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Everything posted by IBEW_Sparky

  1. The only rows I noticed it in were rows 4 and 6, on the purple train.
  2. I am hoping so to, Lucas! Oh, make no mistake Brad, you WILL find out this Summer, even if we all have to toss you in the trunk of the BMW when we go!!!
  3. Ive said it before in a topic on these Forums that is VERY similar to this..... I think KD is by far the superior park, so I may be that one Member TombRaider spoke of. Looking at the ride selection, and the FANTASTIC wooded landscape (trees instead of concrete and asphalt as far as the eye can see... imagine that), it is fundamentally a better park to me. Do I visit KI? Sure I do, to enjoy time with Friends, and Banshee is a fantastic ride. However, given the choice, Id be far happier if the two parks were transposed.
  4. Guess who rode the Banshee 13 times in a row on April 26th with his Fast Lane Plus? This guy! Yeah, and guess who did the same thing last Friday WITHOUT wasting $80?? THIS GUY!!!!!!
  5. Id give anything to transpose the two parks, I would absolutely Love to live 2.5 hours from KD!! By this time next year, we wont be THAT close, but we will definitely be closer, and I couldnt be happier! EDIT: OH, and I-305 absolutely annihilates Millie every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
  6. I agree 100% with your seat assessments Terp, and I must add another. This may sound odd... I know because I found it VERY odd... but 3-3 REALLY gave me a great ride experience on Friday.
  7. And this, my Friend, is what caused a 5 year grudge I held against this park, which took the construction of (IMHO) the best invert in the Country to quell. Does the park/Management care? Of course not, for I am just one, but it is still a point to be brought up with the question, am I the only one? How many per-cap dollars have been lost to others like me?
  8. LoraX, with the demographic that does most of the line jumping, they would consider it an Honor and proudly display their "Swag" throughout the park like it was something special.
  9. Friday, May 2nd. Spending the day with a group of GREAT Friends, enjoying walk on to two train waits on every single ride we rode, and experiencing different types of forces and ride experiences on the different rows of Banshee during my 13 rides including last train of the evening.
  10. Its not lax, call a cat a cat, its a complete JOKE! It needs to be like SIX, a "one and done" policy. You get caught, you are out of the park, punk.
  11. As far as Mr Koch is concerned.... my money is on Alabama.
  12. My perrsonal opinion and vote is that Banshee is the better overall coaster, in doing what it is intended to do, and is definitely the best during the day. The Beast, is best at night because it does what its intended to do in spectacular fashion at night, especially as well as its running this year. Both, absolutely annihilate Diamondslack in every single fashion. I have not been a fan of that ride since its opening year.
  13. I will be there, and headed straight north up I-71 at Midnight to Sandusky for the weekend afterward.
  14. Deaf ears, my Friend, deaf ears.
  15. What I would like to see, is the prices of Season Passes increased and that ridiculous program eliminated. Id be HAPPY to pay $250, even $300 for my CF Platinum Pass to offset the income created by Fast LAME. Many people have said that the Gold and Platinum passes are grossly underpriced for what they provide, and I agree with that statement. Another member of this Forum and I have video taken with his phone, of the separator at Diamondback at approx 6pm EST on opening day, allowing 28... yes 28... Fast Lamers into DBs station after allowing only 6 "lesser" people who paid nothing but their regular admission fee. Until we replace the humans with computer scanners that control the flow of people, it will never be done fairly. Now that Ive gotten that rant off my chest, as Interperter said it is HIGHLY illegal to sell or buy a wristband to or from another individual after its been bought from the park. Its already been prosecuted once, and resulted in very negative consequence.
  16. Yep, Anniversary thunder stolen, once again. Its a shame too, considering my Beast ride taken on Friday was without a doubt the BEST ride Ive taken on it since my first trip to KI back in 06. Seriously, its running that well.
  17. OH but, come on Terp, Lori is doing a FINE job!!! Oh, wait.
  18. As of 1242EST today, forecast for Kings Island on Friday is high of 65, low of 43, a few showers with a 30% chance of rain, SW winds at 7mph, as per weather.com
  19. You can stop into a Church you pass along the way, get down on your knees, and begin to pray that the plan doesnt make it to DL
  20. I fully agree with that statement. Id also like to add 74Gibson too that list.
  21. "Why would they change or cancel an event that has such a great reputation for fun in the enthusiast company?" Because it costs a lot of money to cater to 3% of the park going population who contribute VERY little to yearly per-caps, simple economics. Sparky, who will say no more on any subject regarding HW, and who will be up north at CM on June 6th.
  22. I left GOCC, to join Coaster Crew. I am very happy with CC.
  23. It works for Disney, and to say Cedar Point is anything CLOSE to Disney would be like saying INTAMIN has a stellar reliability record. Ive heard of numerous times where WDW has closed its entrance gates due to the park reaching capacity (usually on New Years Eve/Day). I think its a case of the mighty $$ being more important than guest safety/comfort/value. Im sorry, thats just how I see it when I see a number like 50,000+ and the park NOT closing its gates. Same stupid thing happened at KI during the cycle jump in 08, my Wife and I were there exactly long enough to walk around the park one single time, and leave. The place reminded me of an open-air Wal Mart during Black Friday, and the gates were still open.
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