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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. But if it were to save quite a bit on, say, track maintenance costs, it could save them money.
  2. I think the main thing is that it could have EASILY been placed in Action Zone. It would have fit the theme perfectly, and looked much nicer from the top of the Eiffel Tower. (please excuse the poor photoshopping, obviously Slingshot wouldn't be removed)
  3. Not that I knew of. Everyone has to have a gold or platinum pass to enter the ERT area. ...or a Kroger card...
  4. And, honestly, "Tiger Woods has fallen in love with a lot of women." would be a fairly decent explanation which wouldn't convey the full magnitude of what he actually did. (giggity)
  5. I think it's pretty funny. Now, if they added a reference to their very own star's unfortunate mishaps (Miley's pole dancing, Vanessa's... incident) it would be even funnier.
  6. And next on the list of things that KI needs to bring back (along with The Beastprints and the Action Zone sign) is that compass. It's awesome. Even if they replaced the Eiffel Tower silhouette with that CF flag thingy.
  7. That's like a inverting, lying down version of Delirium, right? Like this?
  8. Disneyland was too cheap to bank the curves on the PeopleMover track, so the ride had to slow down for each curve. This put a lot of wear and tear on the wheels. Also, it broke down all the time. And, since the PeopleMover track wasn't made to withstand the forces of Rocket Rods, it started to fall apart.
  9. Mine would have to be the infamous Rocket Rods at Disneyland. Sorry, but it actually looks kind of fun. And the sound that it makes is fairly cool. Too bad they couldn't bank the turns.
  10. The best I could see happening is another Rocket Rods- say it'll open, then it never does, then quietly remove it.
  11. But that doesn't effect KI's profits. It would likely only take a few years of operating costs to add up to the demolition costs.
  12. Or they could always change the way they count their coasters to get the same number. If they don't count Racer as two or Avatar as a coaster, they could easily do that. Also, did park attendance go down when SoB closed? Not noticeably.
  13. Of course, the company could harvest parts, trains, and other elements from the ride that they could resell, and sell pieces of said ride to guests who may want a souvenir to raise money to remove it on some sonny day.
  14. If he didn't want them to be embeddable, you can easily set them to not be embeddable. And if they weren't meant to be shared with the world, there's the "private" option.
  15. The ride, not the riders. Of course, I thought I'd never use "SoB", "well", and "made" in the same sentence.
  16. That sound that the crate makes sounds suspiciously like the sound SoB makes. (well, made)
  17. Is it just me, or are Youtube tags broken now? If I try to put one in, it ends up like this: VPkQotE4Mjs . It seems like the pre-upgrade ones are actually HTML inside the posts, but I'm fairly sure we're not allowed to use HTML.Edit: I just discovered media tags. Nevermind.
  18. I guess this is sort of related, but still... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPkQotE4Mjs
  19. SoB has not had lift lights since it closed iirc. (did it before?)
  20. Just tested it on XP with IE8 and it works fine.
  21. I think "which could either stadium talks" was my favorite part. What were they thinking?!
  22. hates the offseason.

  23. I think it would have been a great idea to give a special deal (50% off, buy one get one, etc) to first-time gold/platinum buyers, because, I think most passholders who didn't go, didn't go because they thought the food would be poor quality, old, or some other reason not to go. Another honorable thing I noticed is that they held it even on less-crowded days. We went once when there were about 10 people there for it. It was far better service than I've ever seen at any of the other KI restaurants.
  24. I really, really hope that the Backyard BBQ will continue. It was, without a doubt, some of the best food I've seen at a CF park. Real cheddar cheese, very good potato salad, unlimited soft drinks, good burgers (in my opinion), good chicken- just all-around good food. I really hope to see it continue!
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