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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Don't be surprised. Corporations are in the business to make money, and thus, investors are happy. If it wasn't for the investors, then there is no corporation. You could take the words "Cedar Fair" out of your quote and pretty much put in any other corporation name, and it would still be an accurate quote. It is always about the money. People can claim that it's not, but it always is.
  2. That sounds like one of those Hallmark cards that tugs at the heart!
  3. ^ I'm getting the feeling you are hinting at something.
  4. Again, it is the combination of all the problems SoB has had. If SoB had no history of issues and it was only this one isolated incident this summer, I'm sure SoB would be operating, but it has been the multiple incidents that has caused the closure.
  5. Now remember, that was the river in Cleveland, not Lake Erie.
  6. Skim the many threads here and you can see that SoB was not closed because of one person, but because of various issues.
  7. Nobody needs to single you out. You do that on your own quite well. And please understand, that is not an opinion, but a plain fact.
  8. Excuse you? Someone doesn't agree with something that is not completely socially acceptable to a good deal of the American population, so you call them dumb and ignorant? I think that reflects on you more than anyone else. Three words: Consider the source.
  9. How can I say this without sounding too rude? You really have no clue what you are talking about. First, the the only way Lake Erie is "green" is because of the seaweed that grows in it, it is simply a reflection. And the increased seaweed growth has, ironically, been because sunlight is now getting to areas that has not seen the sun in quite some time. The zebra mussels that were thought to be a terrible nusance have cleaned the Lake dramatically. Next, while there is going to be trash in any body of water, Lake Erie pollution has gotten improved greatly over the last 30 years. Now I won't suggest going down to the lake to take a drink of fresh Lake Erie water, but, you don't have to worry about growing a third arm out your butt because you swam in the lake.
  10. ^ CP has always had light themeing. From as far back as Disaster Transport & Magnum.
  11. And with increased enforcement comes increased costs associated with the enforcement which then increases everyone's cost and we all still bit#$. Do you honestly think the park needs to act like big brother and has to look over everyone's shoulder? If the park didn't care, why would the smoking rules change so much over the last 25 years? You can't expect security to be there everytime someone breaks a rule. People are going to break the rules. The ones that get caught will be dealt with, the ones that get away with it- their time is coming, and the more they break the rules, the greater chance that they will soon be caught. Until then, speak up when it bothers you, and not to guest relations- but to the person that is breaking the rule.
  12. So you went the year the park was not open and still enjoyed the rides? That's a pretty good day!
  13. How do you know that they didn't try and sell it? And who was in the market to even purchase the park?
  14. ^ Well I suppose CP can't do anything right. They took out a water ride for Maverick and people complained (including myself) that WWL was a good ride and there was no reason it should have been removed. People complain that CP is just a coaster park with rides that "pierce the sky" and the park has no family atmosphere. Now CP adds a ride that is not a coaster, and people complain that it is not a coaster. Check out some of this old thread and what people have said: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1585
  15. He never denied it, so it is not lying. It's a grey area, but what would have been accomplished by telling people that it was going to close? As far as letting everyone know about the park's closing, it's a double edged sword. If the announcement came before the park closed, security could have been an issue. I was at the last Browns game before idiot Modell moved the team, and it was a near riot atmosphere. Granted, the crowds at GL would not even be close to that type of crowd, but the potential is there for incidents to happen. What type of people will work the closing park? Will they care what is happening? There are so many questions & opinions about the decision to close. In business, the bottom line is making money. If it's not making money, it's gonna close. Just like people losing their jobs- if there is no work for them to do, the company is not making money; and hence, they get laid-off.
  16. What? Are you saying that they INTENTIONALLY gave us false clues to keep us talking about a new ride that would give them FREE advertising? Stop the madness!
  17. Wow. If this ruined your day, wait till you get zits, hair starts to go in weird places, and your voice cracks. You will be on Cymbalta forever.
  18. Not really sure what he wants to report, exept for that fact that he has no clue what he is talking about. But then again, that doesn't have to be reported, it is rather obvious.
  19. You are funny kid. How do you know what trains, theming, land development, planning, engineering, materials, and actual construction costs? This isn't like your Tinker-Toys, but an actual ride.
  20. What doesn't add up? When you quoted the total cost for the ride and the land development for the ride, what did you come up with. While I don't see where the $10.5 million is being spent, I also have only looked at a POV video.
  21. Does the last one count? It's a couple over two feet. Did you actually READ the fact sheet, or just make-up crap? First drop is 85'. Second is 49'. http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/park/ride..._the_rapids.cfm
  22. I would like to see where you are getting your facts from.
  23. That is the issue. The problems just haven't cropped up; they have been with the ride since day one, and haven't gone away.
  24. I'm not sure what you guys are looking at, but I see two drops.
  25. CF association began in 97 when they aquired Knotts, and expanded snoopy to other parks in 99. Nick at PP has a longer association. Ok, so what does that mean? CF being associated with Peanuts for 10 years isn't enough for a change? And since the splitting of hairs has begun, Paramount aquired Viacom in '95 and thus opened Splat City that same year. Nick Universe replaced Nick Central & what was left of Hanna-Babara Land in '06, so I am not really sure on what you are getting at.
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