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Everything posted by BavarianBeatle

  1. The first Beast ride.... Just like every other year!
  2. As a father of two young boys, I wonder what would happen to them at this park......
  3. "They" had the opportunity to reopen it for over four months before the end of the season. Now they have had over six months to announce that it will reopen..... And they haven't.... Beatle, just observing
  4. A lot depends on who holds the debt and how strapped for cash they are.....
  5. A Beast ride in the snow at night would be wonderful right about now!
  6. Mean Streak! IMO, the worst ride I've ever ridden.... Although its reputation preceded it, I was open minded the first time I rode it, until the first drop, if you can call it that!
  7. My thought is that they are just waiting to announce its demise. They want to keep the future up in the air and sell as many passes as possible. Announcing the removal of SoB may hurt those sales. If it is being removed, I predict that we won't hear anything until April, at the earliest.
  8. "I Want You to Want Me" is a remake of a song by Cheap Trick.
  9. So, how long was the wait for that ride? Is there an upcharge for that ride? Ahaha, and now I must clean up rootbeer off the floor, thanks guys! lol
  10. Well, this should be interesting! It could be very bad, very good or neither of the above. Time will tell. I must admit that I do have some degree of fear of the unknown.
  11. How about at the Mason City Council Meeting in February?
  12. I would describe Son of Beast as "At Death's door".
  13. That's called taxation without representation. I thought that practice ended in the 1770s, but apparently the spirit of tyranny remains alive and well in Mason!
  14. I voted number 1! Although I love SoB, I think that the two recent periods of it being SBNO due to injuries to riders shows that it has become a PR nightmare, especially when I hear the GP spreading rumors about all the people who supposedly died on it (even though this isn't true!). My personal dream is to see it gone in April, then some little pink flags popping up in that space in May, along with another long "rumor" thread on this site. The last thread of that nature certainly turned out well, I must say!!
  15. Ok. I admit that I watch it even when my kids aren't around! But I will do the same with Bugs Bunny, Scooby, Pink Panther and Road Runner as well.....
  16. Some of you who live there can get a nominating petition and run to be on the Council. Or a petition to put a repeal of the resolution on the ballot if, God forbid, they pass it. I would imagine the park may be willing to assist us in such an endeavor!
  17. And if you call and get a person, make sure you have them read your message back to you. Usually, they don't listen to you and thank you for the call and the message goes nowhere.
  18. That's probably individual income. That's not what it says. It applies to any "tax on income." But, remember we're dealing with a guy who's a big fan of Russia, is willing to simply disregard the City's promises, and who tried to sneak this measure through when it wasn't of Council's agenda, so I doubt he'll let a little thing like the City CHarter stand in his way. Then certainly bring that up when you address the council. I certainly plan to.
  19. That's probably individual income. That's not what it says. It applies to any "tax on income." But, remember we're dealing with a guy who's a big fan of Russia, is willing to simply disregard the City's promises, and who tried to sneak this measure through when it wasn't of Council's agenda, so I doubt he'll let a little thing like the City Charter stand in his way.
  20. In addition, I read Mason's Charter. Under Article X, Section 10.04, the City cannot tax income at a rate above one percent. The admissions and parking revenue are undoubtedly income to the park, therefore, their own charter prohibits the imposition of this tax. http://www.imaginemason.org/pdfs/charter.pdf
  21. Tax Man is an ok descirption of this guy, but, for those who know History, George III is a more accurate description. I thought taxation without representation ended in 1776, but I guess I was wrong. It should come as no surprize to anyone that he enjoys spending time in Russia!! http://www.imaginemason.org/home.php?ID=96 Apparently he wants to bring their form of government to the City of Mason.
  22. I will be there as well. Perhaps we should start a meet up thread. I strongly urge all of those who love KI to do the same.
  23. Does this so called "expert" realize that people like John Allen designed and built coasters for years without computers to assist them? When he says that you can't do it without a computer, he really means that HE can't do it without a computer. Makes me wonder if he is capable of adding 2 plus 2 without a calculator!
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