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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Why do you consider that keeping up with the theming is irrelevant?
  2. does anybody read these? on p4 I clearly stated, that EXTREEME PKI clearly stated, that they will be move to Flight comander's old posision- which is probably the reason they took out launch pad if I'm not mistaken. Ok, so what are you getting at?
  3. FoF I am not trying to pick on you, so please do not take this the wrong way... Since I have been on PKIC there have been numerous opinions on which direction PKI is going. Thrill park, family park etc., and the bashing of a certain northern Ohio park is ALWAYS brought up, and unfortunatly ends up in a PKI vs. ?? (insert that northern park here). So now PKI is taking away one of the more popular flats it has, and in it's place, a thrill ride. I find it funny that some now seem to believe that people come to the park for coasters. I do believe that PKI should expand by putting in more themed rides (i.e. IJ), and I do think that it is a good move that it is a coaster, but not at the price of a popular flat. CP has moved many flat over the years for coasters, and there is no good reason that PKI could not do the same. PKI has enough room. If it is a maintenance nightmare, it would not be going to another Paramount park, that same theory goes with the "snapping" vs. safety issue. And many guests like it. I find it disappointing that PKI has not come out with a better reason. Oh well, I wanted a new coaster, and I got it.
  4. King Cobra did have a derailment within a couple years after it opened, but to my memory (I was only 10 or 11), there were no fatalities. I can remember my relatives sending my family in Erie, PA a Cincinnati Enquirer pic and article of some of the details of what happened. There was a death on Shockwave at PKD where a man somehow was thrown from the ride. Shockwave is a KC clone.
  5. I think someone left the faucet on...
  6. Those are some really nice videos. It feels wonderful to ride SoB and not get a headache!
  7. There was a death on a Intamin Drop Zone ride at PGA about 3 years ago and PKI's Drop Zone was closed for inspection. There was never a death on PKI's Drop Zone.
  8. 7 in a row for CP. I am just happy that I am able to enjoy 2 great parks on a rather routine basis. The CP vs. PKI thing has been beaten to a pulp, and the only way to actually change that is for PKI to put in 1 or 2 coasters that set the amusement industry on it's ear, so the voters (thrill seekers) will travel to PKI instead. I love big thrills, but I also am looking forward to IJ and the theming that goes with it. PKI does not have to build the same caliber rides as CP, and still be a great park. ... but I would not mind if they did put in another major coaster in the near future.
  9. An unfortunate poor showing for PKI in the 2004 Golden Ticket Awards. They did receive the award for Best Kids Area, yet is overshadowed by a new award "Best Kids Park" which went to LegoLand. 2004 Golden Tickets
  10. I am glad school is starting soon....
  11. I have nothing against you, just the way you treat others. Why could it not be a mistake? Oh ya, just because you say it is not. That is the "holier than thou" attitude that I am referring to. Constantly trying to embarrass someone that makes a mistake or posts a comment that is wrong is not that big of a deal, you don't have to make rude comments, just explain why they may be wrong and move on. I am glad that you are a great person to be around, but here, you are, well you know.
  12. So CCI closed in 2002. They still have 34 coasters that they built, just because they are no longer in operation does not take away from the fact that they did build coasters. The honest mistake would be that GCI has used Millennium Flyers on coasters like Thunderhead. Some may confuse the term Millennium and refer it to Intamin. Yes, an honest mistake. And also, please take your "Holier than thou" attitude and go back to the other PKI site. Thanks!
  13. I am sure he meant CCI, and made the honest mistake of confusing Intamin and CCI. We are not perfect. Please think before you type.
  14. Yes, I (for some odd reason) had FoF in '93 instead of Top Gun. It has been edited. :stupid:
  15. Actually PKI has done it a couple of times: Adventure Express in 1991 Top Cat's Taxi Jam in 1992 Top Gun in 1993 and Scooby's Ghoster Coaster in 1998 Face/ Off in 1999 Son of Beast in 2000 Rugrats Runaway Reptar in 2001 Never say never. If PKI agrees with some that IJ is a family- type coaster, there could be something for the extreme thrill seeker in 2006, or they could put in a major flat. The fact is nobody knows, but it is fun to guess and speculate. I am happy that there is a coaster planned for 2005 that looks fun. It doesn't have to be the fastest, biggest or have any -est to be a good, and fun, ride.
  16. It is too bad that SoB seems to "brutalize" riders on matter what PKI does to correct the problem (i.e. retracking). The only idea that I can think of to correct the problem is to buy new trains. I don't know if this is possible due to the loop, but it seems that is the only thing that PKI has not tried yet.
  17. I predict a B & M hyper for '06
  18. Having it in the center of the park is a great idea. IJ is the type of ride that looks to have such good theming that even non-riders will enjoy observing the ride in operation. My assumption though is that it will take PKI a few months to tweak in the timing of when the expolsions are to go off etc.
  19. Exactly who should read their post BEFORE posting? How embarrassing for you! Yes it is a coaster, with trains, rails, and launches- and is heavily themed. A coaster does not have to break records, or have "-est" in the description to be a good ride, or even a great ride. Look at ThunderHead at DollyWood. Great layout, sharp turns, good speed, for a coaster that broke no records. IJ could be the same way. W/O the theming though, it would probably be a really boring coaster, or just another launched coaster like FoF just w/o the inversions.
  20. Tell you what, for PKI NOT to relocate the Antique Cars really upsets me. That ride is one of the "first" driving experiences for most kids with their mom or dad. I don't ever want to hear about the "family park" argument again. I would hope that PKI would put the cars in an area between BB and the main park. It would be nice to have some natural scenery. But just getting rid of the cars altogether is frustrating to me.
  21. I really like the addition, and it is tackling the "Hollywood theme" PKI is going after. I just hope that the theming is not forgotten about, that is the biggest part of the ride, if the theming goes under, so will the reputation.
  22. I think that your Discovery Channel poll that you found says it all. DC picked those coasters (back in 2002) to be voted on, and the voters have accumulated 0% votes for SoB, or only 29,734 votes out of 7,052,618. And the only reason SoB is on that list is that it was featured on DC in a "Modern Marvels" segment. Additionally, SoB is the most expensive coaster on that list, I would hope the investment warranted a stronger showing than 0% votes. Everyone loves a big, fast coaster and there are people that love SoB, but if you would go to any other coaster site, or even use the "search" feature on PKIC, the general consensus is that SoB treats you like a James Bond martini, "Shaken not stirred". A truly great coaster should be more fun than pain (just like The Beast), and SoB is MUCH more pain than fun. And I would hope that any park would not make a $20,000,000+ investment and not have that ride be a signature ride. And they even tried to fix the problems this year with retracking, yet to no avail.
  23. *yawn, snore, zzzzzz* -another troll Trying to flame people just because you don't agree with their opinion only shows immaturity. I consider SoB to be a bad investment only because it is the tallest, fastest, and world's only looping wooden coaster, and even with those great accomplishments, it is known more for the pain it dishes out. A ride like that, especially with that kind of price tag, should be THE signature ride for PKI. Like TR;TR is considered one of the best dark rides, SoB is not even close to one of the best woodies in all of the polls, now that is not only my opinion, that is the opinions of many.
  24. SoB- For reasons that I have stated numerous times before.
  25. *smacks head in disbelief* On a side note, when someone uses the reference "It is raining cats and dogs", there are really no cats and dogs coming from the sky, it is just raining very hard.
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