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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I hear opening day is a possibility. I think opening day is on a Friday, if you guys want to meet that evening then we can put that on the table once the date rolls closer.
  2. Actually, what I hear a lot is: "Attention guests, this ride is experienceing technical difficulties, it will reopen as soon as it is deemed safe for your enjoyment."
  3. I can only speak for myself, but I think it's a great idea! I'm in. Here are a few that I hear from a frequent guests' perspective: "Hey, don't you want to win your girlfriend one of these stuffed animals?? Oh, come on! Look how easy it is! I know you can do it! Come on! Why are you walking away?" "Hey, do you really work for Arrow?" I get that about 10 times a day whenever I wear my Arrow Dynamics polo shirt. "Welcome back riders. We hope you enjoyed your ride." "Attention ladies and gentelmen, in just 15 minutes Paramount's Kings Island will present 'A Fireworks Spectacular'" ::Someone cuts into a conversation:: "Actually, the King Cobra IS still here. I assure you, it's still in the park!" ~That one's for you, CoasterGuy "This ride is nothing like Cedar Point's..." I hate those guests. "Where's Top Gun?" "...the Eiffel Tower is approximately 1/3 of the size of the actual Eiffel Tower located in Paris, France. [bad joke] [bad Joke] [bad Joke] Please exit to your left and you are welcome to stay on the observation level as long as you would like." "Oh, my God! It almost goes vertical!" That was my ex girlfriend's famous quote after seeing Delirium for the first time. "I heard they're getting a floorless coaster in 2005 that's 680 feet tall and has 115 inversions."
  4. ^ I like what that guy has to say, and agree with all of it. I doubt any coasters are on the chopping block in the forseeable future. These rumors get started and ranted about until people start to believe them.
  5. For the pictures that are far away, you can clearly see that digital zoom was used. Also, for all we know, they could have been taken during the tour. Reguardless, I'm sure if there is a problem with the pictures THE PARK will contact PKIC and we will gladly remove them, other than that, it's not really anyone's position to be the internet police.
  6. We'll have to weigh this idea a little bit before we take any action. Our goal for the past few months has been to aim all conversations in the direction of PKI. Having threads about Scooby Doo and Lara Croft, in my opinion, is too loosely related to the park for this site. Of course, that is simply my opinion and there are currently four staff members, so take that for what it's worth. I'd have to warn you that if we added another forum, chances are that we'd delete one too, which would probably be "discussion".
  7. PKIC proudly gives you the latest Boomerang Bay Construction Update! These pictures were donated by someone who chooses to remain anonymous, but they are pretty exclusive, so whoever you are, thank you! Post-tour construction pics
  8. Wouldn't doubt seeing one near PKI but not in PKI.
  9. It hard for anyone to say exactly when we'll be at the park since te season is so far off. If you would like, remind us a few weeks beforehand and we'll try to get some people up there to meet you.
  10. Simply not possible. I refuse to accept the contemptible bulge of fecal matter that is pouring out of your gargantuanly abhorrent statement. Testify, brother!
  11. mmmm... I love cheerleaders Anyway, my guess is that eventually they'll sell the rights to the venue and whoever buys them will gut it and rehab it.
  12. Actually, I see it as a good opportunity for everyone to meet eachother. I pray to god that it doesn't turn into a bunch of bitterness between the sites. Why don't we consider doing this once the season starts? We just have to remember that we're all FRIENDS with a COMMON INTEREST and that we'd be meeting for a GAME not a fight.
