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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. Love how it's been almost three days and the website hasn't been taken down, password protected, or anything. Because that would be too much of a, oh, you know, obvious thing to do.
  2. ...damage to the floor? ...damage to the floor? ...damage to the floor? Did Paramount even consider the consequences of damaging the floor of the Eiffel Tower?! Especially the lower platform!!
  3. Sure. Sure. I think the only time CF gives a crap about theming is October.
  4. Some of it is even fairly inappropriate now. Ironic that the same park also hosts certain concert events...
  5. I wish they'd be a bit more trigger-happy when it came to kicking guests out of the park, or even denying them admission in the first place. I've seen multiple pieces of clothing that, well, there was no way they would EVER be close to being appropriate. One in particular suggested that the person reading the shirt enjoyed copulating with their mother. I was speechless.
  6. marchimini, your signature is far too long. It needs to be six lines or less. Yours seems to be about thirty.
  7. I have seen people smoking, showing far too much affection for eachother, and worse- in full view of KI security employees- and they haven't been kicked out. So I don't even know what you do to get kicked out.
  8. Kings Island seems to be the, well, king of early webpage postings. WIN Also, I find it interesting that it is so different from the other CF shop sites. http://cfmarketplaces.com/
  9. I would love it if they'd have items available on the website for rides that don't usually have merchandise- Flight of Fear, Racer (besides that one shirt), AE, etc.
  10. I mainly put that because RCCA claims that it is a project of theirs, and RCDB agrees with it.
  11. I just can't imagine it would take so long- Knott's got a new one, and they didn't really need it as badly as the former Paramount parks.
  12. I find it to be a shame that they tried to match VisitKingsIsland.com's template. No update anytime soon...
  13. Rollercoaster Corporation of America. http://www.rcca.com/
  14. I would scream if they installed the Dora movie.
  15. It's okay, but it gets really annoying. "OMG! A PICKLE! OMG! IT BOUNCED AWAY!! ROCK-BOTTOM! PLANKTON?!?! HAHAHA! YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T WANT A PICKLE? HAHAHA! *gore*"
  16. I've seen 7th Portal. I think it's a heck of a lot better than SB3D, but, then again, almost every movie is.
  17. I'd love to see the return of Smash Factory. I don't think CF realizes that the only reason Action Theater has low attendance is because they haven't changed the movie in years.
  18. Something on the KI website is inaccurate and totally wrong? SAY IT AIN'T SO!!
  19. Or they want us to start forgetting about Nick now.
  20. Do kids have to be forced to watch Spongebob? Just saying... (and, just for the record, I think Spongebob is terrible )
  21. Just out of curiosity, I'm still trying to figure out why he decided to make that text bright red. (and, I'm fairly sure it may be over the maximum limit)
  22. Yeah, because KI would rather get two more passholders than tear down a ride that has caused many problems for them and is commonly considered by the GP to be dangerous. Good reasoning.
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