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Everything posted by Delirium13

  1. The one time I rode Italian Job this season it seemed most of the effects were working, same with Tomb Raider. But both were early on in the season and it is sad that Cedar Fair is just letting the theming go to waste. As bad as Paramount/CBS was at maintaining theming, I never heard anything to the extent of this. And the preshow in that video was terrible, did it just freeze up or what? And does anyone know if that has been fixed?
  2. Drop Zone (not because of the recent freak accident at Kentucky Kingdom)
  3. I guess since there is already a topic here I'll post a short report of my day (6/21): It was my 3rd visit this year and I rode (in no particular order) Beast - 5 minute wait, it was running fast but more rough than usual, still a lot of fun. (They need to close up that building in line after the Coke machines.) Firehawk - 45 min.- 1 hr. wait, Great ride, worth the wait and the two ride ops with the microphones were great. (although I do wish they had better shade things in line) Adventure Express - Walk-on, Jerky but fun Vortex - 10 min. wait for back seat, definately the best place to ride it. Top Gun - Would've been a walk-on but waited 5 min. for the front since that is also the best place to ride this underrated coaster. Sponge Bob 3D - I agree, the video and 3D quality is very bad. This movie was good but it needs to be replaced Flight of Fear - 15 min. wait, the queue area looked really bad especially with the lights on and the fact that the movie was off just made it worse, the hangar seemed dead. As for the ride, rode in the front and had a great ride as always. Scooby Doo ATHC (x2) - 10 min. wait each time, I know the queue lights are on for insurance purposes, but it just takes away from the experience. Great ride if you and your friends are competitive. One bad thing, the second time around my gun was broken. Face/Off - Last Ride of the Day, 15 min. wait, Fun but made me feel sick for a little bit and two little girls completely cut in front of a bunch of people by sliding under the hand rails in the station and getting in line at a gate. Overall - A great day to go out and enjoy the park with friends! I saw Son of Beast testing throughout the day with full length trains. I also noticed a 'reindeer crossing' sign on the side of Bubba Gumps and wondered if it was left there on accident from WinterFest. Anyways I had a great time and I apologize if this is hard to follow, I'm really tired. edit-- I would also like to add that the landscaping looks great and the park continues to look cleaner compared to recent years (Good Job Cedar Fair!) edit #2--I got ripped off on drinks. In years past they used to sell 24 oz. bottles at Dip-N-Dots stands, etc. but I got a 20 oz. for $3.50 when I later dicovered that they were on sale for $3.00 in the vending machine. Anyone know what is up with this???
  4. This is truly sad news and my thoughts and prayers go out to this girl and her family and all others affected by this terrible tragedy.
  5. Great Pictures! I'm heading out there today and these pictures are making me excited. Keep up the good work.
  6. Since I'm assuming that when they begin to use both trains they'lluse both sides of the station, I was wondering how you get to the other side, I couldn't find a way by looking at the pictures.
  7. I hope the new trains get the old paint job.
  8. Well if it's open when you go, I'd give it a try. I don't think it's as bad as most people say it is and with all the work they are doing on it, it should be more comfortable and more enjoyable.
  9. I like all the changes they are making, it gives the whole area a "new" feeling. Nice Pictures!
  10. :cough: fishtailing cars and stair effect :cough: I think it would look good right in Days of Thunder's spot, and if they put it there then they could get all those effects that they promised.
  11. Firehawk is looking nice, except for on part. I know it's not done yet and a lot can still change, but I really do not like the station. The ride looks great, but the station looks like a storage building. Compare the old station when it was X-Flight, to Firehawk. But other than that great photos! The track portion of the ride and the surrounding area are starting to look great! Edit - I just wanted to say thanks to the whole Kings Island Central Staff and whoever else was involved in this unexpected, but appreciated update!
  12. What launched flying dutchman thing? Look under Vekoma Rides Manufacturing, and to the left of the second picture of the restraints that is in the right hand margin, and you should see the words "Flying Dutchman" in bold. You can find the layout to the left of the first picture.
  13. Adventure Express - I really don't have any advice for Adventure Express. The Beast - I usually get my smoothest rides from the middle of the train on up, A year or two ago I had very uncomfortable ride towards the back, so in my opinion you should avoid the back of the train. Sit towards the middle front in the middle of the car so you aren't on a wheel. The Racer - Same as The Beast Vortex - Very back seat is the best Flight of Fear - Doesn't matter Top Gun - Doesn't really matter but if you want the most fun ride sit in the very front. Hope this helps! Have fun Saturday!
  14. Asthma inducing? Are you sucking on the tail pipe of a Hummer H2 or something? I've never heard of an incident of an SUV inducing asthma. And not all SUVs are gas guzzling, global warming contributors, see? It is easy being green.
  15. Drop Zone has always been just a 4. Probably because it doesn't have any sudden changes in direction.(Not including the drop.)
  16. It has... But I definitely agree Adventure Express shouldn't be a 5.
  17. You mean the old system? Because that made 10x more sense than the new one.
  18. Nice Pictures, I wish I could've gone today. How does the inside of the renovated LaRosa's look? And also is there any new word when they hope to open Son of Beast, now that they have the new track in place?
  19. Happy Birthday! I hope your day went well.
  20. I just got back from the private party it was great! You guys missed out on a lot, they let us test Firehawk.
  21. I think somebody said it was done already, so I thinks that's why the track looks done. Nice pictures, thanks for posting them! I can't wait to ride this thing!
  22. I thought TPR was going to Six Flags America this weekend.
  23. Skyline has so much more flavor than Goldstar and their chili fills you up more.
  24. You are kidding me right? LMFAO, the beer prices are high cause people pay for it, has nothing to do with discouraging some from drinking. It's all about the money and profits. Go anywhere, like a Reds ballgame, same prices. let me also venture to say the reason the food prices are so high is to discourage people from eating there and wanting them to go to McDonalds down the street.lol Its a profit making world, Plain and simple. No, actually I wasn't kidding you and I'm sure the same logic is used for Red's games. Sure people will pay for it at that price, but if the prices were lowered to, let's say, the price you'd pay for a beer at a restaurant or bar people would buy a lot more. And more people would probably eat inside of the park instead of driving down to McDonald's or somewhere else if the prices were a little more reasonable and if the quality of food was better. And yes I understand they want and need to make a profit to stay in business, but I think there is a little more to it than that. You really have a way with words, you should be the park's spokesperson.
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