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Everything posted by Hendrick

  1. It does seem to just fit in there nicely.
  2. This post here has an overlap, but in order to upload, and easy way to upload an image is to head to www.imageshack.us, and upload the image there. They'll give you a link that you can post here.
  3. Son of Beast has been off of Kings Island's website since they changed it from the Paramount style to the Cedar Fair style... a little over a year ago already. While I agree some people know what is going on (especially people in charge of keeping the rides maintained), I think the general consensus is the guy working the Dip and Dots stand doesn't know anything.
  4. Here is the list of perks. Here. Two things that no one has pointed out , which are my two favorite perks of the Gold Pass(but might not matter in your situation.) Free admission to Halloween Haunt, and Early Ride Times. One question I do have though. Does the driver of the car have to have a gold pass for free parking, or just anyone in the car?
  5. Not saying this is the area, but if they did do 800 feet... here is the area that basically covers all of those turns. (The real high speed area of The Beast.)
  6. That middle picture made me chuckle. I wish KI kept that ride.
  7. Is this 800 feet in the last few turns right before the 2nd hill?
  8. Using The Racer as scale (along with Google Earth), it would be possible to prove/disprove this... I just don't have the time.
  9. Wow Paul, amazing! Very interesting to see the areas, how they've changed throughout the years, yet how much has remained the same. Thanks for posting these!
  10. I believe it's The Beast's lift hill.
  11. Doesn't mean Kings Island can't get a coaster too.
  12. Literally made my laugh out loud. I appreciate that.
  13. I know this isn't much news... but the park has listed a set of rides to be open on Math and Science days, and Son of Beast isn't listed. I know it doesn't come as a great surprise... Source Take that for what it's worth.
  14. Very, very good eye! I missed that the first time, and I had to look at my monitor at a strange angle to even see it! I don't see this being a coaster... too many sharp turns. I completely agree with a topography map... it was the first thing I thought when I saw the picture. It's only February, and they are trying to get us excited for 2012 at the earliest?! Geeze!
  15. I assumed the same thing last off season, then last year during the summer, and now during this off season... I've given up hope on something being said.
  16. Because you don't want to jump the gun and do something that wouldn't benefit the ride. It takes time to plan things and I don't think the answer will be coming anytime soon. While I agree with you to a point, you have to remember we are approaching this ride being closed voluntarily for two years. (The ride was cleared after the last incident.) There is a point where we just want to know what is going to happen with it. It seems like they are taking more time to fix it then it took to construct this ride. (Which, in all honest, has to be a good thing... had the planning took more time, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation now.) I just really want some answers. Not just another tweet that says "Son of Beast will not operate in 2011. That is all."
  17. I didn't know Demon was eventually painted all black... the original yellow to orange to black paint scheme made the ride look really cool.
  18. Actually, speaking of that picture... was it originally planned to enclose the helix completely, or just leave it was it is in that picture? (I know it operated for some time without it being enclosed like it is today.)
  19. I've been looking forward to this one for awhile... I'm definitely going to make a trip this year! Stricker's Grove Monday, July 4th 2011 4th of July Celebration, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! FREE ADMISSION (walk into the park, no rides) If you wish to ride the rides, we have two pricing options. Purchase individual ride tickets $1.50 - 1 ticket $5.00 - 4 tickets $10.00 - 9 tickets * 10 of our rides require 1 ticket * 6 of our rides require 2 tickets * The Tornado Roller Coaster requires 3 tickets Purchase an armband for $14.00 to ride an unlimited number of rides all day/night. Park Hours: 2pm - 11pm Ride Hours: 3pm - 11pm Parking: $5 per car Sunday, August 14th 2011 Family Day, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! $12 per person Kids 2 and under are free Includes: All rides, roller coasters, free parking and soft drinks Park Hours: 1pm - 9pm Ride Hours: 2pm - 5pm and 6pm - 9pm (Rides close 1 hour for dinner) Monday, September 5th 2011 Labor Day, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! $12 per person Kids 2 and under are free Includes: All rides, roller coasters, free parking and soft drinks Park Hours: 12pm - 8pm Ride Hours: 1pm - 4pm and 5pm - 8pm (Rides close 1 hour for dinner) Sunday, October 9th 2011 Customer Appreciation Day, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! $12 per person Kids 2 and under are free Includes: All rides, roller coasters, free parking, free soft drinks, free cotton candy, and free sno kones Park Hours: 12pm - 8pm Ride Hours: 1pm - 4pm and 5pm - 8pm (Rides close 1 hour for dinner)
  20. I know I've seen this video before, but I've searched and searched for an hour, and I cannot find it. It's an older video about the history/construction of The Beast. I remember there were a lot of photos, but the one that stands out the most to me was a picture of John Allen at the construction site. The video was quite lengthy if I remember, but was filled with a ton of interesting information. Does anyone remember this video, have a name for it? Or even better, knows where I can view it online today? Thanks for your help. -Michael EDIT: No faster then did I post this topic did I find it! Although, the picture I'm remembering is from The Racer's construction. Check it our here:
  21. Long story short: I was searching for some information on The Beast (from a creditable source, so if anybody has anything, please post it). Anyways, I stumbled upon this video from Coney Island. I don't have time to watch it right now, but by skipping through it, I saw that there is actually a few POV's from The Shooting Star spliced together at the 4:28 mark. (I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but if it has, it belongs in this topic.) Coney Island.
  22. Can we please not invade another thread with Youtube music videos?
  23. I though Paul was suppose to be the one posting these...
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