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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I don't know how many of you caught it last year, but Alice Cooper was made a part of one of the shows. He's in town once again next Wensday for a show at the Taft Theatre. Any word on whether or not he'll be part of the show again?
  2. wrong FoF best coaster in the world!
  3. Because the park is packed. It sucks.
  4. One cycle is just a little under one queue. So, if all the queues are full, it's like a 4-5 cycle wait..which is 35 mins or so. Worth every second of it. So unless the line is out of the entrance, you won't wait for more than an hour.
  5. Basically, anyone who said anything was attacked by other members of the board. They were either insulted because of the ideas, or something stupid like their grammatic skills. So, Chef made a post calling for a truce between everyone. Most people agreed to it, but then those few people who want to ruin it for everyone started their insults in that same thread. Aaron was forced to close the boards because things were way out of hand.
  6. Deleting threads, while annoying, would not create the errors which I was getting. I was getting errors saying this like "Error: semicolon expected" which means that the core programming was just not every well done. It's a very amiture error to have. I don't know how much coding you have control over when using MYSQL, but if you do have control, you're doing it right.
  7. Trees would be awsome for SOB. Hopefully they won't put in little 3 foot tall trees, so we'll have to wait 50 years to have the sensation that we're going through the forest as you might on The Beast. If I were going to put tunnels in, I'd put them at the bottom of the hill and partially up the second hill and maybe covering a helix.
  8. I know this isn't exactly local, but I would consider Disney World a bigger competitor than Coney Island. A lot of people make yearly trips down there, but only go to Coney Island for company picnics, conventions, etc. Unless you're into carnival style flats, Coney Island just isn't appealing. Also, it's a shame that no one goes to Americana anymore. I realize that you can never tell which seasons it's going to be opened or closed or under new management or whatever, but they have a killer John A. Miller wooden called the "Screachin' Eagle" there. The layout is very similar to The Racers, but I think the Screachin' Eagle is a lot more fun.
  9. I used to get script errors for some reason on PKIU all the time, but I don't get them here. I mean, every ten seconds, one would pop up. I couldn't make a signature because of it. It hasn't happend once here. I don't know much about HTML, but keep doing whatever it is that you're doing!
  10. I'm sure they did several surveys (like the one that many of us took in the park) to decide what the public wanted. Just because we don't prefer the water park doesn't mean that everyone feels the same way. Most of us visit the park several times a year, so it's totally different to us. On the other hand, I must agree. I hate water parks.
  11. <<PS: I do not think you would die if DZ's breaks were to fail. You would just hit the restraint and get some bruises, and maby some broken bones. I really dont know though, thats a really scary thought. (DZ's breaks cannot fail.) >> Good question... I'd say that some people would survive. Everyone would atleast be badly hurt. It would probably catch wind and slow it down a lot before it hit the ground, but you're still hitting the ground. It sounds unlikely, but people have survived hitting the ground after their parachutes failed when skydiving. Never underestimate the human body!
  12. I'm not the biggest 3EB fan, but I still may go since it's so cheap. Try to spread the word. If they sell out the place, they may bring decent acts at low prices again next year. I'm willing to say that this is experimental.
  13. ^ Yes, there is a similar topic. It was mine, but it was "Which do you prefer, Scooby or PT?" This is different. Oh yeah, and I miss PT very much!
  14. Hey Chef, what's that brown stuff on your nose? Anyway, Chef's right. Aaron rocks at home pages. When I was 16, I had mastered Java and Visual Basic, but to this day, I still can't get web pages to look the way that I want them to. So keep up the good work!
  15. lol...well, I guess we know where the future expansions for PKI will be. Hopefully, they'll bring a little more business to The Racers. It's a shame that a classic John Allen doesn't get the attention that it deserves.
  16. I'd probably find myself at Kentucky Kingdom a few times a month. It's all relevent really.. I mean, I used to think that PKI was a long drive (I live in northern KY) but now it's like a trip around the block. I suppose driving to Louisville would become that same way. I drove past Kentucky Kingdom last night when I was down there for fire school. It's kind of odd.. I mean, if you guys are coming from the south and you pass the Fields Ertle exit and can start to see DZ and the tower, don't you kind of get a euphoric sensation? When driving by KK, you don't really get that. I mean, it's like a plot of land with rollercoasters on it.. that's it. It may just be my nostalgia because I have great memories of waiting all year for my yearly visit to the park when I was younger, but it really seems like you can feel PKI's personality from miles away..
  17. If something gets off topic but still relates to PKI, then don't close it. You guys remember we had a thread about Octoberfest and it turned into a really interesting conversation about the International Resteraunt and they closed it. I was a little mad about that. Just use your best judgement and learn from others' mistakes. The site does look great. Make sure you guys are spreading the word! p.s. Was this site something that you guys came up with when Aaron closed PKIU, or has it been something that you've been working on and decided to launch it due to the event listed above?
  18. Are there forum rules anywhere, or can you rely on our common sense?
  19. Hmmm...is that the room that they are meeting in when the dad attempts to show the officials the plans?
  20. ahh...FoF 3 times in a row... now that was a great day, wasn't it Chef?
  21. I totally agree. They could do it Fountain Square style and just put water in a spot and wait for it to freeze.
  22. Yeah, but the moist ground will begin to errode away. I'm assuming that this isn't a problem that just happened in the past few years, but started slowly and got out of hand. When I said it would flood International Street, I didn't mean that we'd be walking through 6 feet of water (although that would be fun), but I mean more like all of the grass and stuff around it would be extremely moist and marshy. Remember that all water has to do is hit clay or bedrock and it'll start traveling up again under most conditions. Judging by the foundations that they've laid for the more recent rides, it's not that far down to the bedrock. Anyway, it seems like we're more or less batting around the same points. It seems like we argue science on here more than we talk about PKI.
  23. Was it really only 20 mins long? I remember it being longer, but of course, this was 14 years ago, and I was only 6.
  24. I doubt it was leaking thousands of gallons of water per day. That would flood I-Street in no time. It would at least make the ground under it unstable and cause it to get pot holes everywhere. Now, a thousand gallons a month, that would make more sense... I'm sure freezing it had partial responsiblity for it cracking, but I would guess the main reason would be simply that it was a 30 year old slab of concrete. At that, it was covered by a foot of water for half of the year. Since we live in an extremely diverse climate, that causes a lot of cracking as well. But yeah, freezing it didn't help one bit.
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