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XGatorHead 8904

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Everything posted by XGatorHead 8904

  1. Good thing I scheduled the day after off from work. Of course, I'm hoping to go to Indy the day after the event to see Roger Waters, as long as I'm not too sore to drive!
  2. I can't help but assume that for Gator, this song/movie soundtrack reminds him of The Beach more than KI Funny! I'm the king of the wor... (blub blub blub)...
  3. According to the article linked in the OP, Luminosity is That's why I was dredging up the memories of Xtended Play.
  4. You? Wacked out thoughts? Never! Of course, this is coming from me, who created that whole Sam & Gretchen backstory last year... But seriously, I like those ideas, especially the doll house / factory which I've been wanting for years, ever since seeing CP's Happy Jack's for the first time.
  5. Xtended Play! Thank you, I couldn't remember the name. I agree with you that it should be completely different from that fiasco. A lot will have to do with how and to whom they market it.
  6. It sounds like Luminosity is CP's version of DCA's ElecTRONica. If this is rolled out to KI, hopefully it doesn't experience the same problems that they had during those dance parties that Paramount had in Action Zone.
  7. I'm not sure what you're referring to as being an admissions booth near the train station. Having worked in Admissions for 10 years ('95-'04), 9 of those in management, and also having worked in WW for a little while my first year at the park (1989), we never had an admissions booth at the train station in that time. There was never a need for one since WaterWorks/Boomerang Bay was always included with park admission, so one was never built. If you are referring to the first building on the left just inside the train station entrance (across from the store and next to the food stand), that building was the original location of Guest Relations (which moved to the season pass entrance when that was added), and also housed (and still does) First Aid. It was not used for Admissions. Now, for those of you who are my friend on Facebook, forgive me for repeating below what I said there; there are others on here who haven't seen it. I'm not really surprised that The Beach is closing. Back in '96 when KI announced that they were adding a wavepool, I predicted that The Beach would only be open for another 5 years tops. I was about a decade early in that prediction. I guess it took KI adding a second wavepool, not to mention a new indoor waterpark in the immediate vicinity, to finally do it in. But my biggest question is, now where can I take an unexpected swim in the middle of winter when my paddleboat sinks? (http://www.KICentral...06)
  8. I'm finally able to do it this year! I got my issue of The Streak on Friday, saw the flier, and told Mrs. Gator not to plan anything for us that day. I was on vacation during Coasting for Kids the past two years, so I'm happy to finally be able ride for a good cause.
  9. As I've said on here numerous times in the past, one of my two worst park experiences was KK back in 1998. During the winter of '09-'10, I decided I was willing to give the park another try, since it was a different owner than when I visited (I went right before Six Flags took over). I even had SFKK's opening day marked on my calendar. But then came the announcment that it was not going to reopen that year. Now that the Kochs will be running it, I am definitely ready to go again. I have faith in their abilities given how well they've done with HW, but I am still wary of the financial situation they may be putting themselves in. Only time will tell, but I sincerely hope this does not prove to be a huge mistake on their part. I think a lot will have to do with pricing. SFKK was notorious for it's low admission/season pass prices, which from a lot of sources allowed for the park to be overrun by not-so-desireable guests (which certainly contirbuted to my experience in '98). Hopefully we will see an increase in price (while still keeping it a good value for what they have to offer) in order to weed out some of the teen hoodlums that I encountered and have heard others speak of as well.
  10. Another one came to mind while I was driving back to work from lunch today. I heard a song by Red Hot Chili Peppers, and I got to thinking about other songs by them and their song "Zephyr" popped into my head. Easy to guess what ride I think of when I hear that song. And in typing this, there's another song by them that makes me think of the park. It wasn't their's originally, but both the Peppers' cover and Ohio Players' original of "Love Rollercoaster" is it.
  11. Good interview. He seems to be very down-to-earth. The parks seem to be in good hands.
  12. ^You are correct. Zodiac went to Australia's Wonderland. I don't know what became of Flight Commander.
