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XGatorHead 8904

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Everything posted by XGatorHead 8904

  1. I guess I could have looked in your signature before I asked. StalkerChick's not coming this year. I'll be there on Friday with at least one other guy (KIRuler), and our group will be bigger on Saturday. Plus Saturday will be Mrs. Gator's first trip up there in a few years (she's not coming Friday)... you can call her Kim though... (Yes, I'm evil like that)
  2. Boo to Happy Jack's being removed! One of the best haunts there. I'm looking forward to Eden Musee, hopefully it will be on par with Happy Jack's, Eerie Estate, CornStalkers and Terror Island. It will be interesting to see Terror Island Cut Throat Cove (also one of my faves) not on the island... those dinos sure like to dispace things, don't they? Can I expect to see a certain pirate there again this weekend?
  3. Even though Sam doesn't remember your real fear face specifically, as he's done the same thing to quite a few others besides yourself, he appreciates that you remember!
  4. Dr. Spock was real. Mr. Spock, however, is a fictional creation of Gene Roddenberry. Unless, of course, you are extremely philosophically opposed with Dr. Spock's views on parenting. Then you may continue to believe in his nonexistence.
  5. Us in slawter hous are 1 crazie family we r the rowdyst buncha peple at haunt we likes 2 takes da peple on a tor of da hous n sum of dem dont make it out cos we keep dem 4 food sos we dont go hungrie mama likes 2 keep us wel fed its alot of fun wurking ther welcom 2 da family!!!! Sam EDIT: I am so sorry for this post. Somehow Sam hacked into my account. I probably left it open on this topic and he felt the need to respond to a new family member. Please forgive him, because reading and writing are not necessarily skills that Mama felt were important for her boys to learn, so he doesn't understand the need for proper grammar and abiding by the TOS. For those of you that need a translation of what he wanted to say: Once again, please accept my apologies. I will try to insure that this doesn't happen again, but you never know when Sam might appear again. He's just getting very excited that he gets to come out and play next weekend! - XGatorHead
  6. ^I always stay mum until the announcement, even if I'm in a returning one. I don't want to confirm anything before its time.
  7. Yes! Now it can be said... Sam the Butcher will be making his glorious return to Slaughter House this year!!!
  8. We went on Saturday & Monday, and left with very full tummys both days after eating our fair share of cheese coneys, pizza & blue ice cream, not to mention finally using our drink wristbands. Great promo, KI!
  9. I was so sad to hear about Keith's passing. It was an honor to know him. This just shows how fragile life is. I cherish the times that I spent with him. We first met in line for Diamondback, I was wearing my KIC shirt with my user name on the back. He was in the next row over and introduced himself to me. It was a few months later until we met again at the Gravity Group tour & bowling afterwards. You could tell he was a caring father, who loved being with his sons. He was so proud of them, and it was so fun to spend time with them at the park. We would often talk about our kids' first times on rides, and how we couldn't wait until they were tall enough to hit the next height requirement, their first rides on Beast, and so on. I was one of those in that group that MF2000CMH spoke about above on opening day last year. I don't know how we decided it was Keith's fault that the rides kept going down. I think it was because until we met up with him, everything had been running smoothly, but then after we met up the rides started going down. It became a running joke all year, and he took it in stride. When I first heard of his cancer diagnosis, I thought "he'll make it." After all, my sister had made it through hers and I knew Keith would have the right attitude to help him through. I had a goal during Coasting for Kids, and that was to get over 100 laps on Racer. But when I saw Keith there, I just had to get off and spend some time with him. It had been too long since I had seen him, and I wanted to see how he was doing. It was difficult to understand what he was saying at times, but he still kept his sense of humor. When he was discussing how he couldn't eat and on a feeding tube that bypassed his mouth and throat, Avatar asked, "So what's your favorite flavor?" We all laughed, including Keith. I didn't make my 100 lap goal, but I said even then that it was so worth it just to talk to him again after so long. And sadly, that was the last time I saw him and talked to him in person, outside of KIC and Facebook. It was so good to see him continuing to post on here, and on Facebook, and keeping up on his KIC fantasy NASCAR team. I assumed things were getting better for him, so it was a shock when I got the text from rotag yesterday telling me that he had passed away. I feel for his wife and kids, losing their husband and dad at such a young age. We were close to the same age, and had gone to neighboring high schools around the same time, but it took this site to introduce us. Cherish your time with friends and family, they may be gone too soon.
  10. I found out on the media day for Delirium that 12 times in a row without getting off were too many for that ride. The most I ever rode a single ride in one day was Coasting for Kids this year, with 96 times. Besides some leg cramping, I was pretty good with it, and didn't ache the next day like I had expected to. One ride on Dollywood's Lemon Twist with dare-to-fly spinning it is WAY more than I can handle. I thought I was a good spinner, but I admitted defeat. That's the only time I've ever had to sit down after getting off a ride. I found out how those little green people getting off my coasters on RCT feel!
