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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Ah, I had that in mind, but didn't count it. It wasn't due to the park. She had an unknown pre-existing health condition. Very sad.
  2. lol...I guess I forgot to put in my thoughts... I prefer Phantom Theatre. I realize that they let the ride go to hell after a few years, but I always enjoyed it reguardless. Scooby Doo is just a trendy ride. The guns don't work very well, and as opposed to having animatronics, they just have stupid cardboard cut outs of stuff.
  3. I guess this is just for my own curiosity. I know that a lot of people on here feel very strongly about which one they prefer. Feel free to comment on why you feel the way you do. I know some of you would choose the Smurf ride or whatever, but that's not the point of the poll. It's not which ride do you prefer in that building, it's which one do you prefer between the two listed above.
  4. Ah, I guess you're right to some degree. Of course, SOB and The Beast are totally different rides. I don't think it would detract from The Beast if SOB closed in one of their rose bowls. I guess my only concern would be that it would be extremely hot in there. I mean, even riding AE you can tell definate temperature differences when you're in and out of the caves. You actually spend a considerable amount of time in the rose bowls. My guess is that since The Beast is a constant downward helix, you get a constant breeze in there, and that's why it's not too hot. On SOB, you go up and down hill, so you slow down considerably at times.
  5. Well, I've had good and bad rides on SOB... I guess it's determined more by where I sit than anything else. It also seems like you have more speed on The Beast (although technically you don't). You can't tell me that when you through those helixes at night, you don't feel like you're going 100mph.
  6. Oh come on...I can't believe you guys aren't thinking classic cartoons here! Have the final seen show Daniel Kellner tied to some tracks, and as the camera pulls back, you'll see that he's tied to the bottom of the hill on SOB. Then show a train cresting the hill with only Jeff Seibert in the front seat...with a big grin on his face!
  7. BoddaH1994

    Web Cam

    Well, hopefully we'll see weekly construction updates or so... usually PKI is pretty decent about that sort of thing.
  8. So how do you board a floorless coaster? I mean, the track is generally below you, right? Does the floor somehow close up under the train so you can get in and out?
  9. With the exception of turing one of The Racers' trains backwards, I can't think of another time when they've modified a ride to change the riders' experience. Like CYong said, too much time, too much effort... plus it would be hard to push it as a new ride when it came to advertising it.
  10. Yeah, it seems like Arrow prototypes always turn out to be disasterous. The Bat only operated circa 100 days in the few years that it was opened. Of course, Top Gun has a pretty good record. It is to my understanding that X at SFMM is the same way, always down. It would be cool if they could improve on the design and build a nice 4d at PKI. Anyway, back to the topic... So are there 4 confirmed deaths at PKI that we know about: the kid who fell from the tower, the girl who fell from the Flight Commander, the two guys who were unfortunately electricuted saving another guy who fell in the water in Oktoberfest, and the guy mauled by a lion? All of which are unfortunate accidents. With the exception of the two gentelmen who were electricuted, it seems like most of the incidents were due to either people acting irresponsibly, not following the rules, or not being properly trained. For the most part, it makes me feel pretty safe in the park. More or less, if you follow the rules and do as you are instructed, you will be ok whether you're an employee or a guest.
  11. I'm pretty sure Racer still uses their original trains. I know beast uses their orignal trains...although they are modified, they used to have 4 seats in each car, not 3. How would they modify something like that? Sounds like a totally different car to me.
  12. hmmm....good question. I guess I'd consider it two. Granted, when my friends and I decide to ride The Racers, we walk over there and then are faced with the delima of deciding which way to ride. It really is a totally different ride experience.
  13. ^ He's right. If they wanted to do anything major to the ride, they'd need to get permission from Arrow. Any change at all in the ride means new calculations and stuff, which probably isn't something Arrow isn't willing to do right now.
  14. Yeah, it just seems like he Beast has something that SOB can't offer... It probably has something to do with how spread out it is.
