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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I'd have to say that I love the park because it's almost like a euphoric place to go. It's like my own personal taste of Shangri-La. I can go there and forget about any problem I have. I guess that has to do with the fact that it's almost an hour from where I live, so it's accessable, but still no one can find me there. I think that rides are great stress relievers. I guess the best example I can give is the launch for Flight of Fear. I mean, when you're strapped into that seat waiting for the launch, you're not thinking about the test you have next Tuesday that you haven't studied for, you're not thinking about whether or not your girlfriend's cheating on you and what you're going to do if you find out that she is, and you're not thinking about how you were supposed to read chapter 16 of European History but didn't because you were on the forums all night. The only thing you're thinking of is the fact that you are about to be catipulted like a pebble out of a slingshot directly into a cobra roll. I suppose everyone has their own release. I mean, some people play sports or write for the same reason. I suppose that since my release only happens for part of the year, I need to blow off steam while it's open. That's why I go like 3 times a week, all the way from Northern KY. I have always wished that I lived closer to the park, but I suppose it just would be the same that way.
  2. lol...first of all, if you want to get technical, most of the radical religious groups believe the number of beast is 6, the mark of The Beast looks kind of like a UPC code. If you have a problem with it, go to GR... hopefully they'll just tell you the same thing that I'm going to tell you, and that is: :::SMACK!::: and when you're crying, taunt you with "wah wah wah". Anyway, Chef was right. Today was an excellent day in the park. I felt bad because I was wearing an Arrow Dynamics shirt and the first thing we did was marathon Flight of Fear a bunch of times. I wonder if that's wrong to do or not... The Chef talked me into eating at the Chinese restaurant on I-Street. Boy was that stuff great! I highly, highly recommend that you try it if you haven't eaten there. Their staff is extremely nice and the food is 110% excellent. I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to settle for LaRosa's pizza slices again. You can eat a plentiful meal with a drink there for about $10. It sounds like a lot, but if you add up the money that you spend at the Festhaus, it's about the same. I'd say you get more bang for your buck there. Anyway, Chef and I rode TR:TR for the first time since the filmings in late June. I'm willing to say that I'm still tired of the ride. So I guess getting there early really pays off. We rode a fair amount of rides in 4 hours before the crowds picked up. Anyway Todd, it's a shame that we didn't see eachother there. Have a good day everyone. -Ryan
  3. Delirium is an excellent ride. The only thing that sucks about it is how sitting in the seat number of which you were assigned is far to lofty a concept for most PKI guests for some reason.
  4. My guess would be EXTREMELY crowded. We're getting there early and probably leaving early as well. Hopefully we'll get a little bit of rain so people won't go. Those are the best days!
  5. ahhh....boy do I love cheerleaders....
  6. The Chef and I intend to be there Monday. Anyone else intend to go?
  7. Well, I guess it's time to congradulate you publicly, Chef. Go Chef! As far as doing commentary on rides, I do Delirium all the time. It's no so much that I'm describing things like "Now we're swinging left, now we're swinging right" or anything like that, it's more like I'm describing the incredible air time that I'm getting out of the ride. On another note, does anyone get particular songs stuck in their heads on particular rides? I thought I was crazy, but someone else mentioned it in an earlier post. He or she said they get "The Zephyr Song" by RHCP stuck in their head obviously while riding the Zephyr. I'm sure a lot of us can relate to that. lol...One time I overheard my brother singing "Pictures" by Kid Rock and Cheryl Crow on FoF. It's kind of funny because you'd think that an intense ride would spark some kind of rock song in you. -Ryan
  8. If we planned a PKIU reunion, I would have like to have known about it. What do you mean by "washboarding"?
  9. lol...although our park is, well..our park.. and I take great pride in it and am proud to say that I'm a passholder, I still think that there's no reason for there to be nastyness between us and the CP folks.
  10. STXBomber, right? I was wondering that myself, but he described himself in another post and I think I've seen him up there working with this guy and the girl that like to play on the job...
  11. Nah, the one in Coney Mall wasn't anything like Splat City. It was just a fountain....no one was intended to touch or walk through the water. It just happened not to have any kind of fencing around it. It was pretty small.
