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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Where did you get that idea that SP was once considered "garbage"? Sure, it suffered in it's age as many Arrow loopers have, but "garbage"? I would like to see some facts to back that statement up, because right now, you are sounding exactly like those people that shark 6495 brought up that you dissected into nothing.
  2. http://www.usatoday.com/news/military/2009...ri_N.htm?csp=34
  3. I hope it is done right. http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/....xml&coll=2
  4. ^ Take this into consideration: 1. Universal Studios Horror Nights, Orlando, FL - www.halloweenhorrornights.com Started 9/25 2. Knott’s Scary Farm, Los Angeles, CA - www.halloweenhaunt.com Started 9/24 3. Tampa Busch Gardens, Tampa, FL - www.howl-o-scream.com Starts 10/1 4. Universal Studios Horror Nights, Hollywood, CA - www.halloweenhorrornights.com Starts 10/2 5. Kennywood Amusement Park, “Phantom Fright Nights", Pittsburgh, PA - www.kennywood.com Starts 10/2 6. Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, VA- www.howl-o-scream.com Started 9/25 7. King's Island Haunt, Cincinnati, OH - www.visitkingsisland.com Started 9/25 8. Cedar Point Haunt, Sandusky, OH - www.cedarpoint.com Started 9/18 9. Six Flags Fright Fest, NJ - www.frightfest.com Starts 10/3 10. Old Tucson Studios Nightfall, Tucson, AZ - www.oldtucson.com Starts 10/1 Those are some REALLY good VIP passes. They used 1.21 gigawatts and transported in to the future!
  5. Are these ratings from last year, and how accurate are they? I have a difficult time believing that enough people went to each attraction in 2009 to actually consider this "Top 10" to be even a little valid.
  6. I really think everyone needs to consider: Does the cost justify the experience? And not just the cost of re-re-engineering or re-tracking. I am just talking about the normal everyday, wear & tear maintenance. Once you answer that question, now add in the bigger changes that need to be made. When I bought my first car (used), it got me from point "a" to point "b". At first it was reliable, then after a few years it started to cost me more money for maintenance. And even though I would put money into it, it still was unreliable. It came to a point where either I kept pouring money into it, and have negative results; or just buy a new one which was more reliable, and had a set cost/ month and everytime I went to start it, she turned over. No worries.
  7. Ok, if it's not SoB, given the time, effort and money, what do you believe would be considered "the biggest mistake of all time" as far as coasters go? Not that I don't agree with you, just looking for your opinion.
  8. All this info was already announced: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19483 added BOLD emphasis New ride names mentioned, not new rides. And discussed into even more detail here: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19385 None of the current ride selections will be removed in this conversion.
  9. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/sep/2...know-the-answer This looks like it could be a lot of fun. I *believe* I saw something like this on US TV. People were riding X trying to keep a rubber ball in a cup without actually covering the cup with their hand. It was probably on Travel Channel or Discovery Channel within the last two years.
  10. I'm surprised that your kids would feel that way. My kids are excited whether we go to CP, KI, Hershey, or Kennywood. How the kids area is themed, or not themed for some parks, has zero bering on my children's enjoyment.
  11. Anyone want to guess the over/ under that a new owner will not donate nearly as much. I think it is rather funny that their is "concern" that a new owner won't invest as much into the community. Do they actually expect a new owner to spend a ton of money on the purchase of the park, and then donate money like AB did? They really need to plan for the worst, and hope for the best.
  12. *shakes Magic 8 Ball* Cannot predict now.
  13. Please use spell check. Your grammer is a slaughter on the English language and should be put in a scene at HH. Now THAT would be funny.
  14. While the McNair/ Ledger scenes were a bit over the edge, I would have liked to see the rest of the skeletons. Some looked rather humorous.
  15. Yeah, it does look alarming. I am wonding if broken parts of the cable/ catch car assembly got wedged in between the track & seat bolts and actually broke the bolt off which caused the seat to move. I have no idea on how those seats are bolted to the frame of the car, I'm just throwing a wild stab out there because the seat doesn't move until over halfway through the roll-back.
  16. They could just be satisfting insurance companies' questions as well. Whether it is insurance for guests that were injured, or KI's carrier. If there are pending lawsuits, the insurance companies may be forcing KI to operate the ride and do tests.
  17. Ever have one of those moments where you wish you wouldn't have said that? If not, here's you first experience.
  18. ^My guess, and this is pure speculation, is that it was cheaper to modify existing trains as opposed to purchasing new trains. Combine that with: why purchase new trains if the ride still has the potential of still not giving a good ride? I would be surprised if these questions were not brought up during the planning stages of SoB's re-opening.
  19. Click the link and read the comments about the article. Amusing stuff!
  20. ^ Borderline? It is dishonest, black and white.
  21. Umm, how do you think houses are built? Without blocks of wood?
  22. I wouldn't count on sponsorship to cut down on costs. Professional sports stadiums have sold naming rights for years, and those stadiums have MUCH more expensive food & drinks than parks do.
  23. The themeing SoB had? When? In 2000? Sorry, that was a pathetic attempt at themeing to begin with, and, rather confusing as well.
  24. I'm not sure as to what the problem is. It is clear on CP's website that the concert is going on: http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/visit/sch...fm?litemode=yes And I see where it says that SS is secluded, but nothing about being on the quiet, peaceful side of CP: http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/park/reso...stle_suites.cfm And even then, I really don't think that the parking lot is even close enough to SS to cause an issue especially since you wanted a lakeside room: Image from Pointbuzz: http://www.pointbuzz.com/Photos/Photo.aspx?id=1951 And if you were concerned about the noise, why not stay at Hotel Breakers Lake View. It's cheaper.
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