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Everything posted by silver2005

  1. Make sure not to ride Adventure Express with sunglasses or else you'll miss a lot of theming and Easter eggs.
  2. Diamondback currently down. Beast also.
  3. Except the land around Soak City is pretty flat, at least compared to the terrain needed for a decent terrain coaster.
  4. In terms of what average people talk about and praise, I'd say its the B&M trio and Beast. I do think MT has a low key popularity with people thinking since its not very big that its not good only to walk off the ride surprised. I think Racer will come around slowly since it does have the reputation among locals of being rough for so long and many just haven't ridden it post-retrack. I've actually heard a surprising number or normal guests actually like Diamondback over Orion.
  5. silver2005


    I never had a shunt, but 2 summers I had were after major abdominal surgeries and I asked my doctors before doing anything remotely questionable to my health. It sucks, but part of the medical condition thing is gaining the courage to brace for giving up things you were once able to do. I got lucky in being able to retain a vast majority of those things, but the idea of giving up things for my better health are things I would do no questions asked, but with a great deal of grieving for those losses. Ask your doctor and accept your limits, it'll help you in the long run.
  6. I'd also like to know where the Zamperla disappointment comes from. I've never known them to be particularly bad at anything.
  7. KI's past problems with 'giant' flat rides (see Tomb Raider, a Giant Top Spin and Delirium, a Giant Frisbee) may have deterred them from getting the bigger model as well.
  8. I'm hoping for a nice eye catching lighting package on Sol Spin.
  9. ^From what I've heard, Iron Gwazi had a quick transition from testing to opening and HP and RMC may be doing Wildcat similarly.
  10. Is it just me or does Titan Track sound like its pretty loud?
  11. Woot! We have testing! https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=259806769865489
  12. So I did indulge myself in a POV taken this past weekend with the new track (won't post it due to it being questionable on permissions for said POV), and it appears that Grizzly wasn't entirely redone, but a good chunk is. The areas redone are the first drop into the second hill, and the second drop all the way through the fan turn after the tunnel. Could be a multi year thing like Racer if KD is committed to going 100%.
  13. ^That and on the video I posted in the TTD thread it's shown running.
  14. I've seen reports that Iron Dragon opened today.
  15. You know, I just realized the T3 replacement actually could be a coaster. T3 is in that special line of zoning where Kentucky Kingdom can actually build at a decent height. They already have a freakishly tall slide. Eurofighter or Premier launch coaster maybe?
  16. From what I'm aware, the drone footage in this was taken legally and within the proper guidelines. Overall, the track is done, they're adding a bit more bracing to some of the later elements, and getting the queue and locker area finished (the ride has 2 stations a la Flight of Fear or Millennium Force). The red track with the black bracing makes it pop a bit more visually than some other red RMC's IMO. Also like the use of the old track as a nod to the original GCI.
  17. I'm seeing generally positive reviews of GG Grizzly on various forums.
  18. Grizzly opens this weekend! https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=127433030337873
  19. I got the same issue with having to wait until the day before I go to BGW later in July, going with the better weather day if rain is a factor.
  20. Other than the possibility of parts being scarce due to it being a rare model, I don't see how all these Invertigo removal rumors have any traction. Lack of capacity on its own isn't enough for me to see it going.
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