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Everything posted by HandsUp

  1. Kids these days will just be playing with their phones I'm sure The duration and frequency of this current event makes it a lot different than The Grind--can't see too many coming out of the woodwork just for this.
  2. The Friday night dance parties in the mid-90s were 'MTV's The Grind' which was a dance party TV show and I'm assuming MTV was owned by Paramount. It was in the waterpark right by what's now Rendezvous Run...I want to say it ran from 8pm-1am on Fridays. I think they had reduced admission after 4 or 5 to draw the crowds. It was an absolute blast to be quite honest. It was the cool place to go for a wide range of teens and had an awesome club vibe that the <18 crowd wasn't used to. For those who had loved KI as a child, it was another reason to still love the place once puberty kicked in. It also made KI a destination for kids who would otherwise be too cool for amusement parks. Skaters, hip-hop kids, J-Lo wannabes, etc. It was where I 1st kissed a massive crush from HS, so that era makes up some of my best KI memories. In retrospect, I'm amazed that they pulled it off as long as they did without major problems or public outcry. I'm sure there were fights, but before camera phones and viral videos it wasn't that big of a deal. Since it was in the waterpark, it was technically OK for girls to just wear bikini tops (ridiculous) and as mentioned, there was plenty of age-inappropriate behavior (sorry for partying). Overall though, the majority who went behaved themselves and had a great time without causing problems. It was the one time that KI drew people who wouldn't normally go to the park and was personally the best thing about the Paramount era.
  3. Seems like a perfect storm of events. It was massively crowded in part due to bussed in kids with no supervision in end of school year mania mode. It was clear as of last week that this crowded environment with passive and overwhelmed staff leads to a lawless situation where guests realize they can more or less get away with anything. Just in a few hours last week I saw multiple instances of vaping both nicotine and reefer (this doesn't bother me), but I also smelled cigs all over the place. There was also rampant line jumping which isn't cool at all-but what is a law-abiding guest going to do? It's not our job to police bad behavior-it is the park's job-and that was not happening. I was a kid in the 80s and 90s and believe me-kids were just as bad then as they are now. So all this pearl-clutching about 'kids these days and the fall of society' is mis-placed. If this had happened in '89, it would have been witnessed by few, spread as a rumor for a time, and then forgotten. This doesn't excuse the act, but we could use some perspective. It definitely doesn't warrant a chaperone policy which will just punish the innocent. As mentioned, being a teen/pre-teen and free to roam in KI is absolutely awesome. It has motivated me to share the park with my own kids. If the sole priority is to get as many people as possible into the park(via cheap passes, group discounts, etc.), there is going to be a point of negative returns in the form of both extreme incidents like this as well as the overall guest experience.
  4. Any new coaster that is not mostly in the woods is a horrendous misuse of KI's geography MTV the Grind was KI's cultural apex
  5. The bluegrass versions of pop songs are kind of cool TBH. Personally, I'd like 90s pop, 80s new wave and pop, classic rock and jammy stuff like the Grateful Dead and Allmans...but that is just me. Also, 'Bittersweet Symphony' should always be played at closing time.
  6. Booked 3 nights at a Lighthouse Point cottage for August...can't wait. Kids have never been and should hopefully be at least 52'' by then!
  7. Thanks--Looks like that promo isn't good for the Lighthouse Point cabins but that's OK....still basically a wash for upgrading to Platinum vs. getting the package that's probably what we'll do. Appreciate it!
  8. Not to hijack--but I have a similar question. The family and I are planning a trip to CP to stay on-site (cottage). We have KI Gold Passes and it looks like it may be a wash to upgrade to Platinum and just pay for our lodging. About how much is it to upgrade (what I saw was ~$80--does that sound right? Also, when booking lodging at CP, is there any discount if you are a passholder? Thanks!!
  9. It's really hard to enjoy yourself there TBH. Every time there it has been extremely crowded which is made worse by not running the slides at full capacity. Add in the criminal lack of shade and it makes me typically skip the whole place. I don't really have a solution, and I'd love for it to be an enjoyable water park, but compared to places like HW it is night and day.
