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Everything posted by KIfan73

  1. They must've just done that. I checked just a little bit ago.
  2. Mike, you have the best stories. Glad to see you posting again. Did you ever take any pictures?
  3. KIfan73

    Take a Ride Out

    I think the F/X theater would make a neat setting for a resaurant.
  4. I went to KI in the beginning of October '93. By this point, could all of the remnants of WAH have been removed? I don't remember seeing any part of it on that trip. Oh, to have been able to ride that one more time!
  5. I think everyone that visits this site does their fair share of trying to help Cedar Fair out... Dear Cedar Fair, I could help you out more if you had a nice restaurant to go to, and possibly some more interesting stuff in your gift shops.
  6. A-ha. Thank you. That makes perfect sense now.
  7. It would probably boggle the mind to know what it takes to run an amusement park on the scale of Kings Island. One of the more interesting parts of my trips is to watch people spend money. Standing in line for food, I almost get dizzy when I watch how much people spend and how fast they do it. Despite this, it must not be "enough".
  8. I brought this up in another thread...Any ideas on why Top Gun was designed around the WAH? Wasn't Wild Animal Habitat's last year of operation 1992, with Top Gun's first being 1993? Did they close down the Habitat earlier than they expected?
  9. Unfortunately, instead of deciding what to paint and how to paint it, Cedar Fair is probably doing things like negotiating the price of drink cups, raising the temp of the A/C in the shops, and deciding which parking lot lights can be left off at night.
  10. I meant 45 minutes. This was in early July, and then again during Halloween Haunt. edit: Yes! Post number 500!!
  11. I noticed a few things about TG this past season: The lines for it every time I rode it were in the 45 minute range, even on a weekday. In my opinion, by the looks of it, it has been left for dead. Could it be just because its so far off the beaten path? You really can't see it unless you're in line for it, so maybe they feel money is best spent on rides that are highly visible (Drop Zone, Vortex, etc.) The inclusion of Club Blood's queue in TG's queue really made me wonder about TG's future. By the way, I rode TG in its first season. Awesome theming. I really felt like I was at an airport or something. Lots of flight suits, fog, and other "Flight Deck" theming (sorry, had to do it)...
  12. ...and who knows, maybe that is what as kept KI popular for so long. They still have the Eifel Tower, Fountains, International Street, Racer, etc. etc. They kind of, by default, have a living museum always present. Like a McDonald's with a 1972 decor, or a Chevy dealership with '72 Chevys still on the showroom. And every year in between. You grew up in the '80's? Still parts of it there. Etc., etc. I say, just give the stuff that's always been there its original name back. You still need to add the new stuff to stay alive, just embrace whats already (and has been) there. Yeah, I really agree with the logo, too...
  13. You know, many of us "older timers" on here pine away about either bringing back, or emphasizing KI's history. Its really not that crazy of an idea. Retro has been popular in many other industries the last few years. I don't think it would be that bad of an idea for an amusement park to do the same thing. Thats one thing that the park has going for it already. Look at how much of its past is still there for people to see.
  14. I vote they name it "Der Alte Deutsche Bier Garten"
  15. I'm jealous of you people that are close enough to drive by KI all the time!
  16. To me, its one of those "atmosphere" rides. It gives Action Zone something different than the massive expanse of concrete that it mostly is. I can barely look at the old pictures of that area. Kind of sad when you compare the two.
  17. I'd hate to see them rip out Congo. I hadn't rode it for awhile, and got on it this summer...it is still a really fun ride. Maybe if it was just spruced up a bit.
  18. Can adults get on the FOC, or Beastie, or Scooby Doo, or do you have to be with a kid? I rode Avatar this summer, but wasn't sure what the rule on that is...I'd like to ride it just because I never did, I'm sure I didn't get to ride it when I went in '75 (I'm sure my parents were probably leary of it!).
  19. TopGun, I like those different blueprints I see in your posts. Really interesting to look at.
  20. I actually meant the roller coaster...must have been Beastie,er, Scooby Doo...I actually have a picture of me in the witch's cauldren...I'll have to dig it up...Thanks for the pic TG!
  21. What's the first ride in the video?
  22. OK, thanks. Wow, thats strange. They must not have known exactly when Lion Country Safari was going to close when designing TG. I know that '92 was the last year for LCS, and '93 is when TG opened.
  23. ...orly? LOL you just proved me wrong sorry, that's what I thought, but they are an access road up there as well. Sorry I didn't quite remember complete I was 13 when WAH closed. By the way, do you happen to have a scan of the rest of that map? I was looking at the photo section, and remembered this thread. I'm confused...was the tunnel built for the WAH tracks (which I didn't think that WAH and TG were ever open at the same time), or an access road? I had never really thought about why there was a tunnel there.
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