  15. I don't see them taking it out for a new addition. The ride always has a several hour wait. They wouldn't take out something so popular unless there was something seriously wrong with it. A ride being closed is rarely an indication that it is being demolished.
  16. Ok, I may take you up on that. I know the feeling--I'm going to college too. I hope to find time to even start in the near future.
  17. That seems like an awsome job. By the start of next season, I'll definately be state certified in KY. Perhaps I could apply there.
  18. >>The log flume, and other rides that I heard were possibilites to be built (a viking ship, a mini Drop Zone, and another small steel coaster) wouldn`t be built necesarily for next season. << Yeah, I see a log flume in their future. I mean, they can get one used dirt cheap and still advertise it as a new attraction. I doubt they'll get any major flats or rollercoasters anytime soon. Those are usually a little to pricey for what they're willing to spend.
  19. I've got one... most annoying PKI employee. You know, the ones who get on the PA for rides and try to be funny, but you aren't. You know who you are if you're on here!
  20. What's their fire and rescue team like? I mean, does it have pumpers and all that good stuff, or is it something small specifically for certain emergencies within the park? Sorry, being a firefighte, I've got to ask that kind of stuff.
  21. Scooby is comparable to PT, but I believe it actually has a lower capacity. Delirium's line goes much faster than you'd imagine. It has 5 queue lines, I believe, and the giant frisbee will hold almost a whole queue. It has a very efficent loading system. TR:TR has a low capacity becaust the ride takes a long time to load and unload. Everyone has to empty out their pockets into these pouches unless you want eveything you have on you to be dumped out. If you haven't ridden TR:TR, I would recommend it, it's a fun ride.
  22. So do preformers usually enjoy the park before their preformances?
  23. I wish they would stick to the themes a little bit more. I mean, I-Street does have the Eiffel Tower, but other than that, it's just a name. It used to have more international resteraunts and stuff, but it seems to be more commercialized now. They've done well with Rivertown. I'm not one to think that it should be specifically water rides. I still kind of get a feeling of walking through the old west while I'm there. The Beast, and to a lesser extent, TR:TR still kind of have old looks to them, so I think they fit in there. I never really got why Nickelodean Central is near Hanaba Barbarra Land as opposed to being next to Water Works. In the theory that is in my head (which means nothing to reality) it seems like a kid would ride the rides, get hot, and then decided to go to Nickelodean Central. From there, he or she would decide to go to Water Works. So the kid would have to put on their shoes, and walk soaking wet down that path that seems to go on for miles, or they'd ride the train and soak the seat that they're in. Personally, I would have put the ampetheatre there, but had Nickelodean Central in Water Works. Action Zone is themed decently. They make attempts with the Stunt Crew Grill and stuff. They need to bring back the stunt show that used to be there. That was fun to watch whily you passed by. Now that mini water tower-looking thing is more or less just used to hold up the Timberwolf sign that is the size of a "No Parking" sign. Coney Mall should be the biggest area in the park. You can have anything there. It seems like the name is simply a tribute to the past. I guess there really is no way to theme it, except have it look like Coney Island maybe, but oh well.. PKI and Coney Island are based off of two totally different concepts.
  24. I doubt they'll do anything for SOB's 5th, although like I said before, I'd love to see tunnels added to a helix. The Beast's 30th will probably just be another banner. I doubt they'll do anything to the ride itself.
  25. ^ How does that work on a cell phone? If it works like normal 911, it could go either way. I'm going to have to use a KY example here, so brace yourself. Covington has its own dispatch, so if you're in Covington, theoretically your call should be routed to Covington's 911 dispatch center. Now, it comes down to whether you cell phone carrier realizes that you're in Covington or not. So, if you're near the river, let's say, you'll probably be using a Covington tower, but if you're near Devou park, you're probably using a Park Hills tower. In that instance, it would go to Kenton County instead of Covington. I know that most of you are from the Mason-Landen area, so you probably think that it's all farms here, but guess what, it's not!!
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