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Everything posted by KIfan73

  1. I rode IJ last year during FearFest...
  2. I used to be afraid of DZ and Delirium. I finally rode them both. I'm still scared of them, and haven't got back on since.
  3. ^Wow, somebody must really miss Phantom Theatre.
  4. I voted for off-season, just because its such a loooooong winter, and it would be cool to go to the park for an event, just to check it out. For me, KI is getting to be like the NFL or the NBA-the off-season is a season in itself!
  5. You gotta love any company that when you click on "products" its lists various coasters and rides they build.
  6. I like LaRosa's pizza. However, I enjoy BGSS. Its like going back to vintage KI.
  7. Wow, they are really stepping it up this year! Another reason it would be neat to live closer to KI...
  8. I was at the park on Labor Day '04. It was completely packed. Like a Saturday at peak season. BB was also open on that day. I didn't realize they started closing BB earlier. I know they promoted even being open a few more days last week or so.
  9. I hope you don't represent the majority of Cedar Fair employees with your reaction to a season passholder that visits their website.
  10. KIFan73: You jumped the gun on this one before you took the time to research your so called finding. I hate to tell you but the page speaks for itself. As Hauntguy said it states "all events are free with park admission unless otherwise noted" which means you need to click on the link for HH which takes you to the main page of the HH website. If you click on ticket information, then you will see it says "Coming Soon" Like I said in another topic that is similar, Boddah1994 is great at getting out information to us on these forums, why should we doubt him now. Wait until the press release comes out, and then we will all know the truth. "so called finding"??? That sounds like I was trying to find some big hidden secret. I think that anyone that reads that page would think the same thing I did. And, its not "otherwise noted" anywhere that it is going to cost extra. Just because you click a few times and there's a "Ticket" page doesn't mean anything. People without passes WILL need a ticket to get in. I can't understand why so many people on here are dying to be charged extra for something thats been normally been included with admission. More expensive is no guarantee of better. Plus, if you're not that interested in the Haunt stuff, but mostly the rides, its still the same rides that are always there.
  11. http://www2.cedarfair.com/kingsisland/events/events.cfm
  12. Well, when their website has a page that says that events are free with admission, and it shows HH underneath that heading, that tells me a decision has been made. Now, if they're going to possibly resort to playing games, changing their mind, and twisting their policies around after something's already been stated, thats another story.
  13. I just read on PKI.com that all events are FREE with park admission (they include HH). Looks like its free again this year.
  14. Wow, even WF used to be included with your pass. Paramount seemed to definitely be more streamined with their passes. Seeing that old brochure from WF makes me sad. I missed that year and the next, and when I was finally going to be able to go, they quit having it....
  15. ^That is "toying" with the definition of "regular season" since a Gold Pass was good during Fearfest last year and the previous year. I don't know about years before.
  16. The back of my Gold Pass says its good "on any regularly scheduled scheduled operating day of the season". No definition of "season" is given. I'm going to be a little upset if they decide to toy with that definition.
  17. Skylab, I thought, was one of the most fun rides in the park. I would be SO happy to see something go in where the bungee thing is...and if they would RE-OPEN the concession stand there. I HATE to see those things closed up...as well as the one by IJ (behind the tower)...that REALLY bugs me to always see those two closed up.
  18. I talk to lots of people that "casually" visit KI...I live about 70 miles from the park...I believe most people think that the "Kings Island Resort" is part of Kings Island...why wouldn't they? I wouldn't know this stuff if it weren't for this site...
  19. Awesome pics. Thanks for sharing! I'd love to visit that park that is in the pictures...
  20. I would say yes, but on a smaller scale. (only went to CP once, 11 years ago...and got rained out...but thats another story)
  21. Amazing. To me, its almost like Kings Island letting Six Flags build a roller coaster in their parking lot, and letting Six Flags charge people to ride it.
  22. I think that this is proof that somebody that ran Kings Island fell asleep at the wheel at some point. I don't mean Cedar Fair, I mean probably in the 80's. Lots of not so good decisions that have culminated with a beautiful hotel/resort being built practically in Kings Island (GWL), without the park being able to directly make money from it.
  23. 70 miles, 140 round trip. Can be done in a shade over an hour each way.
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