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Everything posted by Vortex

  1. Did you take any pictures? I have not been in that place in a very long time.
  2. Does anyone else think its odd that Six Flags is going to open a roller coaster named after his dad?
  3. Along the same lines; where exactly does the fencing start; does it block LaRosas and The Beast? Thanks, Maria The fencing starts on the other end of the walk way across from LaRosas. You can still get around in that area. I will take more pictures next time my camera died on me someone forgot to pug it in where they where done using it.
  4. Well any news is good news with the word major in it. Wonder what it will be?
  5. Don't worry the lake will be coming back just a little smaller.
  6. Don't forget you can get your tickets at Kroger. The tickets look like the ones from last year just has the new Kings Island logo on them.
  7. Can anyone please tell me why the speakers where taken out last year? This is my sisters favorite ride in the park and she keeps asking every time I was at the park last year.
  8. I still got the trojan last night when trying to check out this site. You might want to call or see if you can make sure it gets fixed.
  9. I like how in the video when the lady ask if its a new ride the marketing guy smiles really big.
  10. Guess the cats out of the bag for the so called 2009 ride.
  11. When looking at the old Red Racer logo the letters where made of metal and sticking out some with that V on the bottom. I will see if I can get a picture of it, but don't hold your breath.
  12. Now if they can just move it about 5 feet away from the gate it will look just like the old days before paramount came along, but I don't think thats going to happend they went that path way opened up.
  13. I wonder whats going on in this area of the park? Wow I think this is the first time in a long time that the map has been posted before the park has opened.
  14. I am also a little disappointed, but I hold out to what I think till next week. Anyone else see that the faces are off on the Odd Coaster trains. http://www.KICentral.com/photos/displayima...m=214&pos=2
  15. Its been on the USH web page for a while Interpreter. Also alot of people on other boards show pictures of it getting painted up like USF also.
  16. Well see its not listed for sale. If anyone goes up you can get in for $10 and look over the rides and things.
  17. Thats been happening for a long time. I think two years ago they showed Top Gun from Carowinds in a ad for Kings Island, but while I was at Carowinds they showed SOB in a add for Sarowinds.
  18. If marketing is in on this then its a commercial. They are just tring to get the word out that The Racers are back as they where when the park opened. I guess this is the new ride for 2008.
  19. For me it would have to be Mean Streak after it was trimmed. I got to ride when it was still new and wow is it a different coaster.
  20. If I have a Platinum Pass from Kings Island do I still get Cedar Point Exclusives like early rides before the park opens. Also I am staying in one of the Cedar Point hotels.
  21. Wow I thought the off season was over for a lot of use. Who really cares Cedar Fair can do what they want.
  22. Sorry to tell you its still Coke Cola for 2008.
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