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Fire-Beast-OF FEAR

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Everything posted by Fire-Beast-OF FEAR

  1. I stopped by passenger pickup to check out Banshee but I found something else. There appears to be major work being done to the from gate plaza and fixing the handicapped and employee lot.
  2. There are sometimes when I watch TPR videos and see those people in the 2-4 rows behind Rob and ask myself "Why are these people really close friends with Rob?" and then I realize "Oh yeah, free trip expenses."
  3. For those who are considering ACE, read this page- http://www.aceonline.org/conduct/ Seems pretty standard until you read C.4. 4. When interacting with representatives of the press or media, members are expected to speak enthusiastically about all parks and roller coasters. While members may have strong opinions about certain parks or roller coasters, they are to avoid negative criticism to representatives of the press or media. .While this may seem like it is only limited to media this has been corrupted many a time. A few years back a user on this site was removed from his title as an ACE officer for criticizing Cedar Point's management on this site. This user was not interacting with representative of the press or media or speaking under the ACE title but was removed by a lurker and a bully who took his position in a Fan Club too far. While TPR may be obnoxious and has a Dictator-for-life as their head ACE does often acts as the police of coaster enthusiasts (probably why you've never heard of a "GOCC coaster classic" and how the general "Coaster Con" is an ACE event). Just a little more to consider when choosing a coaster club.
  4. Better Capacity? Racer's already one of, if not THE, highest capacity rides in the park thanks to the fact it is two-coasters-in-one. According to rcdb, Racer can handle 2,640 riders per hour. If that's not good enough capacity, then even Diamondback (Official Capacity: about 1600rph) needs more capacity. Could Racer use a new paint job? Yes. Does it need to be super-overhauled? IMO, nope. They can't. X-Base entrance is in the way. EDIT: Nevermind, I just compared some pictures and the X-Base entrance was NOT in the way of the final drop...why was it removed then? I dunno... 2,640 is a theoretical capacity when the ride opened. The current Racer gets about 500 pph per side on a good day. If everyone in line was 48" or over, bone skinny, and understood the restraints and bins policy plus no handicapped people where in line then it would be about 800 pph per side. If you are in that particular station for a while then you understand that it takes an extremely long time to get one train to load and leave and the next train to arrive and unload. This can be changed if the restraints are more accommodating, the load/ unload process is streamlined, and the cycle time is reduced. Coming from a person who was on The Racer crew I saw problems like these every day that could be fixed easily. Oh...thanks for filling me in on that. I wasn't fully aware of the loading/unloading issues, and was just thinking that the ride had higher capacity due to the fact it pulls about 1.2+ million riders per year and usually has a 20-minute or shorter wait when Diamondback and Beast are 60+ across the park. I have to wonder...does Beast have these same issues? Because both coasters use very similar train configurations... Yes, But The Beast has three trains and the queue enters from the middle so those factors allow for the ride to have a better APPEARING capacity.
  5. Better Capacity? Racer's already one of, if not THE, highest capacity rides in the park thanks to the fact it is two-coasters-in-one. According to rcdb, Racer can handle 2,640 riders per hour. If that's not good enough capacity, then even Diamondback (Official Capacity: about 1600rph) needs more capacity. Could Racer use a new paint job? Yes. Does it need to be super-overhauled? IMO, nope. They can't. X-Base entrance is in the way. EDIT: Nevermind, I just compared some pictures and the X-Base entrance was NOT in the way of the final drop...why was it removed then? I dunno... 2,640 is a theoretical capacity when the ride opened. The current Racer gets about 500 pph per side on a good day. If everyone in line was 48" or over, bone skinny, and understood the restraints and bins policy plus no handicapped people where in line then it would be about 800 pph per side. If you are in that particular station for a while then you understand that it takes an extremely long time to get one train to load and leave and the next train to arrive and unload. This can be changed if the restraints are more accommodating, the load/ unload process is streamlined, and the cycle time is reduced. Coming from a person who was on The Racer crew I saw problems like these every day that could be fixed easily.
  6. I feel like a petition would be more appropriate considering that CF can most likely afford the repaint and renovation. The moment Cedar Fair and Kings Island becomes a semi-successful Youtube star with a need for a bigger budget for major projects THEN Kickstarter can be an option. The Racer also needs More accommodating and comfortable trains, better brakes, better capacity, improved crowd control in the station, an improved computer system, and many more on top of of the paint. I feel that a renovation is on the way for the 50th or the next time a coney mall addition is in town.
  7. A fountain seems a little out of place with the theme.
  8. This furthers the fact that nothing good has happened between Pittsburgh and Wheeling EVER.
  9. Cause everybody hurts...2.....3...... Sometimes!
  10. The only floor that I care about dropping is the one that drops 70 feet after a zero-g roll.
  11. The dark forest theme would be cool if Alton Towers didn't re-theme an entire area around one of the most over hyped rides ever.
  12. Dip in between hill 5 and the turnaround on The Racer.
  13. That PTR was MOST EXCELLENT! and I did not overreact... that much.
  14. They have every right to be, if I was a Valleyfair fan I would be pretty irritated by KI getting a new coaster next year when their last one was in 2009 while VF's last coaster was in 2007 and a small family area is what's new for 14'.
  15. I've seem to have come down with a virus then.
  16. I feel that KI will get a GCI or RMC wooden coaster to really top off the line-up. I see that in 2015-17 the park will get many new coney mall flats, PS expansions, and general park improvements and by 2018-19 they will get a new wooden coaster. A top to bottom renovation for The Beast by 2019 (40th anniversary) will also be in the bill. For the 50th I see a Kings Island Museum, Giga coaster, and a full Racer renovation. In that time I predict a removal of Action Theater, A water coaster in Soak City, and a minor family coaster.
  17. One thing that everyone should agree on is that if B&M made a coaster in the style of Maverick or TTD, you wouldn't see it nearly as open as a ride in the style of Diamondback. Physics and natural forces create downtime, not the manufacturer. Intamin doesn't make coasters at a lower grade than B&M for more downtime and a lower price.
  18. RACER!!! But in all honesty I do believe this. Capacity and spieling was awesome. MF comes in close too for the same reasons.
  19. -Age limit is 16 -BE SAFE!!! (Learned the hard way) -always talk to guests, even when you are busy. -Be FUN when you are at the mic. -When in doubt, always double check -Make Freinds! -Work even when you're not being told. -Work Hard. -During your interview mention KIC (That got MAJOR points for me)
  20. One of my least favorite coasters but I can see many people having a emotional attachment to the ride. Just even thinking of my favorite ride The Racer going the same way would make me crushed. I'm sorry for all Rolling Thunder fans out there.
  21. I have a rehearsal starting at 9 on Saturday then a competition later that day which will mean I get home around midnight...net net, I use my Sundays for sleep. There's no way I could go to the park running on such few hours of sleep. If the competion is Kings then you'll get home around 11. If not just sleep on the bus and the thing dosn't start till 11 so you'll get aprox. 10 hours of sleep. If not I'll see you there preforming. Us 3a bands are nice and settled by the time you guys get on the field.
  22. But Maverick is an awesome ride on its own. It could be a parking lot coaster and you would have the same forces if it had the theming it does. Some rides would be pretty bland without any theming like BLSC but Maverick can live without a few lights and props.
  23. What if some girls on this site find Don and Matt hot?
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