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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. I still love how he asked who had ridden the Drop Zone. Somewhere in Sandusky, Dick Kinzel shuddered.
  2. I'm pretty sure the park was more crowded for the 2009 Freedom Concert than it was for the Wallenda walk. It seemed that way, anyway. And I didn't even see any line jumping that day!
  3. When they insinuate that their opinion is the majority when it isn't?
  4. This article contains weasel words, vague phrasing that often accompanies biased or unverifiable information. Such statements should be clarified or removed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Avoid_weasel_words
  5. Do you really think someone is going to look at it and say, "I bet that will give me a neck injury!"?
  6. *kerclick-kerclick-kerclick-kerclick-kerclick-kerclick-kerclick* *WHAMWHAMWHAMWHAMWHAM* *SNAP* *WHAMWHAMWHAM* *hisshisshiss* *whamWHAMwhamWHAMwham* *hisshisshiss* "Welcome back, how was your ride?"
  7. Or they could give CF a very nice amount of money for Great America...
  8. I tried to just put the ones I've heard are rough.
  9. Oooh! Oooh! You can buy SoB stuff... if by "stuff", you mean a sticker included in a scrapbooking kit.
  10. I mean, I can see how he can say that he likes it. But to say that it's not rough just because you like it is... questionable. I love Flight of Fear, but I could admit its flaws. Same with The Beast. Of course, I think Racer is boring, but I can see why some people like it.
  11. I understand that you like it, but how can you say that it's not rough? Um...
  12. I wonder if it had anything to do with the models breaking. Mine has broken twice, I wonder if using a resin allows for them to make it in one piece instead of two like the metal ones. Probably not, but just saying.
  13. I was going to vote for the (CAUTION, SOB_TOM- VENOM ALERT!) fourth option, but then I accidentally null voted.
  14. The merchandise isn't too bad. It's a whole lot better than what you'll find at some smaller parks. I happen to really like the model Eiffel Towers.
  15. The Pagoda Gift Shop would have been a great place, but there's already a gift shop in there. And, at KI, where would you put a Asian restaurant? I guess International Street?
  16. How did they not catch that? I guess they just copy/pasted, but still... I guess working toward safety and clean parks (unlike certain SF parks) is more important than proofreading, though!
  17. Considering that it's fairly unlikely to have ridden all of them, I wouldn't say it's unfair. I probably should have said "roughest CF coaster you have ridden".
  18. I would LOVE to see KI get an Enterprise ride. Yes, I know, we had SkyLab. CP has an Enterprise which is almost empty all the time.
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