  12. True, very true... I was just thinking more along the lines of track layout, etc. Although FoF is 10000x better new because of the new restraints, it really doesn't entirely change the ride experience. I mean, it's much more comfortable now, and you feel like you have more freedom, but it's still the same ride.
  13. grrr....I've heard that too. Maybe once would be ok, but there's this guy and this girl that do it over, and over, and over, and over... it gets so old SO quickly.. Whenever that guy is the ride op, it seems like the line goes a lot slower. Sometimes they have a different crew working and the like isn't bad. I don't blame the employees entirely for that... I mean, I've seen for myself the STUPID people who get on that ride and how the extra little seatbelt is far too lofty of a concept for them. I guess I'll assume that when the ride op screws around on the PA, he's blowing off steam and I respect that, but like I said, it gets REALLY old.
  14. Business or no business, Arrow was the pioneer of the modern rollercoaster. I have nothing but respect for that company. I'm a fan of their work. I'd love to work for them some day. I just hope they're still around when I graduate and get enough work experience to even be considered.
  15. lol...it's a shame...she's so hot I totally believe that she's got a bad attitude. I heard this clip from Brazil (I think) in which she accidentally forgot to turn off her mic (maybe she played live that time?) and she was b!tching at the stage manager... Is she really banned from the park or was that a joke? Was it something she did, or because the crowd was so bad?
  16. No, I don't. How fast is shipping on that stuff? It would be cool if all or most of us got them and wore them.
  17. Yeah, it was three constant streams shooting upward. There was nothing around it, so you could walk through it if you really wanted to. I'm willing to say that a lot of toddlers were falling into it, causing complaints...just my guess.
  18. Yeah, upfront would be best in my opinion... plus someone should wear something distinguishable, so we can make sure that we're with the right group and whatnot... maybe a pkiu shirt if you have one
  19. ^ I totally agree with you. I mean, even some of the scenes from Scooby Doo are very similar to the ones from PT that were in the exact same spot. I'll basically rest my case on this: the queue lines. PT: The Maestro very convincingly playing the pipe organ. Then he turns around and taunts the crowd about how foolish it was to enter the theatre.. That was the best part of the ride...simply amazing.... Scooby: ::HISS -- Cardboard cutout pops up:: (You hear something that kind of sounds like Scooby or Shaggy or whoever's voice but it's too faint to understand) ::HISS -- That Cardboard cutout goes down and other cardboard cutout pops up:: You hear another barely recognizable voice... repeat until you're on the crappy ride... Even the animatronics aren't good at all... PT told a story. SDATHC is just a dumb excuse to put the name "Scooby Doo" on a ride. They should have just made PT interactive somehow. Now THAT would have been cool.
  20. Let's make it next year...that would be better. Of course, we could always have a mini gathering for Fearfest if you guys are up to it. Actually, that's what my vote is on. How about as many of us get together some weekend evening for Fearfest, and then we'll plan several months in advance for a big meeting next year. Sound good to you?
  21. Nah, it wasn't a fountain. It was the water by the BeerGardens (now Bubba Gumps) I believe. There was something wrong with the pump that recirculates the water and it caused them to get shocked. Again, correct me if I'm wrong. This is just my understanding.
  22. What did they need someone down there for? Was it just to babysit the line? I'm not that sad to see them not using it. It's not like the first year when they had steam coming from the pipes and stuff.
  23. To be honest with you guys, I've never been to PKI on a day when they had a concert. Are they busy all day, or does it drop off once the concert start? Also, how late do they go? Do they try to make them end as the park's closing? If they ran over, would they still do the Fireworks Spectacular?
  24. lol...I noticed that you're new on here... watch what you say about the walk back, you'll have a thread of 15 people b-tching about it and they'll have to close the topic. It is my understanding that Arrow owns the rights to the ride, so if they want to modify it, they must go through them. ::Correct me if I'm wrong, of course:: Paramount, and Viacom at that has knee deep pockets. They could do anything they wanted to that ride if they really wanted to. Like I mentioned above, it would just be very difficult to market it as a new ride, though.
  25. I agree that the interactive ride thing was a good idea, I just think they could have made it a hundred times better.
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