  13. I can guarantee you that the opinions of a few people on a park fansite will have no bearing whatsoever on the fate of a "record breaking coaster" that has proven to be one of the park's biggest headaches.
  14. Two great songs! Sir Duke has one of the best horn parts ever written, and I've always loved ELO. "Telephone Line" always reminds me of listening to the 8-track while riding around in Mom's powder blue Scout. (I included the link for those young'uns who never heard of a Scout). Mom definitely had the only powder blue one in Cincinnati, if not the state.
  15. "Who Can It Be Now" by Men At Work - I remember hearing that in Beast's queue back in the 80's when I was a kid, and for some reason that's stuck with me. "25 or 6 to 4" by Chicago - The clown band used to play this my first year working at the park ('89). I used to stand at my window in the Bakery on International Street, watching them and wishing I could play in that band one day... a wish that never did come true. As a tuba player, I love that song's bassline. Any of the numerous soundtrack tunes that played in the park during the Paramount era - With as long as I worked there and heard those, those songs will always remind me of the park. "More Human Than Human" by Rob Zombie - This song always goes through my mind when I get on Flight of Fear. "Nightmare", "Welcome to the Family" & "Danger Line" by Avenged Sevenfold - For the past two Halloween Haunts, I would pop in A7X's Nightmare CD and listen to it to get pumped up on my drive from my day job to Haunt. "Nightmare" fits the general theme of Haunt. "Welcome to the Family" fits the theme Slaughter House has had the past two years, what with Mama in the first room and us, her babies, populating the rest of the house. "Danger Line" was just the next song after those two on the CD. (My first year working Haunt, I would listen to Marilyn Manson's Lest We Forget: The Best Of CD on random, and my 2nd year I would listen to Rob Zombie's Past, Present & Future CD on random).
  16. Exactly. I have no idea how Dollywood ended up on that list. Some of the others I agree with (Bon Bon Land definitely... I've seen reports of that park online before... and Shijingshan, the bizarro Disneyland), but Dollywood?
  17. No opening day for me either this year, thanks to friends scheduling their wedding for that day. But I did answer it for when I DO go to the park for the first time this year, which will be the following Friday. This will be the first opening day I will have missed in years. Unless, depending on what time the wedding is, I might be able to sneak off to the park for a quick ride (or two) right at opening. It takes a little over two hours to get from my house to the town where the wedding is, but I only live 7 minutes from the park.
  18. The April 30th on the main page is from last year. You probably missed it, but this topic http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24830 discusses the need to update the site, and the problems involved in doing so.
  19. ^In my time on KIC, many are the times I've seen Terpy hum a bit of a melody, but never have I seen him sing a whole tune.
  20. I don't really have any goals for myself this year since money's tighter than it was last year, when I was able to visit more parks than ever before and got my milestone 100th coaster credit, Lightning Racer (Thunder side), and I'm now up to 117. I plan on getting my 118th with Wild Eagle, but for now that's looking like the only new one for me this year. So just having fun with family & friends is my main goal in the parks this year... ... except for when it comes to GatorGirl. Last year she got her milestone 10th coaster credit, Space Mountain, and now she's up to 16. Not bad for being 6 years old at the end of last season. This year, she will be breaking that magical height requirement, 48". So, depending on how things work out, we could possibly get her up to the next milestone, 25 coasters.
  21. The park hasn't had a log flume involving an elephant since 2009. Scareactors have not been placed yet. That process doesn't start until late July/early August.
  22. Nope, you're not the only one. As I said in the other topic that was started on this subject and then locked: And the park is once again without a Ferris wheel...
  23. I had LineJump for 33 Down, but then couldn't figure out 33 Across. I then figured out I had 33 Down wrong, but the actual answer was close in meaning (in some people's minds) to what I had!
  24. Yes, but that big ugly box is the perfect location for a Haunt. Too bad it's going to still be standing there the rest of the year though.
  25. Good catch! I've always remembered it going the way it does now (clockwise circuit). EDIT: Yup, you're right.
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