  10. Exactly--it's all about the volume of shared air. Masks decrease the amount of shared airborne particles.
  11. Favorite-Beast is truly a one of a kind, a huge part of my childhood, and always an amazing ride. Least-Invertigo..rough and nearly unrideable IMO
  12. So how are the actual queues going to be handled distance wise? All the cleaning, etc. is great-but the primary way this is transmitted is through breathing other people's air (hence the masks)--and cases have shown that what it can take up to 15 min. of being in close proximity to someone to be exposed--which is exactly what happens when waiting in line. Just curious how they'll get around this
  13. Exactly. The problem is that unless people see this as an actual issue (not just a bunch of annoying rules), the guidelines won't work. If we want to move on with life, then we all need to do our part to stifle the spread--especially if we want to gather at amusement parks, etc.
  14. Only in America does encouraging the public to contribute to public health get condemned as 'virtue signaling' ..lord I hate that word. Let's face it-we're a young and immature nation with very little sense of civic responsibility because we've never known true desperation (famine, war on our own soil, military oppression, etc.) Of course people don't want to wear masks-why would they? Amusement parks are a luxury-not a right. If KI is serious about guest safety, they'll have a zero tolerance policy. Someone gets caught without a mask-the park gets shut down. Positive peer pressure FTW.
  15. True that-But a big part is supporting the actual parishes communities...many would feel like KI is ripping off spiritual practice for their own gains.
  16. More people would resume their normal routine if other people didn't see public health measures as affront to their 'personal freedom'. The people that are going back to restaurants, etc. now are the ones who never thought this was a real issue to begin with-so there's no masks, no distance, etc...which will in turn keep cautious people from even wanting to mess with it. While outdoor parks should be safer-I'm still not sure if I'm going to KI this year. The park can implement whatever policy it wants, but if guests see it all as just a big annoyance and not a real thing, then no measures will be effective.
  17. I get it about a lack of IP. Plus, Cedar Fair seems to be more about thrill rides in general. That said, I would love an addition or a re-design of Boo Blasters. I'd really like a dark ride that was straight up scary. I was really impressed with Gobbler Getaway at Holiday World--It was a lot of fun for everyone with a great narrative that was easy to follow.
  18. This is why I basically trust no one and will be staying away from crowded public places AMAP. I'm glad my kids' summer camp is running because we need the care-but as long as i can camp and play golf I'm going to chill for a bit.
  19. It'll be tough but at least it is something. I am still going to minimize contact whenever possible so would be have no problem scheduling an appointment and coming up just to do Orion then going right back home.
  20. Reminds me of my 1st trip to CP back in the 90s. I was wearing a shirt for my friend's restaurant featuring their annual oyster fest...the back had the slogan, "shuck me, suck me, eat me raw" Never even gave it a 2nd thought TBH, but those CP guys were on me right at the gate. I just turned it inside out and it was no big deal-I get it...was just amazed at how vigilant they were. Funny, I'm offended by plenty of stuff I see people wear that is totally fine by the dress code--political idiocy, religious fanaticism, state worship, Steeler fandom, etc...but I guess you have to have some standards!
  21. I totally agree. Same with going to the beach, bars, ballgames, etc. I simply won't be able to enjoy my time there unless I have some very real assurances that the environment is safe. Those are my chances to unwind and not worry about anything. Of course they are-but being tired of something doesn't change the situation. You can't will normalcy into existence. I'm sick and tired of all of this. I love concerts, sports, golf, and amusement parks-and they have all been taken away. But at this point I've invested far too much into staying safe to jeopardize it by being around a bunch of people who haven't made that same investment.
  22. Hope you're right...but as long as every passing day is another 9/11's worth of American deaths, I'm good with waiting.
  23. Amid all the projections I don't see how they factor in people's willingness to go to the park. Sure you have some that don't see this virus as real at all and I'm sure they'll be there...then those that think careful distancing is enough, etc...but there are plenty (myself included) who have simply invested too much into staying safe at this point to risk it all for a few fun hours at the park. I just don't see how, short of a massive leap in medical assurances, they can project how many would show up if they open any time soon.
  24. Lol at some of these posts. There are no 'sides' to this-there is reality, fiction, and the collective struggle to determine which is which. This is uncharted territory and our leaders (some more than others) are doing what they can to mitigate an awful disease. It is an extreme luxury to be able to dismiss the advice/warnings of experts-it means that you have been spared the worst of it...and that you likely WERE spared the worst because of these 'overeactive' measures. I long for carefree days at the park, taking in afternoon ballgames with huge crowds, etc...but none of that will happen until the general public feels safe enough to make that happen. WE are the economy, and you don't just flip a switch and start things back up.
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