 2nd that notion. Let's take it to a vote.
  22. I agree with you about the rotation. The best part about PKI's is that it stops rotating several feet from the top, so you think you're at the top at that point but it keeps going up! That's freaky.
  23. You're grounded, young lady!! Actually, I think they'll keep the same music too. I don't think they'll take the themeing as seriously as we think they will.
  24. In response to the labor comment, I ask the employees? How many of you would love to go back in December and work a few days? You gotta figure that enough of them would be around to run Winterfest since you don't need ride ops, etc. I wonder if they do ride rehab while Winterfest is going on...
  25. Yeah, I kind of agree with that statement. <<I agree that having an off topic area was a good idea, but this is a PKI forum and having topics about video games and comedy DVDs makes it hard to do. I wanted to ask one question about something I didn't quite understand. By all means I'm not trying to start anything, but what do you mean by this part I quoted? Are you saying that it is hard to keep moderated and clean, or that it just doesn't go with the rest of the site? >> I mean that it's hard to keep this forum a PKI forum when we have an open off topic discussion. It could go any way really... I mean, if the topics were about different parks and stuff like that, then it would fit in well with the forums, but we're talking about DVDs and video games.. that's totally fine for now, but we just want to keep things PKI-oriented here. Remember to vote on whether or not the spam forum will stay! http://www.pki-central.com/forums/index.ph...&f=7&t=299&st=0
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