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Everything posted by calakapepe

  1. A pop of air into a sudden left turn, i expect it to be as fun as The Raven's final turn
  2. New photo of the final two airtime hills and final turn. (KingsIslandPr Instagram)
  3. If you want to know where the queue and exit paths will be, get thee to twitter and search for images with #whatsintheshed
  4. This is in the shed. Not the words.. And us!.. we will be in the shed. https://goo.gl/images/bfdERq
  5. Thunderhead has brief pops of comfortable, ejector, one or two floaters.. but actual floaters like on Diamondback, not like what Racer has towards the end [emoji14] Expect to be thrown around, up and to the side [emoji14] It should be fun if its half as fun as Thunderhead
  6. I was looking that too. Its the rendered layout picture that didnt totally account for the terrain.
  7. Aaaand https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/status/827544317480808448
  8. The best thing about this ride is it doesn't seem like tons of trees were cleared in order to erect the thing. Diamondback goes back into the woods, but the clearing is so much that it feels like an slightly open field And Banshee during opening year too. Though, the Banshee area didn't have tons of trees since SOB so.. couldn't have done much there
  9. You best put your hands up! also, here's the source https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/status/827262053463134210
  10. Pre-raised first turn, or post? [emoji14]
  11. I'd be happy even if the shed wasn't revealed during a dry run But bonus if it is.. not sure if KI will put trust in their seasonal employees over this. Don't want to ruin it a couple days before But like I said, I'd be surprised if there even is a dry run. I think Media day should have the shed revealed though, right? Does that make sense to still hide it?
  12. That would be nice, though, I thinking maybe not since the Returner Bash poses prizes for a chance to be among the first riders for Mystic Timbers.... On April 13th. April 14th is a private event, so I'm not anticipating an employee dry run as you said there was for Banshee, unfortunately.
  13. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/things-to-do/events-and-promotions Have fun Tuesday night, people I do hope I can partake in the Mystic Timbers exclusive ride time on Tuesday nights because my GF will be able to with her pass.. But I doubt they or other passholders would want KI employees to come in line
  14. Interesting that The Bat gets to be adorned with a level 5 (I don't think it shouldn't necessarily)
  15. Gwazi was off the top of my head. Invadr outght've been [emoji14] And I personally think El Toro counts. I've known about it for awhile now
  16. Chughes is right before mine~ so him ha We have the resources too: p
  17. Gwazi? Oh wait lol Edit. Searched.. there's El toro, Gold Stiker.. heck, InvadR even has a straight drop [emoji14]
  18. But the straight drop is good because of not having started the adrenaline rush [emoji14] But I agree curved drops can be good too... similar to a straight drop, curved drops are best in the back. Banshee in the back right, Phantoms Revenge, Thunderhead etc.. I cant wait to have MT in the back ~
  19. Yeah some of the rendered hills in MT appear to be almost too big to give anything more than floater.. but quite as poor as Roar's big hill after the turn. Despite this.. there still seems to be a fair amount of quick paced changes too~
  20. I guarantee I will not.. unfortunately. It's very hard to make me jump when I know something will probably happen.
  21. That's because they haven't updated their Youtube logo watermark
  22. Fast Lane could simply make a 2 run limit for Fast Lane.. It would help a lot and still retain the value of the pass. Also, where did the park announce the entertainment lineup? ki95?
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