  11. "Sorry folks, park's closed. Moose out front should have told ya." Actually, he was a security guard when he said that, but with a little persuasion we convinced him to become a ride op for us.
  12. You can confirm you'll work at Kings Island, no? Thanks, it's been awhile since I've been Terpyed (Terped? Terpyized?) And yes, I can confirm that I'll work at Kings Island. My whereabouts within Kings Island will remain a mystery to many, for now...
  13. ^^Did you go last year? All of International Street was a scare zone (Cemetary), as was the path between Great Pumpkin Coaster & the Peanuts Theater/Holiday Horror. There were also roamers in Coney & Action Zone. The 2012 Platinum Pass will get you into Haunt this year.
  14. But I thought you liked the evil dead...
  15. This will be my 5th year as a Scareactor (although it will be my 21st year total working at the park). Until the park officailly announces the Haunt attractions, I can neither confirm nor deny where I work, but I am so excited to get started again. I love this time of year! Well... not this time of year exactly, but the time of year that will start in 3 weeks. There's a few more of us on here, they'll come out of hiding soon.
  16. No worries, I was just giving you a little bit of a hard time. I'm not on here as much as I used to be either, but the topics I keep up with the most are the ones about Haunt (for some mysterious reason...)
  17. ^As already reported by milesharrison here last night.
  18. Yay, Fun Perks will be back! I know between that and the addition of Hank's Burrito Shack, my in park spending has increased significantly this year.
  19. I don't always need something shiny and new to keep me coming back, although I do expect them to make additions from time to time. We more than get our money's worth every year. I've spent 102 hours there over 20 visits so far this year... my record, at least since I've been keeping track, was 2009 with 141 hours over 23 visits. A lot of times we'll just pop in for a few hours to have some fun with friends and family. Hopefully they do add something next year, but if not I'm fine with them taking a year off from a mass capital expenditure to add something. They're already going to be spending enough to remove some wood from Action Zone.
  20. Congratulations, and welcome to the family of Scareactors! Even though I wake up sore the next morning, it's the funnest job I've had. Have fun!
  21. I love scaring them. Their reactions are always so good!
  22. So am I. And my evil alter-ego... I think his name is Ashy. Or Sooty. Or Fiery, or Devily, Or Evily, or Deathy, or Ytsorf, or.. I'll go with Ytsorf. Now how do you pronounce that? We can always ask rotag. He's a backwards kind of guy.
  23. Cedar Point did an asylum haunt last year, and it was one of their weakest ones. Basically a bunch of people rocking back and forth while moaning, and a (very) few that screamed at you. I went on opening weekend so it may have gotten better as the weeks progressed, but it wasn't very good in comparison to Happy Jack's and Eerie Estates.
  24. ^Love that riff! That's one tune I wish I could have played when I was in marching/basketball/hockey band, but we never did. OH MY GOD YOU THINK ABOUT THAT TOO!?! I thought I was only the one! I've tried to explain it to my friends but they just think I'm crazy. Like..what is blue? What if my blue is your green!?! Uhg. I'm glad someone else thinks about it too! Mrs. Gator and I often have this conversation. She says that my mom's minivan is green, but GatorGirl and I say it's blue.
  25. ^Yes, Gay Day back then was commonly referred to as Red Shirt Day. It was always a Sunday in June, until the GLBT Community Center started renting the park out in September. I was there on Black Sunday too, and my story is very similar to mollautt's. I was 18, it was my 3rd season working in the park, and I had been working the Depot Sunday Shop (the ice cream stand at the train station) that day. I also had a funny Gay Day story from that day. BROWNTGGRR... WARNING... LAUGHTER MAY OCCUR WHEN READING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH! A few days before, we had gotten a new topping for our sundaes and we were supposed to suggestive sell them. A male couple came up to my window and ordered a hot fudge sundae. I asked exactly what I was supposed to, "Would you like nuts on that?" They immediately burst out laughing, and so did I when I realized where their minds had gone. I was supposed to work until close, but got sent home early. As I was walking back to wardrobe to change and turn in my uniform, the Air Care helicopter was landing at the park. When I got home, my mom told me about what happened, and I made sure to watch the 11:00 news that night. My first year, 1989, I was on break at the canteen (later known as Oscar's during the Paramount years) and a bad storm hit the park. We were told we were not allowed to leave the building. I called my supervisor and told them this, they weren't happy and wanted me to run from the canteen back to my stand (the Bakery) since it wasn't very far, but I told them again that they weren't letting anyone leave. I found out later that day that the tuba player in the roaming Dixieland band had been struck by lightning in the parking lot and had not survived. Those are both days that I will never forget.
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