  13. If anyone wants to see some really cool BB tour pics, including the trains from many of your favorite coasters, check out the link below. It is brought to you courtosy of our friends at EPKI! EPKI's Construction Tour Pics
  14. People submit editorials every once in a while, but not many of them are posted. It was totally our fault since we never really told you guys what we were looking for. If anyone submits an editorial, feel free to contact the staff and we'll try to get you in good working order so it can be up and you can be made famous. Thanks, Ryan
  15. I would like to publicly thank everyone for being there! I also have to thank Italian Chef, not only for organizing the event, but for giving me a great gift for my birthday and supplying a great cake! It was an honor to spend part of my 21st with you guys! If it makes you feel any better, that was the only part of my 21st that I remember in my entirety right now. Anyway, a special thanks goes out to Wera for cooking such an awesome buffet and giving me a a gigantic bottle of wine for my B-Day. You rock! I hope we can all get together some time soon!!! Thanks, Ryan
  16. PKIC considers the days of BB updates trade secrets, so I can't exactly tell you the date, but it will be soon.
  17. Guys, I owe you all an apology for being unable to attend the BB construction tour. Unfortunately, we had a family emergency and I was kept away from going. Don't fret though, we'll have construction updates rolling in starting this coming week! Stay tuned for my updates. regards, Ryan
  18. I choose Arrow because if you read your history, they're pretty much responsible for the modern coaster. I also think that they just have the best designs out there... I mean, I think The Vortex is darn near perfect!
  19. This is just a friendly reminder that all ideas must be submitted and approved by the PKIC staff before the actual editorial can be submitted. If you do not submit an idea, your editorial will not be posted now matter how good it is!! Note that not all ideas submitted will be approved of, and not all editorials submitted will be posted. If we do not approve of your idea, or post your editorial, don't take it personally. It's just an opportunity to rethink your work and submit something even better! Things to remember when brainstorming: Is this an idea or a subject that people are going to bother to read about? Are my grammar and spelling perfect? Is it long enough that I can express my ideas, but short enough that people can read it in one sitting? Would my editorial be offensive to anyone? Good editorial ideas: Arrow Files For Bankrupcy: What this May Mean to the Coaster Industry Kings Island vs. Paramount's Kings Island Tribute to the King Cobra (NOT "Why I liked the King Cobra", or "Who's going to buy the King Cobra" or "Why B&M is better than TOGO") -- You must assume that no one cares about your opinion... editorials are an analysis, not a list of opinions. They may seem similar, but with a good editorial, it makes a world of difference! Bad editorial ideas: If I got to Decide What the Next Coaster Would Be If I Had Jeff Siebert's Job, I Would.... Which Ride Will Be Removed Next? Now BoddaH, you wrote an editorial about Holiday Fest, why does your opinion count about that? Well, that's a little different. I went to Holiday Fest with the intention of writing an article about Holiday Fest and how you could visit that as a way to alleviate some Off Season Blues, but HF was just so bad that I decided that it would be more appropriate to write an editorial about it. I took a sarcastic approach to it in order to make it somewhat interesting. Then again, during the off season, you get what you can! More than likely, if you submit an idea and it's not horrible, but not promising, we'll tell you that if you want to write it, you can, but there's no guarantee that it will be posted. So, if you just use a little bit of logic, as stated above, you really don't need to hold back too much. Any registered PKIC member is able to submit an editorial. Thanks, Ryan
  20. You just made it sound that much more promising.
  21. It seems like the site has progressed a lot in the past two years! I must say, I liked 1.0 better than 2.0 for some reason... of course, when I started coming to PKIU, 2.0 was the one that was up. It's a shame that the two year anniversary isn't during the season, it would be a helluva excuse to have a meeting day. Congrats on 2 years! Ryan
  22. You'd also have to figure in the compound used to make the wheels. That costs a lot of friction loss.
  23. The tower is still photogentic, so they might wait a while to paint it. You have to realize that painting the tower is a gigantic job which would costs thousands of dollars and take months to do. The light blue does give the illusion that it's supposed to be darker, but it faded, but as long as I can remember, it's been basically the same color. The only way you can really tell that there are rust spots on it is by standing under it, or actually riding it. These things are impossible to get rid of. If they painted it, within weeks rust would begin to show through. That's the thing about a gigantic 300+ tall tower... you can't make every inch of it perfect..
  24. Not necessarily. When they add a ride, usually the technology is new and not perfected. In this case, it's the same technology but simply with a different program. I highly doubt that if they change the themeing, it would go down too often, and even if it did, I doubt they'd close the ride.
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